Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 199 is the most beautiful

Chapter 199 is the most beautiful

The post office clerk smiled and said a few more words.

This little girl is not very old, and she never made a mistake in writing her own name. Looking at her appearance again, she is fair and beautiful, smart and clever, and her clothes are clean, not to mention that she is not patched. She doesn't look like a village girl at all. girl.

Everyone guessed that the little girl was sent here every month because the family had no other choice but to foster relatives in the countryside. They were afraid that she would be wronged.

That is to say, Chen Daliu didn't know the surprise in the clerk's heart, otherwise, he would have said arrogantly, what's the matter, our aunt is so smart, what's the point of writing names, our aunt has a good memory, what happened to the country girl, our aunt It is beautiful, the most beautiful.

"Would you like to open it?" the clerk asked.

Bai Xi shook her head: "No need, it's not easy to take it with you after opening it, so let's open it after you go home."

Hearing her words, the clerk nodded, showing regret on his face, and originally wanted to talk about seeing something new.

Over there, Chen Daliu had already helped the people in the village to send telegrams to the children outside, picked up the letters, and sent them. When he came over to take a look, he was also surprised: "Grandma, this time the package is so big."

Bai Xi nodded and signaled Chen Daliu to move the package to the cart.

In fact, Bai Xi can come by herself, but her seven-year-old girl casually picked up a package weighing more than 60 kilograms, which would scare people's jaws off.

Speaking of which, Chen Daliu also admired Lu Chen a little. He mailed things to his aunt every month, from food to clothing, people who didn't know would think that his aunt was Lu Chen's real daughter.

Last month, some military cloth tickets, shoe tickets, pastry tickets, and sugar tickets were sent along with the letter. The key point is that my aunt and grandma never replied to the letter, but the letters and parcels were delivered without delay.

Chen Daliu could only say that this man really went all out to have a child.

That's right, up to now, people in Niuluo Village still think that Lu Chen treats Bai Xi well because of Bai Xi's blessing, and they want to have a son and a half daughter by luck.

Chen Daliu refused the post office clerk's help, stooped to luck, picked up the big package, hummed and went to the bullock cart parked at the door, just kidding, it's only more than 60 catties, how can it be difficult to stop him.

When Chen Rui saw Bai Xi coming out, she immediately took her hand and said in a low voice, "Grandma, look, that's someone from the new village."

Bai Xi fixed her eyes upon hearing the words, she was still an acquaintance.

Zhou Dajin looked familiar at Chen Ruishou's ox cart at first, but he didn't expect to see Chen Daliu and Bai Xi coming out of the post office not long after.

Seeing Bai Xi at the first glance, Zhou Dajin was stunned for a moment, and quickly remembered what happened to Xiaxin Village, then hummed softly, turned his head away, and left quickly.

Bai Xi: "..."

A little speechless, she turned her head and asked, "Xiaorui, is there anyone bullying you?" If the people in the new village don't know how to flatter you, then don't blame her for letting Xiaohei go.

At this time, Xiao Hei in the village sneezed for no reason, shook his head strangely, and continued to lie down under the big tree at the entrance of the village.

"No." Chen Rui smiled: "Grandma, how could someone bully me?"

It happened to be working hours, and there were people coming and going on the street. Where would anyone dare to do anything, she would not let others bully her.

Bai Xi took Chen Rui to the Supply and Marketing Cooperative and bought fifty books. At first, she wanted to buy two for Chen Rui, but after thinking about it, there were quite a few children going to school in the village, and as an aunt, she couldn't favor one over another , So I waved my hand and bought fifty copies.

A notebook costs two cents, and fifty copies cost only one yuan. After thinking about it, Bai Xi bought another fifty pencils and spent another one yuan.

Fortunately, the notebook and pencil don't need coupons, otherwise, her aunt would not be able to be generous.

Bai Xi is not interested in the department stores in the county town, there are only a few kinds of pastries, Bai Xi is already tired of eating, and she is not short of clothes now, but she still takes Chen Rui to shop.

Someone had to watch the ox cart, and besides, there were packages and other things on the ox cart, so Chen Daliu could only watch the ox cart, while Chen Rui and Bai Xi walked into the department store.

Before going in, Chen Daliu exhorted Bai Xi and Chen Rui respectively.

"Grandma, you go shopping first, if you need anything, come out and tell me, I'll go in and buy it for you."

"Chen Rui, don't run around, and don't get dazzled by seeing new things. You have to watch out for Auntie, don't lose Auntie, remember?" Different from being gentle and gentle with Bai Xi, with Chen Rui, Chen Daliu had a serious expression on his face.

Chen Rui nodded, and before she could speak, Bai Xi interrupted: "Okay, okay, what are you talking about, I'm an adult, and it's not the first time I've come here, so I can't get lost."

"Grandma, am I afraid of bad people?" Every time Chen Daliu accompanied Bai Xi into the city, he was always in a state of turmoil, afraid that someone would target Bai Xi and snatch him away.

There's no way, their aunt is so kind, blessed, good-looking, and easy to be missed.

Bai Xi: "I really want to meet a bad guy, let him see how good I am."

Recently, Bai Xi feels that it is too difficult to make money to buy new clothes for the whole village, so maybe there is another way.

At this moment, she wished that someone would come to find trouble, and then she would make a fortune.

Chen Daliu was helpless towards Bai Xi. My aunt had her own ideas this year compared to last year, but he did not forget to tell Chen Rui with his eyes, and Chen Rui naturally nodded obediently.

Bai Xi pulled Chen Rui, flicked the lucky bag on her head, and the two entered the department store.

"Grandma." Seeing many people inside, Chen Rui squeezed Bai Xi's hand nervously.

Bai Xi patted Chen Rui's hand reassuringly: "It's okay, you can look at whatever you want, you don't want to steal or steal, and you don't need money to look at it, so you can rest assured to look at it, anyway, I don't have money to buy it for you."

Bai Xi said the last sentence so calmly that Chen Rui, who was originally nervous, laughed all of a sudden.

"Grandma, I don't want anything."

Seeing that Chen Rui was not so nervous anymore, the two started to stroll around.

Butter cakes cost two yuan a catty?There is also a catty of food stamps, Chen Rui calculated in her heart, she couldn't help being speechless, she got fifty notebooks and fifty pencils.

Seeing the familiar hair rope, Chen Rui touched the hair rope on her head and smiled at Bai Xi. She also has this hair rope, which was given by her aunt. She not only gave it to her, but also gave it to the village children aged three to ten. The female dolls all gave out one hair per person, and the little Shunzi who got it all envied and wanted to be female dolls.

Hey, canned food is so expensive.

Just passing by, when she heard someone buying canned food, Chen Rui poked her head and looked at it, and exclaimed in her heart, one canned food is so expensive, how much would it cost if she ate two bites of canned meat from her aunt last time.

No wonder her parents said that she was lucky, she won the eyes of her aunt, and her life would get better and better in the future.

(Tummy trouble, the update is late. I apologize to the little cuties who have been waiting for the update here, sorry.)
(End of this chapter)

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