you are my joy

Chapter 174 The world of the boss is different

Chapter 174 The world of the boss is different

Fortunately, she took precautions, otherwise this matter would not have been solved so easily today.

Although she has never met Doreen, she has heard a bit about her character. She has been praised by many stars since she was a child, and she has never suffered any grievances, so she holds a lot of hatred. times back.

She slapped her today, even though Doreen had made a rude remark, but Doreen would never have thought so, or she wouldn't have been so angry that she wanted to kill her with a shot.

After that, she took Doreen's gun back and made her kneel in front of her. Doreen's hatred, old and new, had already been written down in her heart, and she was only waiting for revenge in the future.

If it wasn't for the video in her hand, she wouldn't have let Doreen go so easily.

Lu Yuting listened quietly, looking down at her with a doting and affectionate expression.

He always knew she was smart, but he still amazed him every time.

With such meticulous thinking, I am afraid that no daughter can compare with her.


The sky of Yuncheng has been slightly white light, and the sun gradually rose from the sea level, awakening this sleeping city.

Yan Chenyu lay on the deck chair on the balcony but stayed up all night, the ashtray was full of ashes and cigarette butts.

The materials he saw last night couldn't stop appearing in his mind.

Delivering food, serving as a waiter in a fast food restaurant, these are the jobs that Qiao Zhiqin has done since she came to Yuncheng.

24 hours a day, except for going to bed at night, she did not leave any rest time for herself.

In the beginning, after she came to Yuncheng, she worked as a waiter, but because it was too hard, her salary could not support the rent of her house, so she found a job as a takeaway.

Do this for a year.

This year, she got up early at [-] o'clock, but at [-] o'clock in the evening, she was still taking orders and shuttled around this bustling city.

Several times because I went back late, I ran into an alcoholic and was almost taken lightly, but I could only swallow these grievances alone.

The surveillance near the old house where she lived had long since broken, so he didn't see the scene where she was almost bullied by an alcoholic.

But just reading the few words in the text made him so angry that he wanted to kill these men!

Occasionally, due to weather or other reasons, the delivery was delayed, and she had to look at other people's faces and listen to other people's abuse, but she could only bend down and apologize to others.

He couldn't tell how he felt when he saw Qiao Zhiqin bending over to apologize.

All I know is that at that moment, his heart seemed to be tightly held by a hand, unable to breathe.

He wondered why Qiao Zhiqin insisted on leaving him in the first place, and then made himself so embarrassed.

Even if he didn't have a proper name when he was with him before, at least he gave her a life without food and clothing, he held her in his hands as much as possible, and never suffered any grievances.

But later, she would rather live in a dilapidated house and live a poor life than turn back to him.

If it weren't for her luck, she entered the selection of Guangsheng Entertainment's trainee, she is still doing the work of the wind and the sun.

Yan Chenyu snuffed out the cigarette butts at his fingertips, slowly stood up and looked at the pale sky, the darkness and melancholy in his eyes that could not be turned away.

What should he do to keep Qiao Zhiqin by his side forever.


M country.

Wen Zheng brought dinner to Lu Yuting and Ning Yuxi, holding a few documents in his hand.

Ning Yuxi was sitting on the sofa with a bowl of soup and put down a few documents in front of her.

"Young madam, these are several documents about the Ning family, please sign them."

Ning Yuxi looked puzzled and looked up at him.

"Ning's documents?"

How could Wen Zheng have Ning's documents in his hands?
"Yes, it's about a few small projects in this tender. ZF has already selected Ning's as a partner."

Hearing this, Ning Yuxi was even more confused. She picked up a document and flipped through a few pages, her expression gradually becoming serious.

She picked up the other documents and flipped through a few pages, then looked up at Wen Zheng.

"Assistant Wente, did you make a mistake? Ning's did not bid on these projects, so where did the cooperation contracts come from?"

Wen Zheng slightly bent his body and replied respectfully, "These are what the eldest young master ordered."

Ning Yuxi's eyes flashed, and her eyes swept across the closed study door, which was dark and unclear.

"Okay, I see, the files are here first."

Wen Zheng knew that some words should not be explained by him, so he just clicked and left the room.

Ning Yuxi walked to the door of the study, raised her hand and knocked gently on the door.

"Lu Yuting, it's time to eat."

But in a moment, the door of the study was opened, and the next second, Ning Yuxi fell into a warm embrace.

"What do you call me?" The black eyes stared at her eyes tightly, with a little displeasure.

Ning Yuxi laughed helplessly, this man was really persistent in addressing this matter.

"Ting... can we eat now?"

The corners of Lu Yuting's lips twitched, and his mood was obviously a little better, "Let's go."

The two sat side by side on the sofa, Ning Yuxi picked up the document on the table and shook it, looking at him with a relaxed look.

"I heard from Assistant Wente that you helped me win a few projects? Aren't you going to explain it, Mr. Lu."

Lu Yuting lightly swept the documents in her hand with a calm expression. He picked up his chopsticks and took some dishes for her, and said, "My wedding gift for you."

Ning Yuxi chuckled lightly, and there was a look of surprise in her eyes.

"A wedding gift? Is it too late for this gift? We've been married for almost three months!"

"Not long after we got married, I had already selected these projects, but this gift was sent a little later because of the delay of the bidding meeting, don't you like it?"

Lu Yuting turned his head to meet her eyes, his handsome face became more serious, as if he was judging whether she liked this gift by his expression.

Ning Yuxi shook her head, and a small smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"No dislike, it's just the most special gift I've ever received."

Usually men don't give women bags, cars, clothes, etc. This is the first time he has seen a man give items to his women.

The world of the boss is really different!
"Since I like it, I will sign the contract in a while. Although these projects are small, they are of great help to the Ning family."

Although small projects do not make much profit, these projects are industries that Ning has never been in contact with. Even if the management is not good at that time, it will not lose too much, so it is just an attempt.

Ning Yuxi turned her head to look at the man beside her, with a hint of meaning in her eyes.

"I'm afraid you've chosen more than these items."

With his vicious eyes and experience in the shopping mall for so many years, it is impossible to choose only these small items for her.

Lu Yuting paused while peeling shrimp, raised his eyebrows and looked at her with interest.

"tell me the story?"

(End of this chapter)

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