you are my joy

Chapter 105

Chapter 105
"Chen Yu! Eat first!" Lu Yuting warned in a deep voice.

He doesn't care what the festival is between him and his little woman, but he doesn't allow him to disturb Ning Yuxi's meal.

He could see that she was really hungry. If it weren't for the fact that a few of them were there and needed to maintain an elegant attitude, she would have already devoured it.

But Yan Chenyu seemed to be on the bar with his little woman, always interrupting her to eat.

Ning Yuxi held Lu Yuting's hand, turned her head and shook her head gently, signaling him not to be angry.

In any case, Yan Chenyu was his friend, and she didn't want to let him and his friend become estranged because of her.

She then turned her head to look at Yan Chenyu, her smart eyes were filled with a layer of mist, hiding the emotions in her eyes, "Can Director Yan give me a reason?"

"Qiao Zhiqin is not suitable for the entertainment industry."

Ning Yuxi chuckled lightly. The smile was like a flower blooming on an iceberg, slowly spreading out on the corner of her lips, with an extremely beautiful expression.

Zhu Lianjing and Lu Yuxiao were instantly fascinated.

OMG!The sister-in-law laughed!
wrong!wrong!It should be said that the sister-in-law is really beautiful when she smiles seriously.

The curvature of the corners of the mouth is light and elegant, but it contains a bit of coldness, and there is a cold smile in the eyes.

While the two were watching, Lu Yuting immediately flew over with a knife, and Zhu Lianjing quickly retracted his gaze.

Why don't you just take a look!Brother Lu is really stingy!
Zhu Lianjing bowed his head to eat, only listening to Ning Yuxi speak quietly.

"Is Director Yan's reason a little far-fetched? The Zhiqin I know is very serious and hard-working in polishing her acting skills. Besides, her acting skills are indeed very good among newcomers.

Or it is said that Director Yan's so-called unsuitable for the entertainment industry is just because this profession will contact all kinds of men, which makes Director Yan unhappy. "

It seemed that he was on his mind, Yan Chenyu's eyes sank, and the hand holding the cup slowly tightened.

But in the next second, he regained his calm and smiled softly.

"Sister-in-law is joking, I only met Qiao Zhiqin once today, why are you unhappy? I was just joking with my sister-in-law, so it seems that my sister-in-law is very optimistic about Qiao Zhiqin, and I will help my sister-in-law to practice more in the future. her acting."

"Then I'll thank Director Yan first."

Ning Yuxi raised the wine glass, and before the wine glass touched her lips, it was snatched away by the man beside her.

"Eat first, drink less on an empty stomach."

The coldness around Ning Yuxi's body dissipated, and she glanced at him with frowning eyes, and said in a low voice, "Got it, butler."

In this way, the first half of a private party was spent in thick gunpowder smoke, and the second half was enjoyable.

At the end, Zhu Liangjing and Lu Yuxiao had a few more drinks, and they were obviously drunk, so Lu Yuting asked Wen Zheng to send Lu Yuxiao back.

As for Zhu Lianjing, leave it to Yan Chenyu.

On the way back to the car, Ning Yuxi's smile faded a bit, and she leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes to rest.

After a while, she suddenly said, "Lu Yuting, did you know Qiao Zhiqin before?"

The sudden question puzzled Lu Yuting, "She's not an artist from your company? How did I know each other before?"

Tonight, she and Yan Chenyu frequently mentioned this name. Although he didn't know what happened and caused the two to face off against each other, he was definitely inseparable from this Qiao Zhiqin.

Ning Yuxi slowly opened her eyes and rubbed her aching forehead.

"Qiao Zhiqin already had the experience of debuting before, but after being banned, he returned to Guangsheng Entertainment as a trainee."

A trace of understanding crossed Lu Yuting's handsome face.

"You suspect that Chen Yu blocked him?"

"No, I'm pretty sure it's him now."

She thought it was a very challenging thing at first.

And she did put all her bets on Qiao Zhiqin.

But he never thought that the person who blocked her was actually Lu Yuting's friend.

That's why she tested Yan Chenyu when she was eating just now.

As expected, Yan Chenyu was still unwilling to let Qiao Zhiqin enter the showbiz.

In this way, she and Yan Chenyu's Liangzi are about to forge.

But she didn't want Lu Yuting to be caught in the middle.

This is a century-old problem.

While driving, Lu Yuting glanced sideways at the little woman beside her, saw her face full of sadness, and lightly rubbed her head.

"Are you worried that I will be embarrassed?"

Ning Yuxi responded in a low voice.

The man held her hand and wrapped it tightly in the palm of his hand, and the warm temperature came from the palm of his hand.

"Do whatever you want, and I'll help you solve anything that happens."

Ning Yuxi silently curled the corners of her lips, her mood brightened instantly.

This sounds like a kind of meaning to ask the wife not to recognize the brother.

I don't know what Yan Chenyu will think when he hears this.

Ning Yuxi was sent back to Ning's house by Lu Yuting, but the man was reluctant to open the door.

"Mr. Lu, it's getting late, you should go back to rest."

"that's it?"

Lu Yuting's black eyes stared straight at her, and a layer of mist shrouded the bottom of his deep eyes, revealing a faint sad expression.

Ning Yuxi tilted her head and pondered for a moment, then raised her arms around the man's neck, hugging him tightly.

"Mr. Lu, be patient and wait a little longer. After your grandfather's re-examination, you can turn into a regular."

Of course she knew where his emotions came from.

They have been married for such a long time, but she has lived in the imperial palace only a handful of times, and she doesn't look like a husband and wife at all.

In fact, she was also very guilty, but her grandfather's illness was not long ago, so she still did not dare to take the risk.

The man's eyes moved slightly, "When will Grandpa review it?"

"The doctor Zhu was not there recently, so I have to wait a few days. So..."

Halfway through speaking, Ning Yuxi turned her head and placed a light kiss on Lu Yuting's face, "You can only grieve Mr. Lu for a few more days."

Lu Yuting's cold and hard face softened instantly, and a trace of cunning flowed from the bottom of his eyes.

"Is Miss Ning being too perfunctory to appease?"

Perfunctory?She feels very sincere!

She mustered up the courage to take the initiative, okay?
How can you say she is perfunctory.

Ning Yuxi was blinking innocently. When she was slandering in her heart, the man suddenly grabbed the back of her head, and a small kiss fell, extremely touching.

After a long time, the man ended the kiss.

Their foreheads were pressed together, their breaths blended together, and an ambiguous smell lingered in the carriage.

"I won't let you off so easily after I change my position."

Ning Yuxi could hear the hoarseness and forbearance in his voice, but it was inexplicably sexy in the dark compartment, the temperature of her cheeks rose again, and it was hot.

"I'm back, you drive carefully, go back to bed early."

Saying that, Ning Yuxi got out of the car with the bag, as if she was running away.

Lu Yuting touched the corners of his lips, and laughed softly, with fire flashing in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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