Chapter 307 Who will avenge her?

It's like breaking his wings, and he only wants to die... Just like the second young master Nangong Jun back then, the only difference is that
That girl didn't love him, he just couldn't get it, so he was alone all his life.But what he didn't understand was, he and this girl?
When exactly did it happen? He has been by his side for the past few years, and he has never had any contact with half a girl.

Looking at the girl's tombstone, Yang Feixue, she is very ordinary in the photo, she looks about thirteen or fourteen years old, with an expressionless face, nothing outstanding.

She couldn't compare with the noble girls he had seen, and if she picked out one at random, she would be better than her in appearance.

I called Uncle Zhang with doubts, and after careful questioning, I found out their story.
Picking up the lunch box again, he came to him, and said solemnly, "Master, if you starve yourself to death, who will avenge her?"

Jiang Heng's words were not serious, but Nangong Jing's brows were lightly frowned, a little moved.He continued:
"Master, think about it, this Miss Xue'er is so strong, she doesn't even have a relative in this world
I must hope that someone can avenge her, don't you? If you don't live well, how can you avenge her? "

Nangong Jing narrowed her eyes slightly, and suddenly sat up straight, her hair was a little messy by the wind, but it was still difficult to hide his distinctive noble temperament.

It's just that the eyes still have no focus, and the bottom of the deep eyes is full of peace, without a trace of waves, and said coldly:
"Investigate, investigate to the end... No matter what price I pay, I will cut that person into pieces..."

His voice was not loud, but it carried an extreme chill, and his tightly clenched palms showed his monstrous hatred. Jiang Heng saw that he had a reaction.

Immediately brought the meal in front of him, and said firmly: "Okay, I will definitely find out the person, you have something to eat first..."

And he blinked lightly, gently pushed the rice in his hand, and continued to lean against the tombstone like a wooden man.

Consistent with the previous action, like a living dead, as if he hadn't said anything just now.

Those who don't know will definitely be frightened by his appearance. Jiang Heng stood up helplessly, scratched his head, and walked back and forth.

I was so anxious that I didn't know what to do, I wanted to ask him in person, but he didn't dare to leave with such a decadent look, I was worried that if he really couldn't think about it...

The night is getting deeper and deeper, with a hint of coolness. In the huge cemetery, people always have a creepy feeling. Jiang Heng and his party can't help it.
He could only sit next to him and Nangong Jing leaned against the tombstone like that, neither eating nor drinking until the next morning, Jiang Heng had no choice.

I had no choice but to call Nangong Jun, but no one answered his phone. I called Uncle Zhang and found out that they were in the hospital.

Uncle Zhang looked at the unconscious Nangong Jun, and was very worried about Nangong Jing in his heart. After telling Aunt Wang to take good care of Nangong Jun, he drove to the cemetery in a hurry.

When he saw the decadent Nangong Jing leaning against the tombstone without a trace of anger, at this moment, he seemed to see the Nangong Jun back then.

He also guarded the rose plant, neither eating nor drinking nor talking, as if his soul also left with the girl's departure...

He choked his throat and walked slowly in front of him. Nangong Jing's eyes were empty as if he couldn't see anyone, and Uncle Zhang squatted in front of him.

The old face could no longer hold back the old tears, and wept loudly
(End of this chapter)

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