you are my joy

Chapter 151 The Sisters' Small Fights

Chapter 151 The Sisters' Small Fights

After the phone call with Lu Yuting, the gloom between Ning Yuxi's brows and eyes dissipated a lot, and her whole body was filled with happiness and sweetness.

Even Ning Yu'an, who has always been nervous, felt it.

Seeing her walk in from the door of the restaurant, Ning Yu'an rubbed her chin and circled around her with an unfathomable expression on her face.

"Sister, you don't seem to be the same today."

But she couldn't tell what was different.

Obviously, the clothes are still the style she likes, but the feeling is different.

Ning Yuxi smiled helplessly and rubbed her head.

"What's the difference? Is it possible that I can become a person after sleeping?"

Ning Yu'an observed her carefully for a long time again, and when she saw that her face was like a peach blossom and her eyes were full of spring, she found the problem.

"Sister, brother-in-law is on a business trip, why do you smell like love all over your body?"

Ning Yuxi tapped her forehead hard, "I think you're looking for a fight! Hurry up and eat your breakfast!"

"Hey... No wonder Sister Manman said that you put more emphasis on sex than friends, I think even my own sister is about to forget!"

Ning Yu shook his head and walked back to the dining table, looking aggrieved.

Ning Yuxi held up her little face and met her eyes sincerely.

"How could my sister forget you? The weather is cooler these days. I have already arranged the clothes you will wear these days to the servants. They will bring the skirt to your room later, remember to put it on."

Ning Yuan heard this and hurriedly said, "Sister! I was wrong, I shouldn't have said that just now, you should forget me!"

She doesn't wear skirts!
Naughty girl!
Not handsome at all, okay?
"No! You must wear it! This is your sister's love for you! Otherwise, my sister will tell your brother-in-law to stop your inspection and study of the Huangting Hotel, darling! Listen to your sister."

Ning Yuxi stroked her furry little head and smiled successfully.

However, in Ning Yu'an's eyes, it was pitiful.

Facts have proved that whoever provokes must not provoke a woman!

Revenge is too heavy!snort!
Ning Boguang, who was sitting in the main seat, watched the two sisters fight with a smile, and his mouth was closed with joy.

This is the life he wants.

If there are two more grandsons-in-law here, he will be content!

"An An, what your sister said is not entirely wrong. You are not too young. You should dress up and find a boyfriend to come back and let your grandpa meet."

"Grandpa, I'm only 20 years old! Why are you so anxious, I want to stay with you for a few more years!"

"You have been with grandpa for 20 years, and grandpa is bored. Grandpa prefers to let your boyfriend play chess with me."

She can't stay in this house anymore!
It doesn't matter if her sister doesn't hurt, but her grandfather dislikes her.

What's even more speechless is that a little girl in her early twenties was urged to marry?
But she has no plans to get married at all!
Ning Yuxi sat on the side watching the play, watching her forehead jump, adding fuel to the fire, "Remember to wear the skirt I prepared for you, it's an artifact of slaughtering men!"

"Sister—" Ning Yu pursed her lips.

Her sister is just watching the fun and doesn't think it's a big deal!
With my own husband, I am here to urge my grandfather to get married!

Ning Boguang then turned his gaze to Ning Yuxi, "Xiaoxi, if there are too many things in the company recently, you can leave it to Lao Qi to deal with it. Your body will not be able to bear it when the crew and company run around. I heard Lao Qi say last night. Is the light in the study still on at two o'clock?"

"Grandpa, recently the company has several important projects to bid for, so I'm a little busy. After these few days, I can concentrate on filming the tricks first."

Ning Boguang didn't know whether to be relieved or to feel sorry for her.

When I promised her to disguise herself as a man and enter the entertainment industry, I didn't want her edges and corners to be smoothed out, and I didn't want to see her change from a lively and cheerful girl to a woman who does everything.

Besides, the entertainment industry is like a big dye vat. She can meet all kinds of people, which is a good thing for Ning Yuxi, who will inherit the Ning Group in the future.

But she hadn't reached her goal yet, so he let go of Ning Shi first.

It was his long-cherished wish that Ning Yuxi inherited the Ning Group, and he must be gratified.

But now, the burden of saving Guangsheng Entertainment all falls on her.

She was busy with work and filming at the same time, why didn't he feel distressed when he saw it.

"Xiaoxi, if you feel tired, why don't you give up Guangsheng Entertainment! It's just a small brokerage company, and it won't cause too much loss to the Ning family."

"Grandpa, Guangsheng Entertainment can't give up. In this age of Internet popularity, TV shows have become part of most people's relaxation and decompression. Its prospects are very good, and we can't give up because of temporary difficulties.

I know you are worried about my body, but I don't have Lu Yuting by my side. With him taking care of me, why don't you worry. "

Ning Boguang sighed indistinctly, with water glittering in his eyes.

"Grandpa knows that you have always been very smart and handled the company's affairs in an orderly manner, but grandpa asked you to inherit the Ning Group, not for you to fight with your life."

Ning Yuxi said helplessly, "Grandpa, how can you be so exaggerated, don't worry, I won't make fun of my health."

Now that she has Lu Yuting, her grandfather and Ning Yu'an, how dare she make fun of her body.

"Sister, if the company is too busy, I can also learn to help you manage the company, so that you can film with peace of mind."

Ning Yuxi looked at her with smiling eyes, "Do you think you can get away? I'm letting you go to learn the scriptures in order to be able to invest in your restaurant in the future and make Ning's business more diversified."

Ning Yu'an will sooner or later join the Ning Group.

She is not arranging now because she wants her to do what she wants to do, so that she can enjoy life carefree.

She wants to open a restaurant, and she supports it.

However, as a businessman, she can't do a loss-making business. Since she wants to support it, she will invest in the Ning Group's name.

What if this girl really develops the restaurant into a hotel?
Hearing this, Ning Yuan muttered in dissatisfaction, "Damn capitalist!"

This is more and more like my brother-in-law!

On the way to Guangsheng Entertainment, Ning Yuxi took time to read the email from Lanhu.

There is a lot of content above, and after a rough browse, she basically already knows what happened.

Open the surveillance file, which is the scene of Fu family and Zhang Nanqin eating many times.

In the picture, Zhang Nanqin's smile is somewhat flattering, but Mrs. Fu's attitude towards her is lukewarm.

In many dinners, Fu Lin appeared only a handful of times.

But it was the last piece of monitoring that made her realize the problem.

In the picture, several people seem to be in a good mood.

Unlike the previous picture, Mrs. Fu was reluctant to give her even a glance.

This time, the normalcy was changed. Mrs. Fu held Zhang Nanqin and talked and laughed, as if reaching some kind of cooperation.

 Thank you for the monthly pass of [Sunflower Man], what a da!

(End of this chapter)

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