Chapter 367 Three palms in a row
Seeing him so sad, Jian Junxi's cold eyes flashed with astonishment. He recalled the days when he was with him. Although they hadn't spoken much, he was always by her side quietly.
As long as she needs it, when she turns around, he will ask, "Do you want this?" During their time together, there was nothing that particularly impressed her, but it was the most memorable moment in her 18 years of life. comfortable time.

Her throat was choked up, and she wanted to apologize, but the choked throat made her unable to say a word, she turned around ruthlessly, and decided not to look or listen, to ignore...

Nangong Jing kept whispering in her overly sad mouth: "You must have lied to me, she's not dead, she's not dead..."

His eyes became more and more sinister, his fists and veins bulged, his whole person was almost insane, and he seemed to be possessed by a demon in an instant, without any sense, and his scarlet eyes.

Looking at her leaving back angrily, he slapped her hard on the back as fast as he could...

She didn't expect him to be like this suddenly, without any defense, she was knocked down by his palm, enduring the pain and turning her head to look at him in surprise.

And his eyes were bloodshot, shooting out light like sharp swords, staring at her with deep hatred, as if she was the enemy who killed his father and mother, he clenched his fists and approached her step by step.

The undisguised killing intent made her pale with fright, and shouted at the top of her voice: "Nangong Jing, calm down..."

However, he didn't seem to hear any sound, and he stretched out his hand to pinch her neck. Her pupils shrank suddenly, and she turned around enduring the pain. This place must not be touched by anyone.

Before she got up, his long legs had already attacked her. She could only block it with her hands and stood up quickly...

Nangong Jing's angry eyes spewed out ruthless flames, his shots were merciless, and his moves were fatal. Jian Junxi was beaten to the bone by him. In order to prevent him from seeing her moves, she could only choose to defend.

But his movements are flexible and changeable, his shots are fast, ruthless and accurate, and his strength is as strong as a thousand pieces of gold. At the end of the fight, she can only fight randomly, and after a while, she can't hold it anymore.
In a panic, he aimed at her chest again and slapped her vigorously. Jian Junxi stepped back more than a dozen steps and held his chest. A piercing pain made her dizzy for a moment.

And he didn't intend to let her go, Ouyang Yi and Duanmujia who came back outside were shocked when they saw it, Ouyang Yi immediately said to Duanmujia: "Mom, you go in and call Mr. Nangong, I'll help him!"

Duanmujia also turned pale with fright, nodded and ran inside immediately. After Ouyang Yi joined the fight, Jian Junxi immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and he asked in horror: "Brother Jing, why did you beat him? What happened? What's wrong?"

Nangong Jing ignored him, kicked Ouyang Yi away with a roundabout kick, and Jian Junxi's head suddenly seemed to be split open, and her expression twisted in agony due to the piercing pain.

In a daze, Nangong Jing aimed at her chest, and slapped her hard again, at the same position, with two consecutive palms, she was sent flying by him, and the back of her head hit the ground, making a "bang" sound
The ground under her feet seemed to tremble slightly, she suddenly felt the sky was dark, her mind went blank, there was a buzzing in her ears, and a mouthful of blood gushed out of her mouth
Ouyang Yi was shocked, and anxiously shouted: "Brother Xi, how are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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