Chapter 729

As soon as the big guys heard it, applause immediately rang out.

Chen Daliu couldn't help but proudly and modestly said: "No, no, everyone has worked hard, everyone has worked hard, and my aunt is the hardest one. We haven't done enough..."

"Yes, yes, auntie is the hardest! If it weren't for the Chinese New Year in two days, we still want to continue selling."

"As long as everyone can have a better life, we are happy to run like this." Sitting in a car, that is, going back and forth, seems to be running.

These may be hard work for some people in the city, but for those in Niuluo Village who were used to farming and doing heavy work before, and then practiced martial arts, there is no problem at all.

Compared with the sun and rain, this job is not too easy.

Bai Xi praised the caravan going to the countryside again, and then said: "In this way, the family will receive 5000 yuan, and everyone will have a good year."

When the villagers heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and then all burst into laughter, and said in unison, "Thank you, grandma."

5000 yuan per household, 86 yuan for 43 households, and 43 yuan for 43 households. No other place has [-] yuan. But Niuluo Village only distributes dividends to villagers for the New Year, and it is [-] yuan. If this news gets out, people outside may be shocked.

This amount is not small, so naturally it cannot be distributed on the spot, and the head of the household has to go to the financial office to sign and press the fingerprint to receive the money.

"By the way, it's an old example. If there are elderly people over 60 years old in the family, each person will be paid an extra 100 yuan."

Although filial piety is a dead rule in Niuluo Village, no one will disrespect or disrespect elders, let alone abuse secretly, but elderly people who have money in their hands, even if the occasional meals at home are not satisfactory, You can also go to the market in twos and threes to eat and improve the food.

No matter how bad it is, they have money in their hands, and when the juniors shout for candy and drink soda, they can also take out the money, right?

Everyone thanked Bai Xi again, especially those over 60 years old.

The 58-year-old broke his fingers and said to himself, soon, I will have it in a year or two.

The 56-year-old, looking at his older brothers and sisters, is envious and proud at the same time, envious of them receiving another share of money, and proud of being young.

Then it's time to post other things.

This year is indeed going to be a big and fat year, not to mention the money from my aunt, the villagers distribute horses according to the head of each family.

Have you ever seen such a distribution of horses, no matter big or small, old or young, one horse per person, even a newborn child before the full moon is also a whole horse.

Families with a small share of cloth can just carry it. For a family with more than ten members, a few brothers have to carry it home, but it is also fun to carry it.

There are more than 300 people in Niuluo Village, and more than 300 bolts of cloth were distributed immediately.

That’s not counting, my aunt said that children under three months old can still receive a can of milk powder every month, and the village will give money.

This is quite a child who has been raised in the village for three months. Although the mother has milk, it still feels different. Whether it is a newborn child or a child who does not meet the requirements, everyone is very happy.

Naturally, Wang Lei was also happy. Her belly was about to give birth. She had two children at once. She was really afraid that she would not have enough milk.

At this time, Chen Xiaocong also looked at Wang Lei, stretched out his hand to touch his lover's belly, and suddenly heard the sound of the child kicking his legs, Chen Xiaocong happily said that the child also knew that his aunt was in pain, and he was happy.

Wang Lei agrees very much. Knowing that she was married in a rural area before, many students who stayed in the city and failed to go to the countryside felt sorry for a while, and the letter said everything.

Now, Wang Lei really wants those students to see what makes a good life and what it means to marry a person and a city.

Although she has no chance to go back to her natal family until now, her natal family often receives things from her, and the neighbors are not blind. Her parents wrote to say that the neighbors are all envious.

Isn't that right, there is a relative in the country who sends some rice noodles and bacon from time to time, so he doesn't have to wait for the supply, who wouldn't be envious.

Some people asked Wang Lei's parents to ask Wang Lei to help him buy things from the countryside.

Even, Wang Lei's hometown, people who went to the countryside this year, heard about the situation, and thought of coming here because of their relationship. Anyway, they are all going to the countryside, so of course they should go to a better place.

However, it was assigned to the Dashan Township Society, but Niuluo Village had recruited a lot of educated youths before, so the Township Society did not assign any more people to come here. However, after going to other villages, life is not too poor now up.

Bai Xi looked at everyone's happy faces, and said with a smile: "After this year, everyone has worked hard, so it's time to take a break and have a good year." After the new year, you have to continue to work hard.

The villagers didn't know that Bai Xi didn't say the rest of the sentence, but even if Bai Xi said it, they wouldn't be afraid. What's so hard about it, you can be rich if you're not busy?

Can you eat and drink spicy food when you are not busy?
Can you wear new clothes when you are not busy, and buy whatever you want to eat?
After the announcement, the next step is fish and meat.

There are farms in the village. Although the pigs in the farm are now slaughtered and sent to the non-staple food store when they are ready for slaughter, this is not enough, and pigs have to be collected from other villages to sell.

If there were not many people who raised pigs in the Dashan Township Society before, then now, among the ten or so villages under the Dashan Township Society, at least seven of the ten households in each village raise pigs, and one or two pigs are the basis. It is also possible to raise three or five heads.

Diligent raising, raising a non-staple food store that was sold to Niuluo Village last year is also a good income, plus other aspects can make money, although life is not as enviable as Niuluo Village, but Had a great time too.

The pigs in Niuluo Village’s farm, because of Xiao Hei’s indistinct power, don’t like to move around, and they don’t bark much. They sleep when they’re full, and they don’t consume much energy. Long meat.

The people in charge of taking care of them are diligent. There are canteens in both the food factory and the garment factory, and there is more or less slop, which is pulled back and boiled and mixed with pig grass to feed. A batch can be released.

They had already said hello in advance, there were three pigs in the farm, and now Li Laohei had already led people to slaughter them, and when they moved here, they began to carve out the meat.

"One person weighs two catties and seven ounces of meat, no matter how old or young, there is so much. First sign and press your fingerprints, and then go to get the meat."

Li Laohei was already extremely skilled at this task, and it took less than half an hour for the three pigs to be distributed among everyone.

Then there is the fish on the cart next to it.

The foam box is opened, according to the head, regardless of size, one fish per person.

Seeing a large family, they put fish in baskets, and everyone joked about it. No one would be envious. It's the same for people who share more, and people eat more.

(End of this chapter)

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