Counterattack on the giants: the villain male god is a girl

Chapter 341 What's the matter with me?

Chapter 341 What's the matter with me?

The sound of high-heeled shoes outside the door "tack..." brought her back to her senses, wiped away the tears on her face, quickly took out the antidote from her bag, and wanted to put it in his mouth.

But he pursed his lips tightly and looked at her with red eyes. There were emotions she couldn't understand in his eyes. She didn't have time to think about it. She quickly covered his thin lips and raised her hand on the back of his neck. Gravity beats.

Only then did he throw the medicine into his mouth, picked up the dropped button and stood up quickly, tidied up the messy clothes, took off his coat and put it on his wrist, the time was just right
The woman pushed open the door, and the white tube top and floor-length dress set off her excellent figure, her brows were furrowed in shock, Jian Junxi raised her eyes to see the person coming, and raised her brows slightly.

The woman is about 170 centimeters tall, with long black hair that is slightly curled and scattered over her shoulders. It is long but not messy, making her look a bit playful and cute.

His eyebrows are like crescent moons, his black pupils are very agile, his nose bridge is high, and his pink lips are slightly parted in horror when he sees the scene in front of him.

Picking up the long skirt, she ran over anxiously, hugged Nangong Jing with both hands, and shouted anxiously: "Brother Jing, brother Jing... What's wrong with you?"

After shouting, she angrily said to Jian Junxi: "Why did you hurt him?"

The corners of Jian Junxi's lips twitched, but she didn't expect that she would hit her back. I don't know if she wanted to hurt her deliberately, or if she wanted to shirk the matter of scaring her?He asked coldly: "Which eye of yours saw me hurt him?"

But she ignored her, picked up the phone and dialed a number, crying and shouting: "Auntie is not well, brother Jing was knocked out, come here quickly, woo woo woo... what should I do?"

Jian Junxi sighed helplessly, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, feeling that he would not be able to tell for a while, and glanced at Nangong Jing in her arms, his heart still ached.

She chose to turn her head and walk in the direction of the sofa. Now she is not in the mood to think about these small problems for the time being.
Attacking the next head of the Nangong family is a crime that can be punished, and a single sentence from Mr. Nangong can make her efforts in the past few years go to waste.

Thinking of this, the bottom of the dark eyes gleamed coldly, and the hostility around him became more and more serious. While rubbing his head, he thought about how to deal with what might happen next.

If you want to clear your innocence, you have to wait for Nangong Jing to wake up, and if he wakes up, he will definitely ask to see her bag. There are wolves before and tigers behind.
Suddenly her head began to ache again. She opened the bag irritably, poured out five medicines into her mouth, and swallowed them directly. The cold sweat that had not faded from her palm seemed to remind her.

The road to the heights is becoming more and more thorny...

"Brother Jing, wake up..." The woman's frantic crying made her very irritable, and she yelled coldly, "Can you shut up!"

"No, Jian Junxi, why can you come to the island? Who brought you here? Also, why are you here with brother Jing? Why did you knock him out?"

The woman cried and roared back, the monstrous anger shot out from the bottom of her eyes, as if she was going to be burned to death.

Jian Junxi raised the corners of his lips, his murderous gaze implied murderous intent, he sneered and said, "Heh...won't you knock him out and let him perform on the ground?"

The woman dug her fingernails into her palm, and ordered in a cold voice: "Hurry up and carry him to the bed!"

"What's none of my business? Ling Yiren..., but I didn't see it. You can do this kind of thing, and you're not afraid of tarnishing your pure reputation?"

Jian Junxi's sarcastic tone distorted her pretty face with anger, she clenched her palms tightly, glared at her angrily, a glint of sternness flashed in her eyes, and she declared war invisibly!

 I'm sorry, I'm really busy, the show has just begun, so don't worry babies, this article will be officially updated starting on the 1st of next month!Appreciate the support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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