you are my joy

Chapter 115 Cry for him!

Chapter 115 Cry for him!

Yan Chenyu leaned against Lu Yuting and lowered his voice, "Why, don't you plan to chat with my sister-in-law? It's okay, I'll cover for you."

Lu Yuting's eyes flickered, "If you don't start construction, Lu's will get back half of the investment."

"Okay, okay, you are the boss, you have the final say!"

Yan Chenyu stood up and informed all departments to prepare to start work.

Only Ning Yuxi was left standing beside Lu Yuting at a loss.

"Lu Yuting, are you angry?" Ning Yuxi asked in a low voice.

Lu Yuting looked at her sideways, pretending to be surprised, "Mr. Yan, everyone has gone to prepare, don't you need to prepare?"

Ning Yuxi pursed her lips and turned her head back in three steps, but the man didn't give her a look.

Get angry!Get angry!
It really doesn't work, she cried to him!snort!
Ning Yuxi no longer looked back at him, lowered her eyes to suppress the emotion in her eyes, raised her eyes again, and in an instant, the evil charm and loneliness that belonged to Yan Xi were restored.

A smile flashed across the man's deep black eyes.

How could he be mad at her.

But it was the first time to see her dressed as a man, and it was a bit novel and surprising.

He always knew that his little wife was like a treasure that would keep surprising him.

But he never thought that she would be a famous Yanxi in the entertainment industry.


Ah!The name is really obscure.

Taking advantage of the filming interval, Ning Yuxi took out her mobile phone and started poking at the screen to send WeChat messages.

[Mr. Lu, don't be angry, okay?I'll go back and explain to you. 】

Afterwards, a little girl appeared to be crying instead of crying, which was very pitiful.

As a result, Ning Yuxi watched Lu Yuting pick up the phone, glanced at it, and put it down with no expression.

good!very good!very good!

She must cry to him!

Otherwise she has his last name!

Her fingers quickly slid across the screen of her phone. Before she could finish typing, she heard Yan Chenyu passing by her and said in a cold voice, "Yanxi! I'm ready to shoot, what are you doing? Don't you know how to waste every cent? Are all seconds wasting investors' money?"

Lu Yuting, who was sitting next to him, sank his brows imperceptibly.

He had never reprimanded his woman, how could he be bullied by others.

The icy gaze pierced at Yan Chenyu, full of warnings.

There was a sudden chill behind him, Yan Chenyu froze, turned around and glanced at Lu Yuting helplessly.

How can I say that he was also punched, can't be beaten, can't he be fierce as compensation?

Besides, he is the one who ignores people, and he is the one who protects his shortcomings. What a contradictory man!
Even though Lu Yuting was on set, Yan Chenyu's perfectionism did not weaken at all.

This scene was shot as part of the male lead team's training, so many shots will focus on the images of their fingers quickly tapping and moving on the keyboard.

Of course, Ning Yuxi's hand speed would not be a problem, but the others were not up to Yan Chenyu's standard.

The NG again and again, about 20 or so shots, did not satisfy Yan Chenyu.

In the end, even Ning Yuxi's fingers gradually began to stiffen.

She quietly rubbed her fingers, moving her knuckles, trying to relax her fingers as much as possible.

And all of this fell into the eyes of the man whose eyes were all hers.

Lu Yuting raised his hand, looked at the time on his watch, and then put his eyes on Yan Chenyu.

"It's noon."

Friends for so many years, how could Yan Chenyu not understand what he meant, and said helplessly.

"Mr. Lu, the crew is so busy that they don't have a fixed meal time. Wait, this one must be finished."

"No! She must be hungry."

Yan Chenyu's forehead twitched.

He suddenly felt that calling him was the wrong decision.

He clearly wanted him to see the people around him clearly, worried that he was blinded.

By the way, let him see with his own eyes what his woman has beaten him.

As a result, Lu Yuting came to spread the dog food.

He really shot himself in the foot.

"Mr. Lu, we are brothers who grew up together. Shouldn't you be concerned about my injury? Since you've been sitting here, your eyes have fallen on me only a few times."

"She's not unreasonable. If you hadn't irritated her, she wouldn't have done it."

He didn't know how Ning Yuxi lived before.

A person who can endure humiliation for so many years will not do it easily.

Unless Yan Chenyu did something that Ning Yuxi couldn't bear.

And a few years ago, he knew that Yan Chenyu had taken care of a woman, but he never mentioned it again, and he never inquired about it.

Maybe these are related to Qiao Zhiqin they mentioned last night.

Lu Yuting quickly clarified the matter, and his brows and eyes were stained with a serious look.

"Qiao Zhiqin is an artist of her company, don't touch it."

Yan Chenyu also restrained the smile at the corner of his mouth and said sternly.

"Brother Lu, I can agree to anything you ask, but this is the only thing that can't be done, Qiao Zhiqin, I have to make a decision."

Lu Yuting's handsome face sank, "Chen Yu! I don't want to intervene in your affairs, but you know your own situation."

Yan Chenyu turned his eyes to Ning Yuxi's body, his eyes gradually lost focus, as if he was looking at another person through her.

"Brother Lu, aren't you the same? Do you really think that sister-in-law can enter the Lu family's door? "

The Lu family is no different than an ordinary wealthy family. The Lu family, which has a hundred-year heritage, has been able to reach the present, and it cares more about the right than any wealthy family.

And the Ning family can only be regarded as a top giant in Yuncheng, but when they arrive in Kyoto, they are nothing.

Such Ning Yuxi was not even qualified to be a candidate for the next mistress of the Lu family, so how did she enter the Lu family.

Lu Yuting's eyes were as calm as water, and his voice was low, but he was confident enough to control everything.

"The biggest difference between me and you is that the decision I make will not give anyone a chance to betray. Besides, Xi'er and I are already married, so I can promise her a future, and what about you?"

After hearing the word "marriage", Yan Chenyu's pupils shrank, and she looked at Lu Yuting in disbelief.

"Brother Lu, are you serious?"

Their identities can be said to be doomed from the moment they are born, and there will be no freedom in marriage.

But he never thought that Lu Yuting didn't mean to obey the family arrangement at all.

"I never joke about my relationship, let alone my marriage. Think about it for yourself."

Lu Yuting stood up, straightened his suit and turned to leave, leaving Yan Chenyu alone to ponder.

Ning Yuxi kept her eyes on the man from the corner of her eye. Seeing that he got up and left, she didn't even say hello. It would be a lie to say that she was not disappointed.

Lowering her eyes, she took out her phone and continued to send WeChat to Lu Yuting.

"Mr. Lu, are you leaving? Won't you accompany me to dinner?"

Full of anticipation waiting for the man's reply, but the expectation is as great as the loss.

She didn't even notice that her pouted mouth could be hung on the oil bottle.

(End of this chapter)

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