Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 2 was pitted

Chapter 2 was pitted

Bai Xi took a breath, opened her eyes, and was carefully helped by the woman beside her.

The discomfort in her throat caused Bai Xi to cough a few times. She looked up and saw the village chief's eyes were red and looked at herself with concern. She said rudely: "What are you looking at me, take me back first. ."

No one thought it was strange.

The village chief responded in a hurry. He originally wanted to call someone to send it, but in the end, he was worried, and he and his wife, together with the woman who had just performed CPR, sent Bai Xi home.

With the crowd behind his back, the village chief silently wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.

It scared him to death just now, if my aunt really had something wrong, how could he have the face to stay in this Niuluo Village.

Behind, others followed a few steps. Bai Xi turned her head and waved impatiently: "Okay, I'm fine, you can leave."

Others, you look at me, I look at you, in the end the obedient stopped.

"Auntie, walk slowly."

Hearing the exhortation from behind, Bai Xi's mouth twitched, and she endured it.

There is a huge tree near the end of the village in Niuluo Village. I don't know how many years it has grown. It takes five adults to barely hug.

There is a house built on the huge branches of this big tree.

Bai Xi and his party walked to the big tree and stopped.

"Auntie, shall I hold you up?"

"No need!" Although he was choked with water, Bai Xi's voice was still milky. This little adult's tone and waving made people want to laugh, but none of the three village chiefs dared to laugh.

Thinking of Bai Xi who woke up after falling into the water, the three of them still had lingering fears in their hearts.

God bless, they didn't take away their aunts heartlessly, otherwise, how could they have the face to meet their ancestors.

No one thought that it was strange that Bai Xi, who had just recovered from the brink of life and death, did not cry or make trouble and was not frightened. The number of times their aunt had cried since birth can be counted on one hand.

As for being frightened, my aunt has always been big-hearted, so I think it's not a big deal just to play with water, right? !
Looking up at the tree house, Bai Xi's mouth twitched. Although she is a nine-tailed fox, she doesn't necessarily like living in the tree house, but this is indeed the home of the little girl's body that she occupies.

So she took short legs, stepped on the wooden ladder, and walked up step by step.

The three village chiefs were not worried about Bai Xi, who had just fallen into the water, and naturally followed.

Stepping feet took out a copper key from the tree hole next to it and opened the old-fashioned door lock. Bai Xi was the first to enter, and the three people who followed the room started busy without anyone opening.

The village chief boiled water and boiled ginger soup, and his wife and old Chen's wife changed Bai Xi's clothes together.

Unlike people at this time who lacked food and clothing, Bai Xi's body was white and tender, and the newly changed clothes were also [-]% to [-]% new cotton, and the shoes were also soft cotton shoes.

Originally, Bai Xi wanted to wear it by herself, but the village chief's daughter-in-law and old Chen's daughter-in-law refused to let her, and they all shouted that she must be exhausted. Bai Xi couldn't compete, so they had to let them.

Bai Xi had drunk the ginger soup, but the three village chiefs refused to leave. The three of them kept Ai's instructions for a while, and when Bai Xi almost got angry, they left.

When there was no one at home, Bai Xi looked at the little girl who had been with her all the way.

What do you want?
I want you to protect the villagers of my Niuluo Village, my clansmen, so that they will not suffer from hunger or cold.

Bai Xi: "..."

That's right, the one who came back from the outside is the soul of the original owner.

Since you can't let it go, why don't you take care of it yourself.

The little girl's face was a little disappointed, and she quickly said angrily, "You control me. In short, if you use my body, you have to take up this responsibility, otherwise, you will return my body."

OK, I'll pay you back!

The little girl didn't expect Bai Xi to say this, she was dumbfounded and waved her hands quickly, no no no, please don't!

mock up!

Dare to threaten me!

Bai Xi casually glanced at the little girl, she was a nine-tailed fox, and she was at the level of a quasi-god when she wasn't struck down by the Nine Heavens Divine Lightning, so she wanted to play in front of me.

I, I... you don't do this, my body, you can use it, can't you help me, my clansmen are not bad people, they are very good.The little girl changed her tone and pleaded.

Bai Xi didn't say whether to agree or not, just asked lightly, then tell me first, how could you be a mortal living here?
The little girl raised her head suddenly, surprised, do you know my body?

nonsense!Bai Xi rolled her eyes, I am a nine-tailed fairy fox.

Nine-tailed fairy fox?

The little girl was stunned for a moment, something flashed in her eyes quickly, and then she turned and ran away without a word.

It will be Bai Xi's turn to be dumbfounded. I am a nine-tailed fairy fox, and I am not a flower eater. What are you running?

Just listen to the little girl who has run far away and leave a sentence, my time is up, I am going to start the next life, since Sister Xianhu has used my body, please treat my mortal clansmen and juniors kindly.

How did Bai Xi know that she casually stated her identity, and even made the little girl run cleanly and neatly.

But the little girl was right, since she used her body and was reborn in this village, she had to suffer the karma, and she couldn't push it away.

But being willing and being forced to accept it are two different things.

Thinking of her dignified nine-tailed fairy fox, when did someone dare to make her shriveled, she... well, let's not mention Ying Ying, anyway, she can only grow up in this body and live through this life.

He looked down at his body, short hands and feet, but only five years old, but because of his seniority, no one in the village dared to be disrespectful.

The people of Niuluo Village have strict rules. Of course, there are not too many rules. Just one, they must be filial to those who are older.

In the little girl's memory, Bai Xi got all the information.

Her old daughter, her parents are only her daughter, but when she went out of the village to the town to go to the town to buy things half a year ago, she encountered a heavy rain and fell off a cliff and died. If it weren't for her seniority, Niuluo Village would be very disciplined. , In such an era of lack of clothing and food, where can she eat fat and fat, it is good not to starve to death.

Bai Xi was so depressed at home, and in a blink of an eye, it was dark.

The dinner was brought by the wife of the old Chen family, a fried potato with oil residue, a steamed egg, and a large bowl of porridge.

Don't look at this rough meal, this is already the best meal in Niuluo Village.

Since Bai Xi's parents died, [-] families in the village have taken turns to deliver meals to her, and her rice grains are collectively produced by the village.

Although a little kid can't eat much, but no one is rich these days, let alone one egg a day.

(Xinwen is still a little Miaomiao, but I will try my best to grow up, I hope everyone will like it.)
(End of this chapter)

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