you are my joy

Chapter 195 Tonight is a Good Opportunity

Chapter 195 Tonight is a Good Opportunity

Ning Yuxi frowned slightly, walked to him with the towel in her hand, stood on tiptoe, and gently wiped his hair.

"Why don't you dry your hair? Although Yuncheng isn't cold yet, it's easy to catch a cold if you wet your clothes."

Lu Yuting raised his hand and wrapped his arms around her waist, protecting her body to prevent her from falling unsteadily.

"There are no towels in the room."

Ning Yuxi said angrily, "Where's the bath towel? Can't I use the bath towel to wipe my hair first?"

"It's used to wipe the body, it's dirty!"

Clean freak!
Ning Yuxi groaned in her heart, and seriously helped him wipe his hair.

For a while, no one spoke again.

Although the huge bedroom is quiet, it is also warm and ambiguous.

The fragrance of the little woman's body after bathing lingered in Lu Yuting's nostrils, which was even more seductive than before.

The wide round-neck and half-sleeves kept sliding forward under her movements, and he just lowered his eyes to see the scenery in her clothes at a glance.

Under the light of the light, her skin was so white that it glowed, and the "scenery" on her chest was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it. For Lu Yuting, it was a fatal temptation.

There was a deep mist in his sandalwood-black eyes, blocking the desire that spewed out of his eyes, and the breath sprayed on Ning Yuxi's face also became a little hot.

Ning Yuxi didn't notice Lu Yuting's strangeness, and after carefully drying his hair, the soles of his feet fell back to the ground.

"The hair is still a little damp. Go and blow it with a hairdryer, but you go and change your clothes first. Be careful of catching a cold."

As he was about to turn around, Lu Yuting tightened his arms slightly, hugged her tightly in his arms again, lowered his head and buried his head in her neck and rubbed lightly.

"Don't want to know what grandma said to me after leaving me just now?"

The man's breath sprayed on her neck, itchy and burning, Ning Yuxi ducked her head sideways, her slender white and tender hand nudged his chest.

"No matter what you said, go and change your clothes first."

Lu Yuting didn't move, but left a shallow mark on her neck.

"Don't want to guess?"

Ning Yuxi's cheeks were slightly red, and her eyelashes were trembling slightly.

"Can't guess."

Lu Yuting raised his head, pinched her chin and rubbed it, the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, with a sinister smile.

"Huh! Playing stupid with me? Huh? Grandma tried so hard to keep you and sent you into my room. You can't guess what her old man's intentions are?"

She can usually guess even the human heart, but how can she not guess the purpose of keeping her here.

Ning Yuxi's half-smiling eyes met his bottomless eyes.

"So you guessed that grandma would definitely stay with me. When I was in the car just now, she suddenly changed her mind and promised me to go back to Ning's house tonight, right?"

Although she didn't get into the details of why he was against her going back to Ning's house a second ago in the car just now, and suddenly agreed the next second, but now that he thought about it, he must have guessed that grandma would keep her here, so he happily agreed.

Lu Yuting couldn't deny it, and caressed her cherry lips with rough fingers.

"I can't sleep without you."

He was already used to hugging her to sleep, how could he let her go easily.

The man's words were like a stone, causing a thousand waves in Ning Yuxi's heart.

The sweet smile spread out in her eyes, like a starry sky, beautiful and dazzling.

"Lu Yuting, I'm sleepy, why don't you want to hold me and stand here all night!"

Lu Yuting's eyes darkened, he bent down and picked her up, his strong arms tightly protecting her in his embrace.

He walked to the edge of the bed and put her on the bed, and his tall body was also pressed down.

Ning Yuxi put her hands on his chest, "What about sleeping?"

Lu Yuting lowered his body, looked at the small face that was close at hand, and couldn't help kissing her cheek that could be broken by bullets.

"I haven't finished what grandma explained. Are you sure Miss Ning won't cooperate with me?"

"Why do you want me to cooperate with what I've given you to do?" Ning Yuxi knew what he wanted to do, but she refused.

"Grandma let me seize the opportunity, and I also think tonight is a good opportunity."

"what chance?"

The smile at the corner of Lu Yuting's mouth became deeper and deeper, the desire in his eyes almost swallowed her up, and there was an obvious hoarseness in his dark voice.

"A great opportunity to exercise."

"Lu... um..."

Before Ning Yuxi could say anything, the man blocked her mouth.

When the lips touched, Ning Yuxi was startled to realize that the man's lips were so hot, and even her body became hot.

The fragrant fragrance that belonged to Lu Yuting alone poured into her mouth, mixed with her taste, sweet as honey.

The scorching breaths collided and blended with each other, but they gradually became faster and faster.

Ning Yuxi raised her arms around the man's neck, rather like an invitation.

The gentle kiss in the next second was as violent as a storm, and Ning Yuxi was almost unable to resist.

Just when she thought she was about to suffocate, Lu Yuting's thin lips left her red lips and slowly descended...


Early the next morning, the biological clock developed over the years awakened Ning Yuxi.

She stretched lazily, slowly opened her eyes, but met a pair of eyes staring at her intently.

"Lu Yuting, why did you wake up so early?"

Lu Yuting held her in his arms, and while helping her straighten her messy hair, he said:

"Beauty is in her arms, and her heart is full of horses."

"But you obviously last night..."

Thinking of last night's scene, Ning Yuxi's face gradually turned red.

Although they haven't made it to the last step, they have done everything they need to do, why is he still...

Her little red face was really alluring, Lu Yuting's throat moved slightly, and he lowered his head and kissed her little mouth.

"Xi'er, you can't get rid of hunger just by taking a bite. If this goes on like this, I'll be starving."

Ning Yuxi's eyes dodged, she pushed the man away from her body, and jumped out of bed.

"I'm going to film today, I can't be late, I'm going to wash up first."

Seeing her fleeing back, Lu Yuting let out a low laugh in his chest, leaning against the head of the bed, contentedly languidly.

Half an hour later, the neatly dressed two people walked downstairs and saw Madam Lu and said in unison:



Madam Lu's eyes lit up when she saw them, especially when she saw the marks on Ning Yuxi's neck, she even smiled.

"Yuxi, you were exhausted last night, why don't you sleep for a while?"

Lu Yuting's eyes flashed, and a smile flashed across his eyes.

Ning Yuxi: "..."

Was it because she was brought down by Lu Yuting?

Why does she think that grandma's so-called tiredness has a deeper meaning?
"Grandma, I'm used to going to bed early and getting up early. When I wake up, I get up."

Madam Lu's smile faded a bit, and she glared at Lu Yuting secretly.

"Did you go to bed early last night?"


Ning Yuxi didn't notice the eye contact between Mrs. Lu and Lu Yuting, she responded and ate breakfast.

 Thank you [Difficulty] for the monthly ticket!
  Thank you [Mumujiang_] for your monthly vote!
  It's officially [-] years old, and I wish you a Happy New Year!
  This year's Spring Festival is a bit special, so the little cuties should protect themselves while on holiday, wear masks when they go out, wash their hands frequently, try to avoid going to crowded closed places, don't panic, but also pay attention to protection and protect yourself!
(End of this chapter)

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