Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 1802 The Wedding Dress Comes

Chapter 1802 Dozens of Wedding Dresses
After hesitating for a while, Chen Daliu still expressed his anxiety.

Bai Xi smiled and rolled her eyes: "Don't be afraid. The signboard of Baiji is right there. The signboard of Baiji is endorsement."

Most people take the exam for something, to have a good job and support their families.

Based on Baiji's current development, the number of employees in the company has already exceeded 10, not counting the people in Niuluo Village.

After opening a university, will it still not be able to provide jobs?
To put it in detail, Baiji opened a university, in fact, he wanted to directly train talents for Baiji Group.

Although Chen Daliu was worried, it could be seen that Bai Xi didn't take it seriously, and immediately became more confident.

He said to himself, yes, what my aunt said is right, there is nothing to be afraid of, Bai remembers what I was afraid of.

Bai Ji is so good, everyone can see it, if those people can't see Bai Ji's goodness, then they have missed the opportunity.

Baiji Garment Factory has a dedicated team of designers, and now Baixi only does it once or twice a year.

This year's autumn dress design draft has been put into production as early as June, but at this time Bai Xi is sewing a set of wedding dresses by herself in the tree house.

The climate in August is hot, but the tree house is cool.

Bai Xi opened her eyes a long time ago, and she no longer has a round appearance, and her fingers naturally don't look like the short, chubby hands she had when she was a child.

At this moment, her slender fingers were pinching a needle, nimbly shuttled back and forth on the red silk.

On the side, on a two-meter-high shelf, hung five or six sets of white gauze, several sets of cheongsams, and five sets of Xiuhe suits.

Including the set of red Chinese wedding dress in Bai Xi's hand, there are a total of ten sets.


A crisp female voice sounded, and the person standing at the door of the tree house knocked on the door three times, only to get a response, and then stepped in.

The visitor was dressed head to toe in Baiji's latest spring style, a neat lady's suit, a pair of dark red leather shoes on his feet, and his hair was combed high into a ponytail.

As soon as he entered the room, the visitor saw that there was no more tea in the teacup in Bai Xi's hand, so he immediately stepped forward to pick up the teapot and wanted to refill it.

Only when I lifted it did I realize that the teapot was also light, so I carried the teapot into the kitchen to add water.

"Grandma, please drink some water."

The pearl in Bai Xi's hand was nailed, and with a twist of her fingertips, she didn't know how to do it, and the knot was tied.

With a flick of her fingertips, the gold thread in her hand broke, and she immediately put the needle and thread aside.

On the wooden tower, there are several baskets, which are either filled with pearls of different sizes, or filled with gold threads, or some gems and other jewelry treasures.

Seeing Bai Xi stop, Chen Rui took the poured warm honey water and gently put it in her hand.

"Grandma, don't be tired."

"If we get married, and having a wedding makes my aunt so hard, then I won't do it."

Chen Rui is now a strong woman, her name is not as famous as Chen Tianming, but in the industry, no one dares to underestimate her.

She looks like a limp girl, but after getting to know her, she knows that she is a neat person in the world, and she smiles limply, but she can't pull back five cows when she decides.

If those people who made complaints about Chen Rui knew that when she was a child, she was tricked by her aunt Bai Xi many times, and that's why she became like this, or in other words, Bai Xi cheated a lot of juniors at that time, they would probably understand.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Bai Xi said with a smile, "I just happen to have nothing important to do recently, so I'm still idle when I'm idle."

Chen Rui shook her head, she was sitting on the footsteps of the wooden pagoda, with her head resting gently on Bai Xi's knee, she said softly, "That's not it, grandma, she just loves us."

She knew that her aunt felt sorry for the six of them who had been working overseas for a long time and were over [-] years old and hadn't gotten married, so she sewed the wedding dress by herself.

My aunt sewed the wedding dress by herself. Others' eyes are red with envy, but I don't have this chance. The six of them are so lucky.

You know, the outside world doesn't know how many people want to ask my aunt to customize a suit of clothes, even if they hold a lot of money, they are not allowed to enter the door.

Bai Xi touched Chen Rui's head repeatedly, and asked casually, "Is there anything else that's missing? It's been more than a month. If you're missing anything, you can tell me."

It is said that people who are about to get married will be a little nervous, and some even fear marriage. Although Bai Xi thinks that Chen Rui and the six will not be like this, she still asks.

"No, there is nothing missing, aunt, thank you for your concern." Chen Rui's heart was warm.

After saying that, she raised her head, looked up at Bai Xi, and said, "By the way, Auntie, I have discussed it with the other five sisters. Since we have a collective wedding, why don't we use it to publicize our wedding?" Bai Ke?"

Before Bai Xi could speak, Chen Rui explained: "Grandma, look, at the wedding, many of the things we used were made by Baiji, and everything we wore was produced by Baiji. , it’s all in vain, our wedding car is also in vain..."

As expected of a Baiji person, he even thought of getting married as a way to advertise for the company. If Chen Daliu knew about it, he would definitely praise him severely.

Bai Xi thought for a while, and said, "Isn't this wronging the six of you?"

She is a nine-tailed fairy fox, and she doesn't really understand the thoughts of mortals, but she does know that women have many, many dreams about their weddings, such as romance, warmth, retro and so on.

If this link is added, it will not be pure, and it will appear to be more commercialized.

Bai Ji is really rich now, but Bai Xi doesn't know the exact amount, so this bit of advertising popularity is optional.

"Don't be wronged, aunt, how could we be wronged."

Chen Rui smiled sweetly, and said slowly: "Grandma, the six of us held a collective wedding. This is the first time in our Niuluo Village, and it is also a new thing for our Niuluoshan Economic Demonstration Zone."

"Since it is a new thing, there will definitely be many people who are curious to discuss it. We have always attracted attention, whether it is at home or abroad."

"In this way, no matter how we announce the publicity, it will attract many people to watch the fun, so we might as well use it to publicize our Baiji." Chen Rui said, a little embarrassed, "Grandma, it's just a way."

Bai Xi didn't say whether it was good or bad, but just asked with a smile: "Did Xiao Liu tell you?"

It's no wonder that Bai Xi thinks so, since she taught Chen Daliu more than ten years ago to publicize Bai Ji, Chen Daliu would never let go of any opportunity, and it has almost become his habit.

Sometimes, when walking on the road, I would point to a place on a whim: "It would be nice to have a billboard for us here."

Baiji Garment Factory has donated training clothes and competition clothes to Olympic athletes, some food from the food factory has also been selected for state banquets, and milk powder from the dairy factory has been supplied to the athletes of the national team all year round.

(End of this chapter)

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