Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 759 One of the Arrested

Chapter 759 One of the Arrested
"This matter has nothing to do with you. You alone, how can you stop us troublemakers."

"You just need to tell the truth when the time comes, you say you were stopped, you are no match for two fists and four hands."

Chen Daliu: "Major, don't worry, in our Niuluo village, one person does one's job and one person is in charge, so you won't be implicated."

"You, you bastard!" Is this a matter of being involved or not? After finally inviting people to interview Niuluo Village again, these people beat him up.

Now it's all right, if you beat him up, even if you beg grandpa to sue grandma, it's useless.

Head Huang took Sun Zhijun away.

Niuluo Village was still unwilling to bring out the tractor, and after a while, under Huang's roar and fury, he finally brought the bullock cart reluctantly.

You know, since Niuluo Village had big trucks and tractors, bullock carts were rarely used. After all, every household had bicycles, and they would leave wherever they went.

Unless a bullock cart is loaded with a lot of things, the bicycle cannot be dragged.

It can hold a lot of things, and you can also borrow a tractor from the village, and you can pay one yuan to the finance department as a diesel fee.

But what can Chief Huang say? The people in Niuluo Village can't wait to kill Sun Zhijun. It would be nice to have a bullock cart.

Hearing that the doctor who saw Sun Zhijun said that Sun Zhijun was fine, he was just knocked out and he would be fine when he woke up, Township Chief Huang breathed a sigh of relief and frowned again.
Bai Xi knew that when the people in Niuluo Village were arrested, it was already the next night.

She has been staying in the production workshop of the garment factory for the past two days, because there are some situations in the production workshop that she needs to deal with.

Seeing that Chen Zhaodi was absent-minded, she didn't even notice that she finished eating, she was in a daze for a long time and didn't come to clean up the dishes, let alone prepare bath water for her, Bai Xi wondered: "What's wrong?"

"Ah? What?" Chen Zhaodi raised her head, and then came to her senses, and hurried over to clean up: "Grandma, are you done eating? Then I'll put bath water for you, and you can take a bath in a while."

After the words fell, Chen Zhaodi's face was stunned again, and she hurriedly turned around to boil water.

"Wait a minute!" Bai Xi called out after seeing it.

If you're so absent-minded, don't burn the tree house down for a while. Of course, with Bai Xi strengthening the formation, it's impossible for the tree house to be set ablaze.

Yes, she realized that the tree house actually had traces of formations after her cultivation improved last year. Moreover, it was because the formations had no aura to support them, and there was a slight fluctuation, which made her discover it.

Bai Xi added spiritual energy to the formation, and put in some top-quality spiritual stones, so that people in Niuluo Village would feel refreshed as long as they walked through the tree house.

"what happened?"

"If you have something to do at home, you can go back early today, and let Li Jia be busy for the next two days."

Chen Zhaodi shook her head: "No, grandma, I have nothing to do at home. I just didn't sleep well yesterday. No, I fell asleep just now."

"Grandma, you rest first, eat some fruit, and I'll boil the bath water right now."

Fearing that Bai Xi would notice something, Chen Zhaodi hurriedly walked towards the kitchen with the bowls and chopsticks without waiting for Bai Xi to speak again.

Seeing this, Bai Xi frowned, she lowered her eyes and kicked Xiao Hei who was lying at her feet.

Xiao Hei was gnawing his bones and grinding his teeth leisurely, when he was kicked by Bai Xi, he hurriedly looked over, master?
"Go around the village."

yes!Xiao Hei stood up knowingly, and quickly got down from the tree house.

Chen Zhaodi boiled the bath water, and didn't think much about seeing Xiao Hei. When Bai Xi finished taking a bath, Chen Zhaodi packed up and left, and Xiao Hei also came back from the village.

This incident was so serious that when Sun Zhijun woke up, he shouted angrily that he wanted to report to the police, and wanted the police to severely punish the thugs in Niuluo Village, but the head of the village, Huang, couldn't stop him.

The County Public Security Bureau came to Niuluo Village to take away the perpetrators soon after receiving the report, and the County Party Committee got the news soon.

Regarding this matter, the county was also very angry, and called the head of Huang to scold him: "What are you doing to eat, a head can't control a village?"

"I asked you to take someone to re-interview and find out. Did I ask you to take someone to be beaten?"


Huang Xiangchang opened his mouth and said to himself, is this something that can be ignored.

Who would have known that just as the car stopped, Chen Damu slapped him off the car.

This action ignited the anger of other people in Niuluo Village even more. I am alone, what can I do?

At this time, although the head of Huang was also furious, he hummed in his heart. He still walked around diligently and had a good relationship with him. Otherwise, he would probably be beaten.

"Hoho~~" Master, someone in the village has been arrested!
Bai Xi frowned upon hearing this: "What's going on?"

Xiao Hei didn't hide it, and told all the news he heard from the village.

After listening, Bai Xi frowned even more displeased.

It's no wonder that in the past two days, either the newly developed products at the food factory had gone wrong and stuck in their minds, or the production workshop of the clothing factory hadn't made the right boards, so she needed to watch over them.

The feeling is that these people beat her up in order to distract her.

Bai Xi was angry and speechless, but more of it was the sweetness of being protected in her heart.

She said to Xiao Hei angrily: "Go, drive Chen Daliu over here."

It's not shouting, it's not shouting, it's just pushing it over, which shows how angry Bai Xi is.

Can Bai Xi not be angry, she is the aunt of Niuluo Village, and the people of Niuluo Village do such a big thing, but they hide it from her, do they think she is a five-year-old baby who knows nothing?
If you hit someone, you hit someone, can't you use a smarter way?

Must be in broad daylight?

Where did the ingenuity of the people who cleaned up other villages go before? This time they were so reckless. If you plan well, will you beat Sap?

Bai Xi wanted to call Chen Daliu to scold him severely, but she let the villagers run into such a thing without paying attention.

However, Xiao Hei's words made Bai Xi speechless for a while.

Master, Xiao Liu was one of them who was caught.

Bai Xi: "..."

That's right, Chen Daliu is the head of the village, and he took the lead in beating people, so he must be the one who was caught.

Xiao Hei hummed in his heart while talking, Xiao Liu is too useless, why was he arrested, he must have not practiced martial arts well, when he comes back, I will personally drill him, Mr. Xiao Hei, I will definitely train him The spirit of dragon and tiger, that kind of screaming.

At this time, Chen Daliu, who was locked up in a room of the County Public Security Bureau, suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

He shook his shoulders, and cursed in a low voice: "That son of a bitch must have some bad idea."

When the villagers in the same room as him heard this, they naturally cursed angrily: "That grandson, you are so inhuman. When I get out, I will..."

"I regret it now, why didn't I hit a few more times then, I..."

(End of this chapter)

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