Chapter 349 "Girlfriend"

"Haha... as long as you like it!" The old man's hearty laughter showed that he was in an excellent mood, holding a cigarette in one hand, and tapping rhythmically with the other on his own leg, a flash of admiration flashed in his eyes.

Jian Junxi put down his coffee, put his coat and bag aside, leaned back against the sofa, crossed his legs, and asked very calmly: "I don't know if the old man asked me to come over. Is there something I need to explain? Or is there something I can do for you?" ?”

"Haha... As expected, I am the best. I don't like to go around in circles. I hope you don't take what the women said just now to be ignorant.

Before going, Ouyang old boy was still recommending you, saying that you are a rare talent, I didn’t take it seriously at first, but only now did I realize that I am old and narrow..."

He snuffed out the cigarette while smiling, and after saying so much, Jian Junxi frowned at the meaning he expressed, telling him not to care about a few women, and wanting him to let the Ling family go
Rubbing his thumb and forefinger, pretending not to understand, he replied politely: "You are flattering me. I always do what I say and do what I do. In shopping malls, honesty is the foundation. If you stand up, you will succeed, and if you waste it, you will fail. I believe you understand the truth better than me!"

Grandpa Nangong raised his eyebrows, picked up the tea his assistant put in front of him, and took two sips. He looked at her meaningfully, but she didn't show any fear.

Over the past five years, she has walked on thin ice every step of the way. It is a lie to say that she has no fear at all. If she is not careful, her life will be lost here. Before coming, she was fully prepared.

Regardless of whether Nangong's house is Longtan or Tiger's Den, she must make a foray. She has no time to be timid and nervous. For her who can only live for a few more years, fear and tears can't solve any problems.

She can only imagine a scene like this in her own mind, besides, she can't learn it for nothing after reading so many psychology books.

Every step of the way, Jingxin has come to this position today. She has nothing to be afraid of. Anyway, anyone who wants her to die is looking for death...

Grandpa Nangong frowned. How could he not understand what she meant between the lines? She was not willing to let the Ling family go, and it was impossible for him to let the Ling family go, so he would definitely intervene.

But for the Ling family, it is not what he wants to pay a huge price. However, he does not want to ask too much about this matter for the time being. After all, the Ling family is not doing well at present, let alone have spoken to him. The main purpose of finding her is not this!
"Well, it's no wonder that you can climb to where you are today in a few years. You are so young and promising! I wonder if Mr. Jian has a girlfriend now?" Mr. Nangong's last sentence made her frowned. Girlfriend, what do you mean? ?
Seeing doubts flashing across her eyes, he smiled heartily and said, "Haha...don't be nervous, just chat casually!"

"Not yet..." Jian Junxi pushed his glasses, feeling bad in his heart, why does this have something to do with "girlfriend" again?What happened recently?Why do you care so much about her "girlfriend"?
"Haha... That's great, it's like this, I have a little granddaughter who is 16 years old this year, a little younger than you, and the age just matches, I wonder if Mr. Jian is interested in being my grandson-in-law?"

The old man smiled and stood up, walked towards the desk while talking, and brought a photo frame, Jian Junxi's face darkened, a very bad premonition hit his heart
(End of this chapter)

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