Counterattack on the giants: the villain male god is a girl

Chapter 313 As long as I have you, I will be invincible!

Chapter 313 As long as I have you, I will be invincible!
Seeing that she was so angry that Ouyang Yi didn't want to say anything, and with a flattering smile on his face, he said with a smile:
"Don't be angry, I know you're busy, see if I haven't bothered you for a long time, and I also know that I'm not good anywhere.
I am a playboy, and many people look down on me, but in my world, there is you who can do anything, as long as I have you, I am invincible! "

Jian Junxi raised his eyebrows slightly, curled his lips speechlessly, would he be invincible without her?I really dare to say that in this world, there are always people outside the people, and there is a sky outside the sky. What is she?
Unaware of the high hat he brought for himself, he took down the document in his hand, staring at Ouyang Yi's extremely expectant eyes with deep eyes.

His eyes were as clean as a mirror, allowing her to see herself clearly in his eyeballs. With an impatient expression, she warned in a cold voice:
"Ouyang Yi, I warn you, this is the first and last time, if you dare to plot and threaten me again, from now on, we will be separated!"

"Yes yes yes... I dare not, I swear, I will be sent by you in the future, you let me go east, I will never go west, please, woo woo woo..."

Ouyang Yi once again displayed his sleazy aggressiveness, making Jian Junxi speechless, and Feng Zhekai covered his mouth and chuckled lightly.

Jian Junxi glanced at him sideways, and he immediately recovered his expressionless face, then cast another glance at Ouyang Yi who still had a bitter face, and tightened his grip on the document in his hand.

Suddenly, as if he had made up his mind, he said coldly: "Get rid of your cheerleaders, and if you dare to let them shout again, I will kill you!!!"

"Yes yes yes... I will make arrangements immediately!" After speaking, he smiled and ran to the basketball court. Jian Junxi looked at his leaving back and twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly.

Ouyang Yi is just like back then, naive and a bit smart, innocent like a child who hasn't grown up yet, I really like the innocence in him.

She knew that he really regarded her as a brother, so she didn't care about many things with him. For him, this was a battle about the honor of the school.

Although it was extremely ridiculous, she actually couldn't bear it... couldn't bear to see him disappointed!

"What is this? It made you change your mind suddenly?" Feng Zhekai asked suspiciously, and Jian Junxi walked towards the basketball court while replying: "It's nothing..."

In his eyes, she might be because of this document. Only she knows that the content of the document is so important that she is willing to spend a lot of money.

But she hates others threatening her, what really makes her change her mind... is Ouyang Yi's trusting eyes...

When she returned to the basketball court again, the scene was really quiet, at least she didn't see the cheerleaders who annoyed her, but the students who were watching the game.

It's not so easy to control, and there are more and more people on the scene, most of them are from Qinghe, a basketball game related to the honor of the school.

Coupled with the curiosity about her Jian Junxi, just thinking about it, I knew it would be very exciting, and even some teachers came to the scene.

I want to see if Jian Junxi, who made the royal family boast, can really create miracles.
When she went in again, she felt countless different gazes, including sizing up, curiosity, contempt, envy, admiration, and obsession...

She adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose. Although she had long been used to such gazes, she still hated being stared at intently...

"Brother Xi..." Ouyang Yi waved at her, and she pulled the backpack on her shoulders to go down the stairs.

(End of this chapter)

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