Chapter 397 The Most Pain in My Heart

Staring at the sky in despair, he murmured weakly and painfully: "Mom...I miss you so much...I really miss you so much..."

The more she misses her mother, the more her heart hurts. Looking at her hands, the memory of when she was four years old emerges in her mind. Since the death of her mother, she has been tortured every day.

Especially when she was sitting on the rooftop looking at the starry sky, it was the most painful time in her heart, and she cried out in pain: "Mom...I'm so sad...It turns out that vomiting blood really hurts...

But, heart hurts even more...Mom...why do you...treat me so cruelly?Didn't it mean that mothers... don't want their children to be sad?
I haven't had a... good day since you left, why you never... never come back... look at your poor daughter...

I have done everything I promised you... I am so strong, so bitter... so wronged... I have never cried, and I am the first in the exam every year...

Did you see it?I just want to wait for you... When you come back to see me, I can say... Mom, I promised you, I did it... But, you promised me... Why didn't you do it?
They said...if you have a can ask the Buddha...I...I actually want to go too, I really want to ask the Buddha, can you...let me see my mother again?
However, I dare not... I am afraid that the Buddha will know that I have killed so many people... What if he finds out and tortures you?Woohoo...people like me...

You deserve any kind of pain, you don’t even have the right to call it painful...I never say...I’m suffering, I’m hurting, I’m tired, I’m hurting...

Today I just... I just miss Master, woo woo... I... I haven't had time to honor his old man, how could he... leave me, I have a lot of money... I can't count it.

Can I... make a deal with God, woo woo... Can you let me... look at you again, I'm so afraid... If I go to hell, I won't have a chance... I won't have a chance to see you, woo woo woo..."

The sky outside the window suddenly dimmed, and an inexplicable gust of wind hit, the leaves rustled and swayed desperately. With anger, it pushed the closed doors and windows, "Wow... bang... Wow... bah... "

Like thousands of troops and horses shouting on the battlefield, and like the raging waves of the sea churning, "Boom..." A flash of lightning in the sky resounded through the sky with the sound of thunder.

The earth-shattering Pantuo heavy rain poured down with the force of thunder, as if God was also heartbroken, angry for her, sad for her, and cracked the windows...

She looked at the sky in despair, and there was a burst of piercing pain in her body. The scarred heart was so painful that it was pierced by thousands of arrows, stabbing back and forth non-stop.
The sweat on her face and her tears, mixed with her blood, flowed on the floor, and she couldn't bear the pain in her heart, and a hot stream gushed out of her mouth again.

There were sticky blood stains in her mouth and nose, and a strong smell of blood spread throughout the room, as well as the smell of her missing her mother. She couldn't stop crying, exhausting her last bit of strength.
Facing the strong wind outside the window, he choked and shouted: "Mom... I really... hurt so much... Please... give me some... courage to live... I... can't go on... Mom..."

The consciousness in the brain became more and more blurred, the eyes rolled white, and the last consciousness stayed in the brain, writing on the ground in the pool of blood, "Don't let my mother know"...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hey... I made the little cuties sad again. The third paragraph is over. You are only sad for 10 minutes. I cry as long as I code, and I have a high fever after coding. It's too bad, there is not much food in stock, in order to keep updating, there will be two temporary updates starting tomorrow, let me take a breather!Colleagues work overtime, I work overtime, our leader has an opinion on me, hey... I feel like I'm not far from being fired.

Let me introduce the plot later, every time abuse is a turning point, this time is no exception, there will be no abuse for the time being, you will see her play with everyone and applaud, mom wants to coax, revenge needs to be revenged, things to do, girl Friends also want to talk, the focus is on the male lead, who tends to be driven crazy by her, because she is going to start changing clothes, you have been looking forward to seeing how the male lead touches the female lead, how they spark the spark of love, lol There are a lot of points, it will be very exciting.

However, let me remind you again, although I have repeatedly emphasized that this article is abusive to the heroine, and it is all paragraph by paragraph. The heroine will climb to the position she thought of, but she will also be injured badly. One paragraph is more cruel than the other, and I don’t like the cute little ones who don’t like abuse, so don’t read it, it’s really heartbreaking, I haven’t coded it out yet, just thinking about it in my head makes me feel sad, sincerely, no kidding.

Finally, I would like to thank the little cuties who have been voting and commenting. Your support is the driving force for me to move forward. It is worthwhile to suffer a little bit with you on the road ahead. I will work hard, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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