Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 149 The angry face is about to be crooked

Chapter 149 The angry face is about to be crooked
"That's right, it's none of your business if we kill the cow. You can't lose the cow. If any village kills the cow, it belongs to your village. Then why don't you say that the beef sold in the city belongs to your village?"

"That's right, do you still have the face, you go to the city to grab beef."

When the cadres of the commune heard this, they immediately frowned: "Don't just talk nonsense, just say what you have, don't talk nonsense." If this is heard, it doesn't mean that the peasant brothers in the countryside are grabbing and biting the residents in the city.

The residents in the city hold the urban household registration, and the commodity food they eat and the meat they buy are all purchased and sold by the state. There is no such thing as eating beef from farmers in the countryside. Besides, the people in Niuluo Village have lost their cattle at this time. .

This is to stir up class conflicts!

Director Zhao, who was older in the commune, said, "You said you just hired a veterinarian for the cow. Why did you kill it within two days?"

"Yes, and why don't you go to the commune to report and register when you kill a cow?"

"This sneaky killing of cattle, you still say that the cattle belong to you, who would believe it!"

"This..." Seeing that Zhou Dahu was at a loss for words, Chen Daliu took advantage of the victory to pursue, and Li Youcai and others also answered each other, which made the people in the new village dumbfounded.

"We searched for four days. The whole village couldn't eat well or sleep well. They looked up the mountain and almost fell into the wolf's mouth..."

"Are you still human? If you want to eat beef, just kill the cows in your own village. Why are you still attacking the cows in our village?"

"Our cows have to stay to plow the fields. I will fight with you..." Chen Youfu said, and he was about to rush towards Zhou Dahu, but Officer Zhao, who had quick eyes and quick hands, quickly hugged his waist and stopped him.

Director Zhao: "No, our leader is here. Don't shout about beating and killing. Let's see what's going on before talking. Don't worry, as long as you are sure, you won't suffer."

"Yeah, you beat someone now, just you guys, do you still want to get out of the village?" Beating someone first, the reason becomes unreasonable.

Chen Youfu was hugged, and seeing that the village chief was also looking at the cadres of the commune with a face of trust, so he could only reluctantly be appeased.

"Then ask the leader to make the decision for us."

"Yeah, the leaders have to decide for us."

"Don't worry, don't worry, the truth will come to light."

As soon as the people in the new village heard it, they immediately became anxious, what is the decision, what are they talking about, why does this sound wrong.

"Okay, don't get excited. Let's investigate first. We'll find out how things are going in a while. Don't move this beef."

The commune cadres first looked at the cow's head and the cut hide. As the old veterinarian said, there were traces of bull fighting. Then they looked at the other three cows in Xiaxin Village. They also had wounds on their bodies, which seemed to be caused by fighting.

What else is there to say, this cow is definitely not from Xiaxincun.

Only foreign cattle will be rejected, and the cattle in Xiaxin Village must want to drive away the foreign cattle, so they kick and kick the slaughtered cattle together.

As for why the people in Xiaxin Village invited old veterinarians to see their patients, it was probably because they wanted to keep the cows in their own village at first, but seeing that it was no longer possible, they gave up their hearts and slaughtered them for meat.

When the cadres of the commune told the results of their investigation, the people in Niuluo Village were even more sad. Chen Daliu and his party stared at the people in Xiaxin Village with red eyes. If Director Zhao and others were not there, they would definitely attack. up.

The people in Xiaxin Village were dumbfounded.

What is this the cow from Niuluo Village?

Some villagers even scolded angrily: "What kind of broken leader, do you understand it? This is the cow of our village."

"That's right, we just pulled it out of the cowshed in our own village, so how come we have become cows in Niuluo Village."

When the cadres of the commune heard someone who was dissatisfied with cursing, their face darkened, and they said sharply: "Not satisfied? Well, I will ask you." Stealing cows and swearing at people?It is simply unreasonable!
"Since you said that the cow is yours, you tell me that these four cows have been together all the time, why did they suddenly fight?"

"I, how do we know? We don't know what that cow thinks."

Officer Zhao also said, "Even if the cow belongs to your village, the cow was sick and only saw a veterinarian. Why did it suddenly kill him within two days?"

Someone answered at the top of his voice without even thinking about it: "It didn't happen suddenly, our village discussed it last night, and today the cattle are slaughtered."

When the commune cadre heard this, he laughed coldly: "Okay, I understand, I just saw the old veterinarian and went through the motions. After all, it's not your own cow, so of course you don't feel bad about killing it."

"not me……"

Zhou Dahu glanced at the unhelpful villagers, and quickly explained to the commune officials: "No, the leader, it's not like that, he's just talking nonsense, but this cow is really from our new village. There are four cows in our village. Everyone knows it."

Chen Daliu immediately shouted from the side: "Who knows if your cattle were killed by you, then you stole our cattle, and now you killed our cattle."

"Shut up, I'm talking to the leader, what's the matter with you." If not for the people from the commune, Zhou Dahu would have called someone to drive these people out. The people in Xiaxin Village haven't gone through what happened last time. Woolen cloth.

Chen Daliu refused to let go, and straightened his neck unceremoniously: "Why is it none of my business? Your village killed our cattle. This is a fact. If you don't give us an explanation today, we won't do it. Just wait. Let's see who is afraid of whom!"

Zhou Dahu still wanted to scold him back, but he saw Chen Youfu looking at him fiercely with his half-white bag on his back. Thinking of the big white tiger in Niuluo Village, he couldn't help curling his lips, pretending that he didn't want to be as familiar with Chen Daliu, while the cadres of the commune continue to explain.

"Leader, don't listen to the people from Niuluo Village, just listen to me..."

"Okay, don't tell me now. I'll ask you again. Cows are collective property, and they are all registered in the commune. Why didn't you report and register in advance when you slaughtered cows?"

Zhou Dahu was stunned for a moment, and quickly replied: "We want to register and report, but it's not too late!"

"I didn't make it in time? Last night we discussed the cattle slaughter, and you told me it was too late?" The commune cadres only felt that they were being played for a fool, and their faces were distorted in anger.

"Leader, listen to me, we really didn't have time, we wanted to come in the afternoon..."

The cadres of the commune raised their hands and interrupted Zhou Dahu's next words: "Okay, don't talk. You are like this, I want to believe that you can't do anything. Even if it was too late last night, let the two go to the commune to report and register this early in the morning. , it’s not difficult at all, is it?”

Isn't this obvious?

In the past two years, it was not that there were no villagers who secretly killed the collective livestock to eat. It is not surprising that the new village will come up with this trick.

(I lost a lot of hair, my head is bald, so miserable...)
(End of this chapter)

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