Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 1817 There Are Good Things Underground

Chapter 1817 There Are Good Things Underground
Baiji Jewelry was opened immediately after Baiji Cultural Entertainment Film and Television Company. In accordance with Baiji's habit of setting up factories and opening stores, it has established jewelry stores in major provinces and cities.

Bai Xi designs extremely exquisite jewelry with exquisite forging technology. Even the simple materials of gold and silver, the exquisite style attracts female consumers to put it down.

In just three years since its establishment, Baiji Jewelry has become a luxury brand in the jewelry industry. Every year, the main products are very popular before they go on sale.

In many cases, before the sales start, the price has already started to increase again and again in the market.

If you want to buy the top-line jewelry in Baiji Jewelry, you don’t even think about it if you don’t have a Baiji Black Diamond Card, and the consumption required by Baiji Black Diamond Card is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

However, the positioning of the jewelry of the top jewelry line is not for ordinary people. On the contrary, because of various restrictions, it seems that Baiji jewelry is more luxurious.

Even if ordinary consumers may not be able to buy a piece of top-line jewelry in their lifetime, Baiji Jewelry still attracts everyone's yearning. After all, even if it is a normal line, the style is much better than other jewelry stores.

Of course, the price will be slightly higher, but consumers, especially female consumers, have no resistance to beautiful things, and jewelry is different from daily consumption of food and drink, so the sales of Baiji jewelry The amount has remained high.

Speaking of it, Zhang Qiutian was a little surprised that Bai Ji entered the jewelry industry, but he was not surprised.

Since Bai Xi has to use real jewelry in filming, it is not surprising that Bai Ji will reach out to the jewelry industry by the way.

Even if he is a big man, he has to admit that the jewelry styles of Baiji Jewelry are really beautiful.

There are simple styles for simplicity, exquisite styles for exquisiteness, gorgeous styles for gorgeous ones, simple and delicate ones, delicate and gorgeous ones, and gorgeous and bright ones that fascinate people at first glance.

The slogan of Baiji Jewelry: A beautiful life requires delicacy, and beauty needs inheritance.

The MV of the advertisement is also a story of a small plot. Women who buy jewelry can not only wear it themselves, but also pass it on to their children who grow up and get married, and pass it on from generation to generation.

There are three advertisements, but each one not only points out the exquisiteness of Baiji jewelry, but also tells consumers that Baiji jewelry can be passed down forever and never goes out of style.

At this point, the consumer's psychology is grasped. If you buy it, you can wear it now, and you can give it to your children in the future. This is also a manifestation of savings and financial management.

Buy it or not?
Of course I want to buy it!
Huaguo has a large population in the first place, and it is the main hidden consumer group and market in the future.

Huaguo also loves gold and jewellery. If you don't have money, it's fine. If you have money, whoever doesn't want to buy a piece or two of jewellery.

It was restricted more than ten or twenty years ago, let alone poor and unconditional, even if you have gold earrings and gold necklaces at home, you dare not wear them.

But now, if you can wear it grandiosely and buy it when you want, the result can be imagined.

Zhang Qiutian remembered again, what Bai Xi said, among consumers, the main consumer group is female consumers.

So, maybe Bai Xi is also a lesbian, so she understands the psychology of female consumers? !
Baiji Jewelry's flagship jewelry this year is the fox, so Baixi's earrings and pendants are diamond foxes, and the same series of diamond foxes are worn on her wrists.

This set of jewelry styles was designed by Bai Xi herself. There are only nine sets in total, and each set has a different shape. It can be said that each set is out of print.

Of course, the price is naturally extremely high, but in the jewelry collection industry, it is the most popular.

Now Chen Daliu blinked his eyes, frowned slightly, with a troubled expression on his face.

My aunt is good-looking, just like a fairy girl, and her clothes are also good-looking. Anyway, besides being good-looking, she is still good-looking. How can my aunt be bad?

Chen Daliu didn't quite understand, he pondered for a while, only to feel more at a loss, it's pretty good, why can't my aunt say it wrong?
Seeing that Chen Daliu didn't understand, Bai Xi smiled and didn't say any more: "It's all right."

"By the way, how is the purchase of the land in Feinan?"

As soon as he talked about the business, Chen Daliu was distracted.

"Returning to my aunt, Chen Tianming and his team have successively purchased a lot of hilltops and land in Africa, Australia, Zaire, Botswana and other regions in the past few years. The exploration team is in progress. Exploration will not affect the supply of raw materials for jewelry from Baiji..."

Seven or eight years ago, Bai Xi had already arranged for Chen Tianming and others to start buying land in Africa and other places.

Unlike Huaguo, overseas land is allowed to be privately owned and can be bought and sold.

Bai Xi didn't go abroad, and it's hard to know where there are raw materials and minerals because it's too far away, but Xiao Hei can.

Therefore, Xiao Hei has been going abroad by boat from time to time in the past few years.

It likes the matter of stretching the territory the most, and it is still a business trip at public expense.

Along the way, everyone listened to it, whichever place it said it would want, and the feeling of pointing to whichever place it was, let alone how comfortable it was.

Naturally, Bai Ji's actions couldn't be hidden from Hua Guo. The public was very puzzled by this. There is not enough Bai Ji tossing around in the country?
Those places are either mountains or deserts, or dense forests, let alone people, places where birds don’t shit, why are you interested in nothing?
Even if Bai Ji wanted to find a cheap place to set up a factory and reduce labor production costs, many places in Huaguo are suitable, why did he go outside?

Is this to transfer the industry?
As soon as this idea came up, it was rejected immediately.

Bai Ji can't, for all these years, no matter which industry Bai Ji enters, the headquarters of Bai Ji is in Huaguo, in Niuluo Village.

Today, Baiji is on the path of high-tech industrial development proposed by Bai Xi.

Now Huaguo not only has the traditional manufacturing industry, high-tech industry, entertainment industry, but also the developing digital electronics industry, all of which are important.

It is also an important industry supporting Huaguo's economic development. Coupled with the rapid development of the agricultural and sideline products industry, Huaguo is now full of confidence.

Moreover, when Bai Xi participated in the highest-level economic conference in China two years ago, he mentioned that he wanted to enter the Internet industry, and that he would focus on the development of the Internet industry in the next ten years.

The words have just been said, where will they run.

The roots of Niuluo Village are in the country of Hua, and the people of Niuluo Village are so nostalgic for the past and respect the rules. As the aunt of Niuluo Village, it is even more impossible for Bai Xi to take the whole village to transfer the property overseas.

To put it bluntly, there is no more suitable place in the world than Huaguo.

"Bai Ji bought land everywhere, is there any explanation for this?"

Faced with Zhang Qiutian's inquiry, Chen Daliu shook his head without thinking: "There's no reason to say, just buy and buy casually, and when they develop later, they can resell and earn a fortune."

He said to himself, I can't tell you, the 'Little Black' brand prospecting machine said, these places we bought in vain, there are good things underground, right?

(End of this chapter)

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