you are my joy

Chapter 162 Make a show for Fu Lin

Chapter 162 Make a show for Fu Lin
Meng Ruxin's eyes flashed, and she subconsciously looked at Fu Lin who was approaching. Seeing that he didn't seem to hear what Ning Yuxi said just now, she breathed a sigh of relief, her face even more furious.

"Yuxi! No matter what you do to me, I can bear it, but how can you plan against A Lin and the Fu family like this! Do you know that you will destroy the Fu family by doing this!"

It seemed that he had been hit a lot, and Fu Lin lost his high-spirited appearance.

He stared straight at Ning Yuxi, a little fragile and unbelievable in his expression.

"Yuxi, really... did you do it?"

Ning Yuxi's expression turned cold, she lifted her eyes lazily, and her gaze pierced into Meng Ruxin's body like an ice pick.

"Miss Meng, why do you always like to throw dirty water on me, I have been sitting under the stage today, what does it have to do with me?
Besides, you did this yourself, and it was only because you deserved what you deserved when it was exposed. What do you mean by being a victim now? "

Meng Ruxin's scalp was numb when Ning Yuxi looked at her, and there was a chill behind her, and her anger was instantly swept away.

When she couldn't get angry, she immediately put on a weak look and pleaded, "Yuxi, I know you still hate me and A Lin, if you have nowhere to vent, you will take revenge on me, don't shoot at A Lin, Alin is innocent."

Hearing it in Fu Lin's heart was both distressed and moved, he held Meng Ruxin's hand tightly, "Xin'er, I don't need you to do this."

"But I don't want to see you become so decadent, it was all my fault at the beginning, if I hadn't chosen to come back on that day, Yuxi would not have hated us, so Yuxi, what kind of revenge do you have? All come to me!"

Fu Lin hugged Meng Ruxin distressedly, looking at Ning Yuxi with disappointment in his eyes.

"Yuxi, do you have to do things so unfeeling? The Fu family did something that was sorry for you at the beginning, but then I tried my best to make up for it. You rejected me, what do you mean by revenge now? "

Ning Yuxi ruffled her hair in boredom, a sarcastic smile in her eyes.

If she didn't know why Meng Ruxin changed her weak appearance a few minutes ago, she became angry with her.

But now she knows.

All of this was done for Fu Lin to see, to let him see her goodness, and to discredit her in front of Fu Lin by the way.

It's just that she doesn't understand, why did she do this?
Isn't Fu Lin already hers?

Just when she was immersed in her thoughts, Lu Yuxiao was about to explode with anger.

Seeing Ning Yuxi being bullied by scumbags and scumbags, Lu Yuxiao, her little fan brother, was the first to refuse.

He rushed forward and pointed at Meng Ruxin's nose and cursed.

"Hey! I said how come you play so much a white lotus every day! My goddess said she didn't do it, so why don't you hold on to it!

Oh ~ I see, shouldn't you take the opportunity to express yourself, and then deliberately impress this scumbag!
I tell you, don't brush your presence in front of my goddess every day, especially you, the white lotus, don't think that you occupy a pivotal position in my goddess' heart, you are not even a fart in my goddess' heart! "

"Pfft!" Ning Yuxi couldn't control it and laughed outright.

Even Kiki behind her covered her mouth and laughed.

It can make Lu Ershao breathe out the fragrance, maybe Meng Ruxin is No.1.

Fu Lin's face suddenly turned gloomy, and he held Meng Ruxin tightly in his arms, "Second Master Lu, please don't talk too much!"

Lu Yuxiao sneered, "I think it's too much? Then it's not too much for this woman to smear my goddess over and over again? No wonder you're a scumbag, you're really a double standard!"

"Okay, Second Young Master, why waste your time with them."

Ning Yuxi swept over the two people in front of her indifferently, then withdrew her gaze and spoke slowly, her voice being her usual coldness.

"Miss Meng, Ershao Lu is right, I have no hatred for you for a long time, so there is no need to put on a show of desperate love in front of me, I don't have the spare time to retaliate against you.

Of course, if you-- secretly tricked me, that's another story.

Finally, I have to remind Fu Shao, you remember to go back and tell Mrs. Fu that it is not important to remember the kindness of the Ning Group, but it is best for her not to be so arrogant in the future, be careful not only not to trample Ning under her feet, On the contrary, stealing chickens will not lose the rice, and there will be nothing left. "

After finishing speaking, Ning Yuxi bypassed the two of them and walked outside the hotel with a look of indifference and arrogance.

Fu Lin stared deeply at the back of her leaving, and was reluctant to take back his gaze.

Thoughts also drifted away.

What did she and Lu Ershao mean?
Could it be that Xiner deliberately slandered her and acted in front of him?
As soon as Meng Ruxin looked up, she met Fu Lin's suspicious gaze when she turned to her, her pupils shrank, she grabbed his clothes and judoed, "A Lin, why are you looking at me like this? Did I do something wrong just now? Me too If you are in a hurry and worry too much about you, you will be suspicious of Yuxi."

"Xin'er, is that really just what it is?"

Meng Ruxin pushed him away in disappointment, her eyes blushed immediately, her footsteps were vain, and her body was trembling slightly.

"A Lin, why don't you believe me? If you weren't worried that Fu Shi would suffer losses, you would be stunned, and I wouldn't have rushed to Yuxi and misunderstood her, and I wouldn't have been attacked by Ershao Lu. Insults, I have suffered so much grievance, but in exchange for your distrust, you..."

Halfway through the words, Meng Ruxin suddenly covered her heart, her chest heaving up and down quickly, and her body slowly fell backwards.

Fu Lin quickly caught her, but saw that she had fainted.

"Xiner! Xiner!"

Fu Lin instantly put all doubts behind him, and hurriedly picked up Meng Ruxin and strode out.

Ning Yuxi and his party were about to get into the car when they saw Fu Lin holding Meng Ruxin in a messy footstep and got into the car anxiously.

As the car left, Lu Yuxiao retracted his gaze.

"Goddess, do you think this white lotus is a real halo or a fake halo?"

"Whether it's true or not, it's enough for someone to believe it or not?"

Even if Meng Ruxin is pretending to be dizzy, she is pretending to show it to Fu Lin. As long as Fu Lin believes, her play will not be in vain.

"By the way, goddess, you haven't finished what you said just now! Shouldn't what happened today really have anything to do with you!"

Otherwise, her assistant would not use words like borrowing a knife to kill.

And what puzzled him the most was, how did the goddess know that the recording just now was recorded by Zhang Nanqin herself?
The frost between Ning Yuxi's eyebrows gradually melted, and she turned her head to look at Lu Yuxiao meaningfully.

"What do you think, Second Young Master?"

Lu Yuxiao shrank his neck and said with a bitter face, "Goddess, I declare in advance that I don't mean to doubt you, just a rational analysis."

(End of this chapter)

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