you are my joy

Chapter 134 How does she look like a woman

Chapter 134 How does she look like a woman

Ning Yu'an turned on the phone's loudspeaker and walked a few steps in the direction of Lu Yuxiao.

Manager Cai immediately tightened his nerves and secretly wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead.

It's over, it's about to fight again, and I don't know when the big boss will arrive.

If it goes on, Huang Ting Hotel will probably hit the headlines soon.

Lu Yuxiao showed a mean smile and looked at Ning Yuan who was walking towards him.

"What? Not convinced, still want to fight?"

Ning Yuxi's eyes turned cold, thinking that the phone was still connected, she still controlled her anger, raised her hand and held the phone in the direction of Lu Yuxiao.

"Brother-in-law, it's alright."

"Lu Yuxiao!"

The cold and low voice was so familiar, and Lu Yuxiao's smile was stiff at the corners of his mouth.

" could it be you? You don't know this violent woman, right?"

"You've got a lot of skills, eh? Even women?"

Even through the phone, I can feel Lu Yuting's deep chill and displeasure
Lu Yuxiao looked at the phone pitifully and flattened his mouth.

"Brother! She was the one who bullied me first, and your brother has been bullied. How can you speak to outsiders?"

"You still sue the villain first!" Ning Yu'an retorted.

"Hey! Everyone around me was watching! Didn't you bully me first?"

"Obviously you are the first..."

"Ning Yu'an! Shut up for me!" Ning Yuxi's cold voice came.

When the voice fell, Ning Yuan pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, but still didn't say anything.

Hearing Ning Yuxi's voice, Lu Yuxiao's eyes lit up at once, he quickly pushed away the security guard in front of him, and grabbed Ning Yu'an's hand holding the phone with both hands excitedly.

"Goddess! Goddess! Are you here? I was beaten, please comfort me."

Someone coveted her sister, Ning Yu'an was the first to disagree!

"Consoling you! My sister is my brother-in-law's, what does it have to do with you! And you let go of my hand! You stinky rascal!"

If it wasn't for the phone, she would have beaten the stinky rascal to death long ago.

She dares to take advantage of her, I am afraid she will be impatient!
"I'm talking to the goddess, what does it have to do with you... Wait, who do you say the goddess is yours?"

Ning Yu raised his chin, showing pride, "She is my sister, what's the matter, do you have any opinions?"

Lu Yuxiao looked at her seriously again, and after a while, he clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"Your sister is really...indescribable..."

Ning Yu'an grabbed him by the collar and glared angrily, "What do you mean?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Ning Yuxi on the other end of the phone rubbed her forehead helplessly and warned in a deep voice, "You two are enough! Just wait for us there, we'll be there soon! Also, don't start another fight. It's gone!"

When Lu Yuxiao heard that Ning Yuxi was coming, he felt a lot more cheerful, and he didn't bother to bother with Ning Yuan.

"Okay! Goddess, I'm waiting for you here!"

It's really disgusting for a big man to talk like this!
Ning Yu'an glanced at him with disgust, and agreed, "Got it, sister."

Seeing that the two finally stopped fighting each other, Manager Cai breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately arranged security to evacuate the surrounding crowd and blocked the news to prevent today's farce from spreading.

Half an hour later, Lu Yuting and Ning Yuxi arrived at the Emperor Hotel.

As soon as she entered the office and saw the faces of the two of them, Ning Yuxi didn't know whether to laugh or be angry!
"You two are quite capable! One is the second young master of the Lu family, and the other is the second young lady of the Ning family. Don't you feel embarrassed that a fight broke out in public?"

Ning Yu'an lowered her head and looked at her toes, her vicious aura when she hit someone just now has long since disappeared, "Sister, I was wrong."

Ning Yuxi angrily poked her forehead, but she still didn't say the words of reproach.

She could see it, she couldn't change her temperament.

I can only try to keep her from causing trouble, so as not to cause anyone who shouldn't be offended.

Lu Yuxiao walked up to Ning Yuxi's side, not realizing the slightest mistake, and complained in a low voice.

"Goddess, your sister is too violent, you must not imitate her. Violent women are prone to domestic violence."

When Ning Yuan heard this, she immediately raised her head and glared at him, "You are violent! If it wasn't for you, would I have done it?"

"It's obvious that you broke my phone, and you scolded me for useless! How come it's me who needs to be beaten?"

Lu Yuxiao was about to rush forward, but Lu Yuting grabbed him by the collar.

"what happened?"

"It was she who threw my phone and called me useless, can I bear it? If I bear it, doesn't that mean I'm useless? That's why I..."

Lu Yuting gave him a cold look, "So you did it? With a woman?"

Lu Yuxiao muttered unconvincingly, "Why does she look like a woman?"

He is obviously a man, and his fist is harder than a man's fist.

It hurts to hit him!

Ning Yuxi: "An An, why did you drop his phone?"

"I just wanted to come to my brother-in-law's hotel to inspect and study. As a result, he insisted that he had seen me. He also said that I was a liar and wanted to call the police. When I was angry, I..."

Ning Yuxi and Lu Yuting basically knew why they were fighting.

Seeing that the two were not seriously injured, Ning Yuxi embraced Ning Yu'an.

"Okay, let's just pretend we don't know each other. Second Young Master, this is my sister, Yu An."

The goddess has spoken, and naturally he will no longer care about this violent woman, and reluctantly reaches out.

"Hello, Lu Yuxiao!"

Ning Yu patted his palm with a snap, without giving him a single look, her disgust was evident in her words, "Ning Yu'an."

Ning Yuxi looked at the two people who were extremely reluctant.

Confirmed eyes, are people who hate each other.


After dealing with Ning Yu'an and Lu Yuxiao, it was noon, and the four of them had lunch at the Emperor Hotel.

In just an hour, Ning Yu'an and Lu Yuxiao were bickering and fighting, and Ning Yuxi's head hurt from the noise.

Unexpectedly, before the lunch was over, Ning Yuxi received a call from secretary Qiqi.

"Mr. Ning, just now I went to the personnel department and accidentally saw their recruitment materials, and saw that Miss Meng, who came to make trouble before, was on the list for the re-examination."

Ning Yuxi put down her chopsticks calmly, as if she had expected it.

"You don't need to notify me about this, you know what to do."

When Ning Ying and Meng Ruxin made a scene at the office, Qiqi was there.

Besides, the news that Meng Ruxin slandered her for committing a crime was a big deal on the Internet, and Qiqi naturally knew how much she hated Meng Ruxin.

"I know President Ning, and I will notify the personnel department immediately."

"Also, if I see Meng Ruxin coming to work in the company in the future, whoever recruits it will get out of the Ning family with her!"

Qiqi's expression froze, and she responded. After Ning Yuxi hung up the phone, she hurriedly called the Human Resources Department.

"The woman you interviewed today is called Meng Ruxin, and she will always be on the blacklist of the Ning Group!"

(End of this chapter)

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