Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 139 Ginger is still old and spicy

Chapter 139 Ginger is still old and spicy

Seeing that everyone is quiet, you look at me, I look at you, no one said anything for a while, Chen Daliu didn't care, and continued: "This cow is the collective property of the village, but the commune is also registered. Today I put the big guy To gather together is to ask everyone what they mean.”

As soon as Chen Daliu finished speaking, someone waved their hands without thinking.

"Nothing interesting, of course it did."

"That's right, there's no reason to hesitate." Right now, there is nothing to do, but this might be a way.

"Then kill the cow."

Upon hearing this, someone asked hesitantly, "The people from the commune asked, what should we do?"

"Let me ask you, is the aunt or the cow more important?"

The person being asked immediately blushed, glared angrily at the person who asked the question, and said loudly, "Of course my aunt is important." What do you mean? Although a cow is the life of a countryman, no matter how important a cow is, it can still be compared with my aunt. what.

"That's it."

"I didn't mean that aunts are not important, but that the people in the commune are a bit difficult to deal with. I'm afraid that they will not let go and things will happen. At that time, aunts are recovering. They are so noisy, can't delay things. "

Someone on the side curled his lips: "If you ask, just ask, and if you ask, you will say that the cow is lost." He is not afraid of being punished.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to cope with the past so easily."

"Then what's the matter, the cow belongs to our Niuluo Village, this cow has legs, and if it's going to get lost, we can't help it."

This remark caused the older people to shake their heads: "It's not right. Everyone knows that cattle know the way. This statement is too flawed to be justified."

"That's right." Another old man with gray hair and beard stroked his beard, and added: "At that time, we will say that the cow is lost, and then report to the commune and ask someone to help find the cow."

As for when the time comes, of course, when my aunt's condition gets better and there are no traces of cattle slaughter in the village, I will report the case.

When Chen Daliu heard this, he nodded immediately: "Uncle Li is right." This ginger is still hot, so he can think of any way.

After hearing this, the others nodded in praise.

Isn't that right? In this way, even if the commune wants to blame, the punishment will not be too heavy.

Seeing that no one objected, Chen Daliu raised his hand and said to the quiet villagers: "There is one more sentence, I will put it here first. Our villagers quietly know about this matter." It's fine, it's rotten in the stomach, and no one can spread it outside."

"Village chief, don't worry, our Niuluo Village is not any other village."

"Yes. Don't worry about that, everyone knows the severity."

"That is, if you don't say it, no one will say it outside."

"That's right. The big guy will definitely rot in his stomach, whether he's drunk or sleeping, he won't utter a word."

Who doesn't know that this matter is serious, and if it is said, the whole village will be unlucky.What's more, everyone just wants their aunt to get better, let alone talk about it outside.

"Anyone who dares to speak out will be the enemy of Niuluo Village. Curse him for giving birth to a child without an asshole, choking on water, choking on eating, and falling while walking, making his family unlucky for eighteen generations..."

In the past, everyone would definitely think that this was too much, but this time, no one would think it was too much, and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then everyone will start to prepare, prepare knives, pots and pans, etc., while it is still bright, make them as soon as possible, so that my aunt can get well soon." Chen Daliu ordered Next, everyone dispersed in a swarm.

It was the knife used to butcher pigs last time, and it was sharpened by Li Laohei.

After sharpening it, I picked a piece of grass and tried it on the blade, and nodded in satisfaction. Although it is not as sharp as blowing a hair and breaking a hair, it is still powerful.

Perhaps everyone was discussing killing the cow in front of the cow, so when they were ready and wanted to go over and cover the cow's eyes, the always honest cow refused to let anyone approach him.

I saw the cow whizzing around the tree stump, and even tried to break the leading cow rope to escape. If Chen Daliu hadn't changed the thick leading cow rope from the beginning, and tied it with a thick hemp rope soaked in water. If the cow's neck is broken, it is really possible to break free and run away.

After several rounds, they were unsuccessful, but many people were tired and sweaty, and someone expressed emotion.

"This cow really understands human nature."

If we said that everyone had only a little hope for this method before, then the hope is now a little higher.

The more human this cow is, the better it will be if that aunt uses it.

But no matter who it was, even if three or five people gathered together, they couldn't restrain the bull and let Li Laohei start.

Several times, the young and middle-aged men who volunteered to go up and subdue the cow were almost kicked by the bull and injured.

Here in the tree house, Xiao Hei opened his half-closed eyes, and looked at Bai Xi's bedroom. The sound of breathing inside was light and long, indicating that Bai Xi was still sleeping deeply.

After hesitating for a while, after hearing that two more people were almost kicked by the cow from the exclamation and discussion, Xiao Hei had no choice but to stand up. The master ordered it to watch the villagers, but it could not ignore it.

So Xiao Hei quickly opened the door and went out, then closed the door with his claws, and then went to the center of the village.

Everyone here is still at a loss what to do, someone saw Xiao Hei approaching with sharp eyes.

"Look, Xiao Hei is here."

"Xiao Hei? Hey, really, why did Xiao Hei come here?"

Soon, everyone was attracted by Xiao Hei.

"Hiss, look, what is Xiao Hei holding in his mouth?"

"I don't know, I can't see clearly."

After Xiao Hei approached, everyone knew what it was.

Chen Daliu saw it twice, and subconsciously said: "It's my aunt's dagger." At that time, he was afraid that my aunt would hurt him, but when he saw his aunt, he would use it to peel wild fruits and eat them, and he played with them neatly, and then let them go. Get up and say nothing more.

As soon as the words came out, someone immediately understood: "Auntie also knows?"

"I didn't tell my aunt, but look at this, my aunt should know, right?!" Chen Daliu said uncertainly.

"Whether my aunt knows it or not, we have to take care of this matter!"

Li Laohei was holding a big knife, and he said two more pee pee, staring at the irritable cow with big eyes, as if he would rush over to let the blood out if there was any disagreement.

When other people hear it, don't they!

Xiao Hei walked in from the path that everyone gave way to, and seeing Li Lao Hei staring at He Niu who still refused to admit defeat, he gave him an annoyed look.

Li Laohei swore that he really saw the contempt in Xiaohei's eyes. He scratched the back of his head, trying to say that it wasn't that he was worthless, but that this bull was too strong and difficult to deal with, but even thinking about it, he couldn't listen Knowing animal language, and besides, Xiao Hei came here on behalf of his aunt, so he couldn't be unreasonable, so he could only recognize it by rubbing his nose.

(I'm still continuing to type. Well, Weakly and the cuties are asking for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, comments, and rewards...)
(End of this chapter)

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