Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 784 I Don't Care

Chapter 784 I Don't Care

When the big guys heard this, they were a little ignorant, and they all looked at Bai Xi with curiosity in their eyes, and they were full of curiosity with a group of elementary school students.

Seeing this, Bai Xi slowly began to teach.

It is said that people teach their sons and queens teach their wives, so she is... bah bah bah, she is teaching the people of Niuluo Village to protect themselves, yes, it is not to deceive others, but to protect themselves.

Even if it's cheating, so what, the people in her Niuluo village, cheating people, just cheating people!This thought flashed through Bai Xi's mind, and she didn't feel that she was doing something wrong, anyway, she was partial to the calf.

"Like Sun Zhijun said that people from our Niuluo village bought Singapore's new clothing exhibition contest and won the prize. We can say that he was bought to slander our Niuluo village. After all, he was the one who got in trouble with us first, as long as No one with a brain would believe that we can bribe the judges of the competition..."

"Grandma, what about people without brains?"

Some villagers raised their hands to ask questions.

Hearing this, Bai Xi's forehead twitched, and said angrily, "It's no wonder you can ask this question... you don't care what a brainless person does. He has no brains, so you don't care what he thinks."

"Most of them belong to people with brains, as long as people with brains don't believe it."

At first, Bai Xi wanted to say, no wonder you made a mistake last time, but after thinking about it, this sentence seemed a bit hurtful. The villager had already been laughed at by the villagers for half a month since she made a mistake last time. When I mentioned it, everyone probably laughed, because someone was suspected of poking someone's wound.

In the past, how could Bai Xi care about this, poking someone's wound, picking someone's scar, it's up to her own mood, now she will take it into consideration a little bit, it shows how much has changed.

"Uh... yes." Although there seemed to be something wrong, what my aunt said made sense.

Bai Xi continued: "As the saying goes, don't argue with a fool. Like a fool, he will pull your IQ to the same level as him, and then use his rich experience accumulated in the fool's world to easily defeat you. you."

Hearing Bai Xi's words, the people in Niuluo Village burst into laughter. Every time my aunt talked about the big truth, she would say one thing after another, and it was so fun to scold people, it was so funny.

Everyone loves to hear it.

When Chen Daliu heard about this scene after he came back, he kept shouting that he missed listening to his aunt's reasoning.

Soon, the third batch of Niuluo clothing was sent to Singapore, together with the Niuluo clothing, there was also colored cloth from Niuluo Village.

At the same time, Jiapoxin also increased the order of Niuluo clothing. The sales volume is good and the sales are hot. As long as you are not stupid, you are willing to sell more.

Now, not only in Singapore, but in other regions, as long as Niuluo clothing can be sold, seven or eight out of ten people on the street are wearing Niuluo clothing.

Fashionable girls have come up with new ways to match Niu Luo clothing. Sunglasses are hanging on the collar, wearing big earrings, and their hair is permed in waves, which is called a fashion avant-garde.

After watching it, Li Tianguo and the others exclaimed. When they called the country, they did not forget to report the situation to Bai Xi.

"Grandma, let me tell you, I went to the street today, and I saw..."

"Grandma, grandma, do you know that I saw a very strange shape yesterday, let me describe it to you..."


Now, the people in Niuluo Village don't need to go to the countryside to sell cloth with caravans. Now the colored cloth produced by the garment factory is supplied to Singapore, except for domestic sales, and there is no backlog.

If it weren't for Bai Xi's overtime production during that time, it probably wouldn't be enough.

Needless to say, Niuluo clothing has been produced, sealed in the warehouse, and then sent to Singapore when a certain amount is reached.

The exchange group has been away for more than a month, and the set is still not sold in China. Even if someone asks Huang Xiangzhang to buy a set and half a set, they can't buy it.

"It's just one set, and one set won't work?" Looking at Chen Daliu's stern and selfless appearance, the head of Huang really wanted to grab his head and slap him.

Chen Daliu: "I can't! Don't say the same thing, even if it's a jacket, a pair of pants, and a trouser leg, there's nothing I can do."

Just kidding, there is a contract between the garment factory and Jiapoxin, and the sales there are hot, and orders are being added all the time. If you have money but don't make money, isn't that a bastard?

"Major, tell your comrade-in-arms that these clothes are expensive. There's no need, really no need! It's a good thing to save a little by letting his children pull cloth to make two clothes of other materials." Chen Daliu said me For your good looks.

The head of Huang was not happy when he heard it: "Old Chen, you don't give me any face about my relationship with you?"

All his comrades found him, and when he came, he patted his chest as a guarantee. After all, he is the head of Dashan Township. If he is not able to sell a set of Niuluo clothing through a relationship, how can he have any face in the future? Cowhide All blown out.

Chen Daliu saw that Head Huang was getting impatient, so he couldn't help being speechless, he said patiently: "Head, you are a big man, you don't want to act like lesbians."

"You don't know, now everyone is asking for connections to buy Niuluo clothing. You say, how many batches are produced, and everyone is staring at it. If I agree with you, what will other people do? Want to? You can’t open this hole.”

The head of the village, Huang, saw it and immediately shouted: "Chen Daliu, are you really not giving me any face?"

He yelled, and before Chen Daliu could speak, he frowned and curled his lips, and said in a depressed and aggrieved tone: "I've blown the cowhide out, you say, I'm quite old, and I'm still from Dashan Township Township head, I helped buy a set of clothes from my own township, but I couldn't even get them, do I have any face?"

"Uh..." After hearing this, Chen Daliu muttered, "Who told you to brag, anyway, I can't help you with the work you do."

"You!" Huang Xiangchang put his hands on his hips and stared at Chen Daliu: "I don't care, anyway, you can find a way to solve it for me, otherwise, you can get me a set from your house and sell it to me."

"That won't work!" Chen Daliu shook his head without thinking: "Impossible! You are the head of the village, so you don't want to play tricks."

These days, there are quite a few people who have this idea, but no one in the village agrees, and some people offer 65 yuan a set, but the big guys still don't agree.

Just kidding, their clothes are the ones that my aunt would distribute to everyone, and they are the first batch of Niulo clothes.

Not to mention the different meanings of my aunt's post, Niu Luo clothing is so hot now, many places abroad have to queue up to buy it, and now I can't buy it anywhere in China.

If they quietly resold their clothes, wouldn't that disrupt the market? The villagers knew it, but they would poke their backs. Selling them would be disrespectful to their aunts.

"I say you!"

Just when Head Huang wanted to shout to Chen Daliu, he was interrupted by a voice.

(End of this chapter)

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