you are my joy

Chapter 111 The Two People at a Stalemate

Chapter 111 The Two People Who Can't Stand Still

However, everyone was only stunned for a second, and hurriedly changed to the next scene.

Even Yan Xi was surprised for a moment, and then his eyes shifted to Yan Chenyu and Qiao Zhiqin.

One was as calm as water, cold and indifferent, and the other was as dark as Lord Bao.

There was a dim light in Xie Mei's eyes, Yan Xi retracted his gaze, the smile on the corner of his mouth concealed a bit of confidence, as if he understood something.

"Zhiqin, come and tell me the next scene."

Qiao Zhiqin was obedient to Yanxi's words, and when he heard that he was going to play against him, he hurriedly followed.

Playing with him, she can learn a lot, and her acting skills will become more mature, so she is naturally willing to play with him.

Yan Chenyu was about to be mad at this woman. She liked Yanxi so much that she followed behind him, and she would do whatever he said.

A pair of black eyes stared closely at the direction of their opposite scenes, wishing to separate the two of them with their eyes.

Qiao Zhiqin felt that the man's eyes were like a flame, igniting her back, burning all her attention.

As a result, the process of playing against Yanxi began to make frequent mistakes, and there was no way to concentrate.

"Sorry, I'll go to the bathroom first."

Qiao Zhiqin dropped the script in his hand and walked towards the bathroom in a messy manner.

There was no one in the bathroom, Qiao Zhiqin turned on the faucet, took some cold water with both hands and poured it on her face, only then did she feel much awake.

How can she forget this man?
Obviously she has made up her mind to forget, she just wants to maintain a relationship with him as an actor and director in the crew, but why does Yan Chenyu show that she cares about her.

He even suspected that he liked her.

"Ha!" Qiao Zhiqin sneered, and once again splashed himself with cold water.

Qiao Zhiqin, what are you dreaming about?

How could he possibly like you?

If he really liked you, he would not have blocked you in the first place, leaving you with nowhere to go.


The sound of the door being locked made Qiao Zhiqin's body tense immediately.

In the crew, it is not uncommon for actors to work together to bully newcomers.

It is not uncommon for newcomers to be locked in the toilet and bullied.

Although she had never experienced it, she had seen it with her own eyes.

Unexpectedly, one day she will experience all this.

Qiao Zhiqin turned around defensively, and was stunned when she saw the person coming.

In the next second, all the expressions in his eyes receded, and calm was restored.

"Director Yan, this is the women's toilet, you are in the wrong place."

Yan Chenyu smiled coldly and approached step by step until she was pushed into the corner, with her arms on either side of her body.

"Director Yan? How long are you going to play this unfamiliar scene?"

Qiao Zhiqin's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes did not want to fall on the man's face.

"I don't know what Director Yan you are talking about? We really never knew each other."

She would rather she never knew him.

Her life will not be all lows and she can't get up.

Yan Chenyu slowly lowered her head and sniffed the scent on her body.

"Qinqin, you're not good, eh? Tell me, do we know each other?"

"Director Yan, you said at the beginning that separation is a stranger. Even if I see you on the same occasion, I have to pretend that I don't know you. I did it, but what do you mean now?"

The cold eyes fell on Yan Chenyu's eyes, like a needle stabbing his heart.

She was right, it was indeed what he said.

But he was also in a fit of rage at the time.

She suddenly told him that she was leaving, without any reason, only that she did not want to maintain their original relationship.

So he agreed in a fit of rage, warning her before she left that they were just strangers from now on, and she couldn't tell anyone about their relationship.

Unexpectedly, now she blocked his mouth with the words he had said.

"Qinqin, if you weren't so headstrong and had to leave me, I wouldn't have said that."

Qiao Zhiqin sneered and looked at him sarcastically.

"Wicked? If I'm not self-willed, will I still be a woman who is supported by you?"

Yan Chenyu looked at her silently.

They are people from different worlds, and his marriage is destined to not be as arbitrary as ordinary people.

He knew what she wanted, but he couldn't give her what she wanted at all.

No need for him to answer, his expression is already the best answer.

Qiao Zhiqin twitched the corners of his mouth, but his eyes were still red.

Look, you are worthless in his heart, why should you lie to yourself with that little fantasy.

Qiao Zhiqin pushed him away, suppressing the grief in his heart, and suppressing the sad look in his eyes.

"Director Yan, you will have your own family in the future. I don't want to be the mistress who destroys other people's families, so I didn't make a willful decision at first, but after careful consideration. Please let me go, we The bridge returns to the bridge, and the road returns to the road.”


Yan Chenyu grabbed her arm, pulled her into his arms, and hugged her tightly.

"It wasn't my intention to let you go, Qinqin, can you come back to me again? I agree with your acting, and I can make you a superstar, but the only requirement is not to leave my side."

"Director Yan! Please respect yourself!"

Qiao Zhiqin struggled hard, the more she struggled, the tighter the man hugged.

In the end, she was tired of struggling and simply stayed in his arms.

Because she knew that if Yan Chenyu was determined not to let her go, no matter how hard she struggled, it would be useless.

Qiao Zhiqin lowered his eyes, took off his hard armor, and begged.

"Chen Yu, let me go, okay? I just want an ordinary family, and you can't give me anything but fame and fortune. Instead, why should we torture each other."

Yan Chenyu's arms tightened again, and Qiao Zhiqin was almost breathless.

Just when she thought she was about to suffocate, the man's arms loosened, but they still didn't loosen completely.

Why don't you let her go?
He was asking himself that question too, but couldn't find any answer.

He only knew that he was not used to the days without her by his side.

Once he thought of letting her go, he felt a panic in his heart for no reason, as if he knew that if he let her go this time, it would be impossible between them.

Yan Chenyu didn't agree to her, but he didn't know how to keep her, so he could only stand in a stalemate with her.

"Director Yan, it's been a long time since you came out. The crew is still waiting for you to film. It's time for you to go back."

Yan Chenyu straightened up, wrapped her waist with one hand, and stroked her face with the other, a flash of pain flashed in her warm eyes, so fast that people couldn't catch it.

"Qinqin, how can you stay by my side?"

Qiao Zhiqin shook his head gently, "You can't give what I want, and I can't give you what you want, so we are destined to be strangers."

(End of this chapter)

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