Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 152 Selling more than 12 is a loss

Chapter 152 Selling one or two more is a loss

"Yes, don't worry, it's not your fault."

Chen Daliu shook his head even more, and refused to agree to anything.

But the people in the commune have been enthusiastically persuading him.

In the end, in desperation, Chen Daliu and the others discussed it in front of the three people in the commune, and cut a piece of meat for each of the three people. If they don't charge money, it's just a matter of asking them to accompany them for a trip, and thank you again. It's a gift.

After saying goodbye to the people in the commune, the ox cart turned onto the road to Niuluo Village.

After walking a little further, Li Youcai asked strangely, "Village chief, why don't we take their money?"

Just now, the village chief refused to take the money from someone. He insisted on chasing after him and returned the money. The commune officer Zhao said he was stubborn.

"Take fart money!" Chen Daliu said bitterly: "It's only a few cents, it's useless."

When the others heard this, they were immediately stunned. Since when did the village head become so rich, he doesn't even care about a few cents.

Chen Daliu was speechless when he saw everyone's eyes.

"Can you be more sensible, if we give them a half a catty, they are too embarrassed to ask for more, but if they agree to sell it, then they will ask for a three to five catties, and we are not at a loss?"

"If they buy it by themselves, it doesn't count. When you go back and tell your relatives and friends, they will ask them to help you buy three to five catties. Shall we sell it?"

Li Youcai was still puzzled: "They also gave the money." There's nothing wrong with buying from multiple people!

"You are stupid, you are really stupid!" Chen Daliu almost poked Li Youcai's head and cursed.

"How much did we sell pork for a catty last time? We sold three of these beef at a fair price from the supply and marketing cooperative. There is no meat ticket yet. We will suffer if we sell one or two more."

Everyone immediately understood Chen Daliu's explanation.

Several people praised Chen Daliu for thinking too far.

Wasn't that right, last time pork was sold at a high price because no meat tickets were charged. With Chen Weiguo here, I am not afraid that the meat will not be sold. Besides, the meat this time may not be sold in the village, and it will be reserved for each family to add a new year's dish.

"That's right, otherwise, how could I be the village chief?" Chen Daliu said with a haughty expression on his face.

It made other people feel that his words and expression were inexplicably familiar, hiss, the village chief is imitating his aunt, and my aunt often said this, 'otherwise, why would I be an aunt'.

Chen Daliu changed his expression after he groaned, and said calmly: "The three catties of meat can be regarded as a good impression. In the future, our village will go to the commune to do business, and the salary will be fine by two points."

After hearing this, several people nodded their heads one after another.

"You two. Really, I told you not to lose the chain, and you have also lost the chain to me." Chen Daliu pointed to the two people who were pinched by him: "If I hadn't reacted in time, I would have revealed my truth."

"Village chief, we are inexperienced!"

"That's right, we will pay attention next time, the first time is raw and the second time is familiar!"

The two apologized repeatedly.

Where did it come from that the first time is a stranger and the second time is acquaintance, this thing can only happen once, people in Xiaxin Village are not stupid.

Besides, if it weren't for the people from Xiaxin Village to poison, my aunt wouldn't let them do it.

As soon as Chen Daliu and the others entered the village, Xiao Hei knew about it.

After hearing what Xiao Hei said, Bai Xi put down the walnuts in her hand.

The walnut kernels were picked up by Xiao Shunzi and the others under the walnut tree. After cleaning them up, they cracked the walnuts before sending them to Bai Xi.

Just like that, Chen Rui was afraid that Bai Xi would hurt her hands if she peeled them, so whenever she was free, she would come over to peel Bai Xi's walnuts.

When Bai Xi led Xiao Hei down half the steps of the tree house, the ox cart also arrived at the tree house.

As soon as they saw Bai Xi, Chen Daliu and the others grinned happily.

"Grandma, we're back." After Chen Daliu and the others yelled, they all laughed together, "Hey..."

"Grandma, this is the money for killing our cattle in Xiaxin Village." Chen Daliu respectfully handed the money to Bai Xi: "The total is 200 yuan."

Bai Xi accepted it casually, looked at the beef on the ox cart, her small face showed a satisfied expression, and her small hands applauded lightly: "Not bad!"

Praise from Bai Xi

"Grandma, we originally wanted the people from Xiaxin Village to pay us a live cow. Who told them to kill the cow indiscriminately, and even killed our cow."

After Chen Youfu finished speaking, Li Youcai continued, "But they said that our cattle were lost, and they had to kindly hold them and raise them for a few days. They also said that our cattle were sick and that they worked so hard to kill them. It's too shameless to insist on sharing the ordinary beef with a shameless face."

Seeing their angry expressions, Bai Xi couldn't help sighing in her heart, she really knows how to act, if she didn't know what was going on, she would have believed it.

"Forget it, after all, it's from a neighboring village. If you don't look up and look down in the future, let's treat it as a disadvantage for us."

After Bai Xi finished speaking, Chen Daliu and the others nodded one after another, and the angry expressions on their faces slowly dissipated.

At this time, people from the village came one after another.

"Grandma, what should we do with this beef?"

"How many are there?"

"Returning to my aunt, there are 73 catties in total here." It was originally [-] catties, so it was three catties that were given to the people in the commune.

Bai Xi: "Then share it with everyone."

After Chen Daliu nodded, he asked again: "Grandma, do you share it with everyone? Do you want to sell some?"

"No need. Sick cow, if other people eat it and cause problems, it won't get better. We can just eat it ourselves." Bai Xi's tone of bite on the word "sick cow" was a bit heavy.

When everyone heard it, they all grinned happily, and the children also drool happily, eating meat again.

That night, every household in Niuluo Village smelled of fried beef.

It's different from the previous few days. Everyone will eat beef in an aboveboard way, and they are not afraid of being smelled by people from other villages.

No one is afraid that this is the saying of sick beef.

Just kidding, my aunt won't hurt them, my aunt eats all the expensive things, and Xiao Hei is picky, so it's delicious.

This cow is not sick, no one understands better than Bai Xi, this cow is just scared by Xiao Hei, can't eat well, can't sleep well, as for it will be attacked by the other three cows, it's just because it smells like Xiao Hei .

Bai Xi shared [-] catties of beef here, and Li Jia quickly sliced ​​it into thin slices, marinated [-] catties with coarse salt, the other [-] catties were eaten by Xiao Hei, [-] catties were eaten, and [-] catties were for Bai Xi A pot full of braised pork was stewed, enough for Bai Xi to eat two or three meals.

The next day, just after Bai Xi finished breakfast, Xiao Hei said that a stranger had entered the village, and then obediently hid.

The people who came were the three people who went to the commune in Xiaxin Village with Chen Daliu and his party yesterday.

It was almost dark when we left yesterday, so the people from the commune did not go to Niuluo Village to investigate, and they couldn't see anything after dark, and they didn't say they would come to Niuluo Village.

I came today without saying hello, just to see the real situation in Niuluo Village.

(It seems that I have not had a day off since Chinese New Year. I need to touch my head.)
(End of this chapter)

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