Chapter 374 Let her go

She was almost roaring, the veins on her pale face were bulging, it was the anger she had endured to the limit, and there was a trace of sadness, she didn't want to kill him, she held the poison in her trousers tightly, but held back... …

Nangong Jing's eyes were cold, her face was gloomy, as if she had figured something out, she took her arm and walked back. Jian Junxi had no strength, and every part of her body felt pain.

From the head to the internal organs, and then to the limbs, the pain was a bit more serious than when she grew taller, especially the heart in her chest, which was so painful that she couldn't describe it...

"Let me go!" She had no strength, so she could only shout in a hoarse voice. Nangong Jing's cold eyes implied anger, and he carried her on her shoulders domineeringly.

Ignoring her roar and struggle, Ouyang Yi clenched his big hands into fists, a sense of humiliation that he had never felt before hit his heart.

"Let her go!" A thick baritone voice sounded behind them, Ouyang Yi turned his head sharply, and saw a handsome man striding towards the airport, followed by a woman trotting.

"Lengqing..." The cold sweat on Jian Junxi's forehead kept pouring out, and her consciousness became more and more blurred with the stars in her eyes. When she heard Lengqing's voice, her weak call made Nangong Jing startled. Who is Lengqing? ?

Leng Qing saw Jian Junxi being carried on the shoulders of a man, her dark eyes were burning with huge flames, the scene where she stepped on the bloody road five years ago in order to save them.
Whenever he dreams back at midnight, thinking about it makes him worry. He swears that in this life, it is impossible for her to be watched by any man. An angry man has completely lost his mind.

Nangong Jing felt a gust of fist blowing from behind, he immediately dodged to the left, turned back to look at the indifference of punching, his eyes met, and the two men's eyes were filled with unconcealable anger.

Lengqing raised his hand and hit him with a right uppercut. After Nangong Jing blocked it with one hand, he raised his foot and attacked his abdomen. They refused to give in until Qin Li ran over panting.

Seeing that Jian Junxi had completely passed out, and the red liquid in her mouth was dripping on the floor, she cried anxiously: "Lengqing, don't hit me anymore, the young master has passed out!"

However, the two men had no intention of stopping at all, one was full of anger, and the other was like an ice sculpture, cold and without any emotion, neither giving in.

"Stop beating, I beg you, woo woo woo... Our young master has severe stomach ulcers and headaches. If you carry her on your shoulders like this, neither her stomach nor her head can bear it!"

Every word she cried anxiously was like a thunderbolt, which shocked Nangong Jing. After avoiding the coldness, he immediately put her down.

Only then did she realize that she had fainted, her breathing was really weak, her body and lips were all bright red, she...

Annoyance flashed across Jun Yi's face, he took out his cell phone and wanted to call a doctor, but Qin Li yelled: "Don't touch her, don't touch her, put her on the ground !"

Nangong Jing laid her body flat, Qin Li cried and took off the bag on Jian Junxi's body, opened it and began to search, there were several black bags in the bag
There are more than a dozen bottles, all of which are colorful. She was anxious to find them while crying. When Nangong Jing saw those black bags, her complexion changed slightly, and her black eyes narrowed slightly.
I didn't expect him to blow him up, so what is this?He really wanted to take it out to have a look, but the current situation made him hold back...

(End of this chapter)

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