Counterattack on the giants: the villain male god is a girl

Chapter 330 Is there anything unusual about her?

Chapter 330 Is there anything unusual about her?
Sighing lightly, whether he remembers or not, they are just strangers!

Reaching out and untiing the white cloth around her body, she frowned irritably. Four years ago, if it wasn't for their return, her next plan would be to take hormones.
It was going to waste half an hour of her time. At this moment, she no longer wanted to look at herself in the mirror, threw off the white cloth, and walked towards the shower room very irritatedly.

In such a dark day, she has an intuition that as long as her plan remains unchanged, she will not be far from the truth...

After getting everything ready, Qin Li sent her home. The moonlight was like a soft silver veil, infiltrating through the glass window, giving people a cool and comfortable feeling.

She closed her eyes lightly, she had slept clearly, but she still felt very tired. Seeing that she was very tired, Qin Li didn't speak, she just arrived at the door of the house.

I saw Jiang Lingxi walking quickly from the gate with slender legs and a suit in formal attire. Seeing her get off the car, she bowed her head respectfully and called out, "Master!"

"En." Jian Junxi responded with a faint expression, glanced at the bright lights in the living room, and looked at her suspiciously with a frown.

The woman in front of her was no longer the disfigured Jiang Lingxi who couldn't go out to meet people. Four years ago, after two years of plastic surgery, she is now a woman with beautiful facial features.

It's not very beautiful, but it's very attractive. After coming back, because she has been studying like Jian Junxi, she worked very hard in private. It didn't take long for her to become the housekeeper of Jian's family.

She manages all the ups and downs of the house, inside and out, all work is connected with Qin Li, and small matters are handled by herself. Jian Junxi is also very satisfied with her work ability.

"Master, Madam has been waiting for you in the living room all night. I have persuaded her several times, but she has refused to rest. Mr. is in a hurry and is on a business trip to Shanghai this afternoon, so...!"

Jiang Lingxi lowered her head and explained in a low voice, but she clenched her hands tightly in front of her. She knew Jian Junxi too well. In her eyes, this was a sign of insufficient ability!

Jian Junxi's deep eyes turned to the hall, remembering Yang Hui's confession, and asked suspiciously: "Is there anything unusual about her?"

Jiang Lingxi was slightly stunned, recalled it for a while, and immediately replied: "Uh... Ma'am, she doesn't look very well today, she's talking to herself, can't hear what she said?"

"Did something happen? Or did she meet someone? Or did she answer some phone call?" Jian Junxi asked as he walked inside, Qin Li followed on his left, Jiang Lingxi followed on the right .

"No." Jiang Lingxi replied firmly, suddenly seemed to think of something, and continued: "Since the afternoon until now, I have been sitting on the sofa talking to myself...

When I came out of the room in the morning, I was still normal, and I was asked to make stomach nourishing soup, saying that I would give it to Master Jiang. He also said that Master Jiang’s stomach has not recovered in the past few years. I wonder if it is Master Jiang and her. What did you say?After coming out, that's it! "

A trace of worry flashed across Jian Junxi's eyes, and after standing still at the door, he said coldly: "It's too late, Qin Li shouldn't drive late today, go to sleep!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hello babies, are you having fun on National Day?Why did I see the recommendation ticket, woo woo woo, you didn't say hello to me...

There are still two chapters that need to be unsealed, and the plots of the babies who are watching later cannot be connected, so you can go back and watch the chapters you haven't read!

In order to thank many babies for their support and understanding to me, I have to explain. Recently, I have been busy finishing the old article, so this article has not been reserved for the time being. I watched the plot and the next update will be the meeting between the hero and the heroine. , I think the babies don't want to get stuck after reading two chapters!
So, wait a few days, how about I give the babies a blast?This article can't be rushed, the exciting part is just the beginning, love and pain coexist...

By the way, I also recommend the old article "Wait for Qing's long hair to reach his waist, it will be nice to come back to me!", a baby asked me the name of Lao Wen a long time ago, but I have never pushed it. I have a problem with this person, I am very afraid Look at the text in the update, especially the ones that are stuck, so I really understand the anxious mood of the babies, and I have stayed up for countless nights. This book is actually only 13 words at the beginning. It got a little bit more to 35...

The old article must be finished in October. Of course, if it is not counted as a side story, the writing started at the beginning of the year, and it will take more than half a year!If I hadn’t updated this article, it should have ended long ago. At that time, I had no job, and I often updated 10 characters every day, and it was released early. As a new author, everyone knows what will happen. Look……

But, I think, if you like strong women, you will not be disappointed after reading it. I personally like the character of the heroine very much. She is domineering but still polite. She is a typical character of a good man, but she is also a woman. , I define it as a hilarious pet article, but after many babies read it, the evaluation is half adoration and half abuse. When I wrote the ending part, I felt heartbroken. It was indeed a bit abused, haha...

If you can’t find a good article, you can go and have a look. It costs money. If you don’t want to spend money, you can sign in and get a coupon. It’s also free...

Thank you again for your support and encouragement my darling. Your recommended votes have always been my motivation. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have votes. Give me a five-star praise. I’ve stayed up countless nights?Here I can only express my thanks in words...

Sometime last month, my editor approached me for the first time in history and reminded me that it was ready to be put on the shelves, woooooooo... You said that this article has just reached the highlight part, and it will be put on the shelves. I am really afraid of being caught You kill me, haha...

Once again, I wish the babies a happy National Day. Believe me, I will never disappoint your waiting!
(End of this chapter)

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