you are my joy

Chapter 184 Ingratitude?

Chapter 184 Ingratitude?

Bernard put down the knife and fork in his hand, his shrewd eyes narrowed slightly, and his wrinkled face was gloomy.

"Mr. Lu, you can't be so arrogant. During the years of cooperation between Lu's International and FASHLOVE, Lu's International's profits have always accounted for [-]%. Even so, we have never asked to change the terms of the contract. Now Doreen is just doing One wrong thing and you're going to terminate our contract, isn't it too ungrateful?"

Ning Yuxi, who was sitting and eating quietly, smiled and said nothing.

Doreen, who was opposite her, could see her smile.

"why are you laughing?"

Ning Yuxi slowly raised her eyes and glanced at the person opposite her, her lips slightly hooked, and then looked at Bernard.

"I just don't quite understand what Mr. Bernard said."

Bernard snorted coldly, "It's not strange that you can't understand."

Ning Yuxi lifted her lips indifferently, "Then why don't you ask President Doreen to explain to me the ungrateful things your father just said about Lu's International, where did the grace come from, and where did the righteousness come from?"

Doreen raised her chin proudly. For some reason, facing the woman in front of her, she always wanted to subconsciously show her superiority.

"In the past few years of cooperation between Lu's International and FASHLOVE, Lu's International has made a lot of profits from it, and it can even be said that FASHLOVE ceded most of the profits to Lu's. Isn't that a blessing?

Under the current market environment, which jeweler is willing to give such a big profit to Lu's International? "

Ning Yuxi chuckled lightly, picked up the tissue at hand, and wiped the sauce from the corner of her mouth.

"Mr. Bernard, President Doreen, I know that you have studied the C language for a while, otherwise you would not have said the word ungrateful, but you misunderstood the meaning of the word.

As far as I know, the cooperation with Lu's International was initiated by you sending someone to negotiate with Lu's International. At first, Lu's did not intend to cooperate with you. It was not until after you made several concessions, that Lu's agreed to work with you. Cooperation, and you have successfully entered the market of country C because of this, this is obviously an equivalent exchange, how can it become a favor?
Do you say so, Mr. Bernard? "

Doreen and Bernard were blocked by Ning Yuxi's words and couldn't say a word.

Doreen had already seen this mouth of hers. It seemed to be in a hurry, but it was every word.

It was the first time that Bernard saw her sharp little mouth, and he looked at her with a little deep meaning.

It seems that this woman is not as simple as it seems.

Doreen took a deep breath, suppressing the displeasure in her heart.

"Okay, it's like my father used the wrong word, but what Mr. Lu said just now is too serious, I know what happened before is my fault, but there is no need to remove FASHLOVE from the list, jewelry. Besides us, who else in the business can bring such considerable benefits to Lu's International?"

"Then how many points does President Doreen intend to give to Lu's International for our new cooperation?"

Lu Yuting lowered his eyes and slowly ate the steak on the plate, his low voice was as calm as water, making it impossible to distinguish his emotions.

Doreen looked sideways at Bernard and paused before Doreen spoke.

"With the current market value of FASHLOVE, we are willing to give four points of profit to Lu's International."

Hearing this, Ning Yuxi's eyes flashed with an unknown emotion.

From seven points to four points, this loss of profit is not a star and a half.

I'm afraid Bernard had this idea since Doreen's private termination of cooperation.

Just take this opportunity to squeeze profits.

That's why he let Doreen go on his own way and wait and see.

It wasn't until I heard that Lu Yuting was going back to China that he didn't seem to really care about the cooperation with FASHLOVE, so he couldn't sit still.

Lu Yuting raised his head slowly, his cold and indifferent gaze stayed on Bernard and Doreen for a few seconds, and Bernard felt a chill down his spine.

He was secretly shocked. After several years, Lu Yuting's emotions seemed to be even more unpredictable.

It's just that since he has already asked about the division, he should still value the cooperation with them.

Just when he thought that Lu Yuting would continue to discuss the split with him, Lu Yuting put down the knife and fork in his hand, picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth, looking sideways at the person beside him.

"Xi'er, are you finished eating?"


Ning Yuxi replied softly, stood up at the same time as Lu Yuting, and prepared to leave with her bag.

The two seemed to have negotiated with each other, and they had a tacit understanding.

Only then did Bernard realize that Lu Yuting did not intend to cooperate at all, but wanted to leave.

Under the anger, he slapped the table with a slap, and the bodyguards hidden in the dark suddenly surrounded the two of them.

"What does Mr. Lu mean? We have to leave before we finish talking about our cooperation?"

Lu Yuting's black eyes instantly flashed a cold light, and the icy aura spread all over his body, as if it could form a thick layer of frost.

"What does Mr. Bernard mean? If I don't agree to cooperate with you, are you going to force me to sign this contract by force?"

Bernard picked up the wine glass and took a sip of the red wine in it, calmly and confidently.

"Then it depends on whether Lu is always a smart person."

But for a cooperation, he doesn't need to spend so much trouble.

But Lu's International was special, and he had to take some measures.

Lu's International has markets in various countries around the world, and the shopping malls under Lu's International are very famous in various countries.

It can also be seen from the cooperation over the past few years that the best platform to promote FASHLOVE's jewelry is the Lu's International shopping mall.

So he must win this cooperation, but he will never let the profit!
Lu Yuting stood tall and straight on the spot, the ice between his brows and his eyes could not be melted, and the cold laughter was like a huge piece of ice hitting Bernard's heart, chilling everywhere.

"Ha! Lu has been in the shopping mall for so many years, and no one has dared to use such a method to discuss cooperation with me. Today, I saw Mr. Bernard's good method."

Bernard ignored the chill in his heart and spoke.

"Mr. Lu, I don't want to use this method to force you to sign a contract unless it's a last resort. It's obviously a good thing for mutual benefit. You have to be like this, why bother?"

"It seems that Mr. Bernard still doesn't know me well enough. Do you think you can threaten me like this?"

Lu Yuting hooked his lips, and his indifferent and cold smile was like a sharp blade wrapped in ice, which made people feel terrified.

"Wen Zheng!"

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of guns being loaded came from all over the restaurant, and in the next second, countless dark guards had tightly surrounded Bernard's bodyguard, and the black muzzle of the gun pressed against the bodyguard's head.

Wen Zheng walked to Lu Yuting's side and bowed respectfully, "Eldest young master."

Bernard stood up abruptly from his chair and was shocked to see how easily his bodyguard was completely controlled.

After a while, he suddenly smiled proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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