Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 195 Take the opportunity to make a request

Chapter 195 Take the opportunity to make a request

"What are you doing here again?" Bai Xi glanced at Lu Chen, and then at the fish catcher in the pond.

"Xixi." Lu Chen: "I'm leaving."

The transfer order came suddenly, and Lu Chen never expected that he would only stay in He'an City for half a year. He thought it didn't matter where he went before, but now he is reluctant to leave.

"Oh." Bai Xi answered without distraction, expressing that she was listening, but her eyes kept staring at the pond, calling out to instruct the people below to catch fish from time to time.

"Over there, hurry up, there are two of them."

"Little Shunzi, you are so stupid, why are you rolling in mud if you are asked to catch fish?"

"Congzi, there are two behind you, just that, yes, yes, you are so stupid..."

"Xiaoshanzi, hold the fish in your arms tightly, and I will give you a credit later."

Seeing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but feel a little helpless, this little girl has no conscience.


Hearing this, Bai Xi turned her head to look, her small face was full of surprise: "Hey, are you still there? Didn't you just say you were leaving?"

Lu Chen's forehead twitched, why did he think that this little girl did it on purpose?

Bai Xi did it on purpose. The fish catchers below were all distracted, as if they were afraid that she would disappear. There is no fish catcher who doesn't look at the fish, but secretly looks at the fish on the bank.

And she doesn't have the heart to talk to Lu Chen, if he pushes his nose and face and yells to recognize her as his daughter, it will be a waste of time.

"Xixi, I'm going to be transferred from here." Lu Chen said helplessly, and then, without waiting for Bai Xi's answer, and he didn't think Bai Xi would have any good reaction, he asked directly.

"I wanted to ask you if you would like to go with me. Although the place is tough, you will not be short of food and clothing. You are almost at the age of school, and you will not get any good education if you stay in the village."

Seeing Bai Xi turned her head and looked over again, her round eyes were full of surprise, Lu Chen smiled and continued, "However, I know you won't be willing."

Bai Xi nodded, yes, she would not be willing.

In fact, Lu Chen also understood that seeing Bai Xi nod at this meeting, he was still a little disappointed.


Bai Xi tilted her head to look at Lu Chen, and then looked at the person who made a lot of jokes because she didn't concentrate on catching fish. She was smiling and her voice was sweet and crunchy.

"I am the aunt of Niuluo Village!"

These words seemed to answer Lu Chen's question, but they didn't seem to say anything, but Lu Chen somehow understood Bai Xi's meaning.

Lu Chen thought for a while, but still wanted to win, and said, "Actually, there will be many people over there, and there will be many children of your age. You can also play together."

Bai Xi rolled her eyes and said angrily, "I'm not a three-year-old child, I don't like to play."

Haven't you seen that she has a village of people who want to support her?

The flower spirits have all run away, and if she leaves again, what will the people of Niuluo Village do?

She ate fine grains, bird eggs, and eggs, and received filial piety from all kinds of villagers. The villagers all protected her and guarded her. Not to mention that Bai Xi didn't know Lu Chen, even if she did, she wouldn't leave with Lu Chen .

Lu Chen couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, what else did he want to say, it can be seen that Bai Xi didn't care to listen, so he stopped thinking.

"Xixi, take care of yourself, and I will write to you."

After a pause, he said again: "Go to school during the Chinese New Year, so that you can understand my letter to you." For some reason, he always felt that he would miss a lot of things, and, as if he had missed it before .

Bai Xi: "..."

Lu Chen didn't stay for long, less than half an hour before and after.

After he left on his bicycle, the people in Niuluo Village were completely at ease.

Master, I didn't notice his aura.Xiao Hei stared at the direction where Lu Chen left, and whined to Bai Xi in a low voice.

Hearing this, Bai Xi immediately turned her head to look towards the entrance of the village, surprised: "Xiao Hei, you said you didn't notice it?"

right!It was only after I saw him that I realized he had entered the village.Xiao Hei answered seriously.It also hesitated for a while, and then stared at Lu Chen to leave. It clearly saw the person, but it didn't feel the breath, so it told the master.

Bai Xi used her supernatural power, and soon found Lu Chen who was leaving at the entrance of the village, her brows were furrowed, it was not that there was no breath on Lu Chen's body, but the breath was faintly visible, if you don't pay attention, you won't feel it at all.

All the fish caught were to be sent to the big barrels on the shore. The person who brought the fish to the shore saw that Bai Xi was staring at the direction Lu Chen had just left, and couldn't help but follow her.

Chen Xiaocong asked cautiously: "Grandma, what are those four bags here for?"

He was not far below his aunt just now, but he didn't hear what the two said, so he was very curious.

It’s true which pot is not mentioned and which pot to open. Didn’t my aunt think about it.

"Are you Pi..." Chen Daliu just yelled, when he suddenly felt a displeased gaze sweep over him, subconsciously looked, and saw Bai Xi was looking at him, immediately swallowed the rest of the words, and quickly changed the subject: " Do you want me to loosen your muscles?"

Huh, I almost forgot that my aunt doesn't like hearing this.

That's right, didn't the young man scold his aunt, it's normal for his aunt to hold a grudge and not want to listen.

"Oh." Bai Xi looked away, and said casually: "He came to tell me that he was transferred away and was going to a far away place. He asked me if he wanted to come together, but I refused."

Bai Xi said it directly without any intention of showing off.

Seeing Chen Daliu let out a few obvious breaths of relief, she couldn't help feeling amused.

"Looking at you one by one, are you so afraid that I will run away?!"

Everyone hurriedly nodded, isn't it? No one in Niuluo Village can't be missing without aunt, right? Who would be willing to let aunt leave.

Chen Daliu sniffed and choked: "Grandma, if you leave, we won't have grandma."

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became a little strange.

Seeing everyone staring at him, Chen Daliu couldn't help but wondered, "What's wrong, I'm not wrong."

"Could it be that you think your aunt isn't in the village?"

Bai Xi really wanted to roll her eyes at Chen Daliu, after all his voice was sobbing, it sounded a little weird, as if she was going to die.

However, Bai Xi was obviously used to Chen Daliu's occasional IQ misalignment, so he simply ignored these words automatically.

"Then you have to listen to me. Don't let me go down the river or go up the mountain. I'm an aunt." Bai Xi rolled her eyes and mischievously took the opportunity to make a request.

Although she can do whatever she wants, but every time afterward, she is surrounded by a group of people who are earnestly speaking, many of them are over 60 years old, Bai Xi can't get angry, and she can't get angry, so she feels as speechless as she wants. up.

Every time, Bai Xi has to rack her brains to find a reason to escape by pretending to be asleep, but this is not a long-term solution.

(I think you guys are forcing me to give spoilers. Like I said, there is no plot of the male lead yet. Bai Xi is only six years old, and still a child.)
(End of this chapter)

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