you are my joy

Chapter 166 Nothing can beat Miss Ning

Chapter 166 Nothing can beat Miss Ning
Pink bubbles as sweet as honey fill the presidential suite at the Royal Court Hotel.

Ning Yuxi's blushing face was hugged by Lu Yuting on the sofa, the lipstick on her lips had already rubbed against the man's lips, but it was still bright and rosy.

Ning Yuxi raised her hand and gently wiped off the lipstick from his lips, and the full smile in her eyes was about to overflow.

"Lu Yuting, how did you know it was me who came in?"

Lu Yuting curled his lips into a smile, looked down at the delicate lips he had kissed, and couldn't help leaning over to kiss again.

A hand grabbed her hand that fell on his chest and held it tightly.

"How could I possibly remember the smell on my wife's body wrong."

The curvature of the corners of Ning Yuxi's lips became wider, and against the backdrop of the mole, her eyes were like a pair of galaxies, with stars shining in them, beautiful and dazzling.

Lu Yuting stroked her eyebrows lightly, his fingers slid on her flushed cheeks and pinched gently.

"Sneak attack from behind is not allowed in the future. If I don't find you in time, you will be very dangerous."

His defensive moves killed him. If he hadn't hesitated for a moment, he wouldn't have dared to think about the final result.

Ning Yuxi blinked in disapproval, "That's not necessarily true, Mr. Lu, you can't underestimate my skills."

She dared to approach him from behind, so she was naturally prepared for defense.

Because she knew that a person in a high position like Lu Yuting would not be too vigilant. If he did suddenly attack her, she could easily escape.

Lu Yuting looked a little helpless, but he pinched the soft flesh on her cheek angrily and gave up.

Looking at the small face in front of him that kept him up at night, Lu Yuting couldn't bear to look away for a second.

It was only a few days away from her, and it was as long as a few years apart.

She really is his poison deep into the bone marrow.

He rubbed her white and tender face, but he couldn't feel satisfied.

"Xi'er, repeat what you just said."

The topic changed so quickly that Ning Yuxi didn't understand what he meant for a while.


The arms holding her waist tightened a bit, Lu Yuting leaned over and whispered in her ear, "You said you missed me."

With a swish, Ning Yuxi's face turned even redder.

She wrapped her arms around the man's neck and buried her head in his neck.

"You heard it just now, why do you say it again?"

Lu Yuting gently rubbed her cheek with the tip of his nose, his voice low and hoarse.

"I want to hear it again, darling, say it again."

Ning Yuxi didn't speak, but the breath sprayed on the man's skin was a little short.

"Don't tell me, eh?"

The man's palm on her waist slid restlessly...

"Lu Yuting!"

Ning Yuxi blushed with shame, straightened up and glared at him angrily, the water waves flowing in her eyes, which were tight.

Lu Yuting's eyes darkened, and he kissed her lips, "I'll give you two choices, either talk now, or let's talk in bed."

Ning Yuxi bit her lips lightly and glanced at him shyly, but hurriedly shifted her gaze, her voice was as thin as the sound of mosquitoes.

"I miss you, I miss you, I miss you very much, are you satisfied now?"

Even when he heard it again, Lu Yuting's dark eyes trembled fiercely, as if something was expanding in his heart.

The seemingly simple three words were the most beautiful love words he had ever heard from her mouth, like a trickle of warmth flowing into his heart, melting all the frost in his world.

In the next second, the woman's lips suddenly came up.

"Lu Yuting, I really miss you."

Almost instantly, Lu Yuting grabbed the back of her head suddenly, deepening the kiss that was initiated by her.


Ten minutes later, Lu Yuting, who took advantage of everything, helped her tidy up her messy clothes, still hugged her tightly in his arms, and smoothed her sweat-stained hair.

"How did you get here?"

Ning Yuxi was lying in his arms, like a lazy kitten.

"These are not difficult for me, but the firewall of the Huangting Hotel system needs to be reinforced. It is too easy to break, and your internal confidential information can easily be stolen."

Lu Yuting was not surprised at all.

Since seeing her, he has actually guessed it.

All the companies under Lu's International use the highest-level defense system, and very few people can break it.

Except for this little woman in his arms.

"So you hacked the Huangting Hotel's system, hacked my phone, and hacked the door of my room?"

Hearing what he said, Ning Yuxi felt a little guilty, and her fingertips lightly plucked at the man's shirt.

"You can't blame me. Who asked you to replace all the door locks in the Huangting Hotel with smart door locks, then I'll test it and it will open, otherwise... I'll upgrade the system for you for free, how about it?"

She just tried to see if she could unlock the door's password through the computer, but she could easily open it.

"I don't like to owe people favors."

Ning Yuxi propped herself up with her arms, her eyes that were still a little blurry just now became clear, and she looked at him suspiciously.

"Does Lu always have to be paid? My pay is very expensive."

The corners of Lu Yuting's mouth curved in a charming arc, leaning over to her.

"I can send me to you."

Ning Yuxi blinked, "Mr. Lu, you are already mine, it doesn't count."

"Xi'er, you seem to have forgotten that we haven't fulfilled our husband and wife obligations, so I don't completely belong to you for the time being. After I give me to you, you can enjoy it as you please."

Lu Yuting deliberately bit down on the last four words, and Ning Yuxi gave him a shy look.

Irregular man!

Lu Yuting let out a low laugh, grabbed a strand of her hair and played with it.

"I watched the bidding meeting. You planned everything?"

The blush on Ning Yuxi's face dissipated little by little, and was gradually replaced by the light of confidence and intelligence.

"Yes, the Ning family must win these two projects, but the Fu family and Zhang Nanqin colluded in private to decide on these two projects, so I can only use extraordinary means."

Lu Yuting looked at her with a smile at the corner of his mouth, the doting in his eyes undisguised.

Originally, even if she didn't fight for these two projects, in the end he would grab them from Fu's and give them to her.

But she didn't want her to like these two projects as well, and she also staged such a big drama at the bidding fair, which directly made Fu lose her bid qualification.

"How did you know that the Fu family and Zhang Nanqin colluded privately?"

Ning Yuxi's expression paused, she held his hand, and her five fingers clasped between his fingers tightly, without a single gap.

"I said you can't be angry."

Knowing that she was going to mention Fu Lin's past with her, Lu Yuting smiled lightly, "You have nothing to do with him now, how could I be angry?"

Ning Yuxi pouted her lips calmly, obviously she would sour herself to death when she was jealous, why didn't he say such a thing at that time?

 Thank you 【の Pinellia シ Wei Liang じ】 for the monthly ticket!
  Thank you [*pure^] for your monthly vote!
  Thank you [~Not that fat fat~] for the monthly ticket!
  I love you, yay!
(End of this chapter)

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