Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 1812 5 Flowers 8 Doors

Chapter 1812
On the day of the wedding, Bai Xi wore a festive red dress, she was energetic and beautiful, and even Xiao Hei tied a red ribbon around her neck, which made her look even more festive.

As an aunt, she doesn't need to be high-ranking, but every couple will kowtow to Bai Xi in a proper manner before worshiping.

"Grandma Xie is worried about us. We will love each other and support each other in the future. We will be filial to the elders and teach our children..."

Bai Xi sat on the teacher's chair, nodded with a smile: "Okay, okay, get up."

Now Bai Xi is no longer fat or round, but she smiles with crooked eyes, and the villagers feel that they can still see the fairy boy like a doll.

It's just that Bai Xi's eyebrows and eyes have been opened a long time ago, she is beautiful and flamboyant, and she smiles brightly and recklessly, everyone is suddenly a little dazed at this moment, ah, time has passed so fast, my aunt has grown up so much.

But Bai Xi's words are still familiar to the villagers. If everyone hadn't been surprised that she was no longer what she was when she was a child, they probably wouldn't have thought of this incident.

Many media, magazines and newspapers paid attention to the group wedding in Niuluo Village, and naturally there were many reports.

"Advanced" is a magazine under Baiji, so it naturally gets the most information and news, so it lives up to expectations and introduces the procedures and processes of traditional Chinese weddings in Huaguo like a series.

If it was before, no one would have the leisure to understand these things.

However, the movies and TV series produced by Baiji Film and Television Company have opened the window of the world, allowing the world to have the opportunity to understand the culture of Huaguo. Naturally, many people will be curious about Huaguo, a nation with a traditional culture of 5000 years.

Besides, to say something that makes people angry, I don’t know if it’s because some people’s own habits are in vain, and they are more inclined to cooperate with partners who can speak Chinese.

If a representative of one of the competitors can speak Chinese, then the impression points will be good, and if they understand the culture of Huaguo, the points will be even higher.

At this time, the balance naturally tilted. After knowing these gossips, many people who cooperated with Baiji also subconsciously worked hard on this aspect.

So, slowly, there was an unwritten rule in the business world. If you want to reach a smooth cooperation with Baiji, you should be fluent in Chinese and have a certain understanding of Chinese culture.

If you have these conditions, you may not be successful, but if you don't have them, you will definitely not be successful.

Under such circumstances, understanding Chinese culture and learning Chinese seems to have slowly become a trend.

"Advanced" will naturally not let go of this wave of traffic to attract readers.

"Male dragon and phoenix, so you need to burn dragon and phoenix candles when you get married. Dragon and phoenix candles have to be burned overnight. Dragon and phoenix candles are specially made and burn for a very long time. Usually they will burn until noon the next day..."

'The newlyweds sit on the bed, and the corners of their clothes should be knit together, which means that they will be united forever and will never leave. '

"Sprinkle longan, red dates, peanuts and lotus seeds on the bed, implying early birth of precious children, many children and many blessings..."

'Combine the bride's hair. Combing is one of the essential grooming procedures for marriage. There will be elders or old women who have many children and many blessings to comb their hair. Such an old woman will also be called Mrs. Quanfu.Once combed to the head, you don't have to worry about wealth; combed to the head twice, no disease and no worries; combed to the head three times, have more children and live longer...'

There are a lot of auspicious blessings for combing hair, for example, white hair and eyebrows, full of children and grandchildren, good luck and fortune, eternal knot, flying together, etc. This not only expresses people's wishes for a better life, but also shows the traditional Chinese culture. Culture has a long history. '

Let's talk about crossing the brazier. In China, from ancient times to the present, fire has been regarded by people as a gift from heaven. It can burn good luck more vigorously, and can drive away evil and cold. No matter what it is, stepping over the brazier will be smooth from now on , good luck.

The six rites and ceremonies of Chinese traditional weddings are Nacai, Asking Names, Naji, Nazheng, Asking for a Date, and Greeting in person.

Nacai is the current marriage proposal. When the man is interested in the woman, the man will ask a matchmaker to propose to the woman's family with a gift.After the bride's family agrees, they accept the engagement gift from the man's family, which is called accepting.

The man asks the matchmaker to go to the woman's home, ask the woman's name and horoscope, and see if the two are compatible, which is called "kan horoscope" today.

It is a good omen after asking the name, and the man will send a matchmaker to present a small gift to the woman's family to inform the woman's family that the marriage proposal can continue.Now it is called "Xiaoli".

That is to formally send the betrothal gift, and the man will give the gift money, gift cakes, gifts and sacrifices to the woman's home, which is now called "overdue gift".

There are many kinds of gifts, but in different periods, the gifts given are different. When you are hired, if you can hunt a pair of wild geese to give them to you, it will be a supreme honor and the envy of everyone.

Of course, in addition to wild geese, there are other gifts that symbolize a beautiful couple, which is very important.

Next, after the man's family asks Mr. Ceming to choose a wedding date, he sends someone to inform the woman's family and ask for her opinion, which is now called "choosing a date".

The groom takes a limousine to the bride's home to meet the bride.

On the day of welcoming the bride, the man's family carries the sedan chair to the woman's home.After a series of etiquette, the elder brother of the bride will carry the bride into the sedan chair, and then rush to the man's house.

Of course, when the man came to welcome the bride, before entering the door, he would be blocked by the woman's relatives, usually younger brothers and sisters.

This means that it is not easy to marry a bride, so the man must know that getting married is not easy, and he must cherish and love his wife more in the future, support each other, and love each other.

After arriving at the man's house, the worship ceremony will be held immediately.Worshiping hall is also called "worshiping heaven and earth", and the worshipers issue orders: first bow to heaven and earth, second to ancestors, third to high hall, and husband and wife to pay homage.Then, under the guidance of the congratulators, the newlyweds bow to the elders of the male family one by one, and then to the guests and friends.

After the worship, the host family will hold a wedding banquet to entertain relatives and friends.

On the night of flowers and candles, girls and boys break into the bridal chamber or make noise outside the bridal chamber, making it impossible for the newlyweds to sleep peacefully.

There is also such a ceremony in the new house, commonly known as handing over wine. Of course, in ancient China, it was called Hebei wine.

'He 卺 (jǐn) wine, in the ceremony, a gourd is cut into two gourds, and the handles are connected with a thread. The bride and groom each take a gourd to drink, and drink a gourd together, which symbolizes that marriage will unite the two people, that is, Now the cup of wine. '

Although in modern weddings, people no longer use 卺 to hold wine, but still use the line-connected hand-cup wine, which still retains the meaning of "combining two into one" between husband and wife.

Drinking together wine not only conveys that the husband and wife are united as one, and symbolizes that the husband and wife will always be united and never separate, but also has a deeper meaning.

In ancient times, wine was made from home-grown grain, with a very low alcohol content and a sweet and delicious taste, similar to drinks such as fermented glutinous rice and fermented glutinous rice.Pour the sweet wine brewed by the new couple's parents into two bitter gourd gourds, implying that the husband and wife will share joys and sorrows and share weal and woe.

(End of this chapter)

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