The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 137 Hard fight

Chapter 137 Hard fight

The front of the Han army suddenly sounded a desolate trumpet.

He Man's complexion changed, and as expected, countless heavy infantry armed with shields and halberds, covered in heavy armor and almost seamless, appeared in the formation of the Han army. They were sharp soldiers of the Han army!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The drums of the Han army's rapid pace sounded, and Zu Mao and Han Dang stepped out of the army formation with the sharp soldiers of the Han army.

The fiercely aggressive Han army sharpened their shields and crashed into the large formation formed by the yellow scarves.

Although the elite soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were selected from the elite of the Yellow Turban Army, they were actually only as powerful as ordinary Han soldiers.

How can it compete with the elite Han soldiers who are one in a hundred?How can armor made of leather withstand sharp halberds?What's more, there are Han Dang and Zu Mao, two warriors charging forward.

All the sharp soldiers of the Han army entered the army formation, and there was a bloody storm among the sharp soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army.

The sharp soldiers in the front of the Yellow Turban Army were broken one by one by the sharp soldiers of the Han army, and the entire front collapsed in an instant.

"call out----"

The sharp wooden whistle sounded from behind the Yellow Turban formation.

The flags of the Yellow Turban Army moved, and the sound of golden drums sounded again. The elite soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army in the front line hurriedly retreated following the flags of their respective army chiefs as if they were being pardoned.

He Man naturally heard the sound of retreating drums in the formation, but he was already driven into danger by Sun Jian's fierce saber technique.

The yellow turban warriors beside him heard the sound of trumpets and drums, and they all fled backward one after another, while the soldiers of the Han army in front of him were rushing forward.

He Man knew that if he didn't leave at this time, he might be left behind by Sun Jian.

"Open it for me!"

He Man rallied with all his strength, straightened out his fine iron stick, and swung Sun Jian's ancient ingot knife away with one stick. Regardless of the general's prestige, he rolled over and rolled into the crowd of guards behind him.

Just as Sun Jian was about to chase, there was a sudden sound of piercing through the air, and two cold lights suddenly flew towards him from among the crowd.

At the moment of lightning and flint, Sun Jian turned the ancient ingot knife, only to hear two "ding" and "ding", and the two points of cold light fell to the ground in response.

Sun Jian looked back and saw that He Man's personal guards had brought He Man a dozen meters away from here, and the two yellow scarf crossbowmen holding crossbow machines also quickly disappeared in the crowd.

This time the Yellow Turbans participated in a total of six songs, with more than [-] people.

It is divided into three lines of defense, and each line of defense is composed of two sharp soldiers to resist the Han army.

Although the Chinese army issued an order to retreat, they did not retreat all at once. After all, on the battlefield, an inadvertent retreat may turn into a defeat.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of the drums of the Han army became more and more urgent.

The sharp soldiers of the Han army were driving the broken soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army forward, and they were already familiar with fighting the Yellow Turban Army.

It only needs to drive away the rout soldiers, and the Yellow Turban Army formation in the rear can be dispersed, triggering a chain reaction, and even defeating the entire front formation in one fell swoop.

Although the yellow turban thieves in front of them were much tougher than the yellow turban thieves they encountered before, the retreat was still orderly.

However, in the Han army, the elite soldiers were even more elite in all battles, and the three lines of defense formed by the elite soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were almost defeated by them in one go.

With the help of Zu Mao and Han Dang, Sun Jian was even more powerful.

"call out----"

The sharp wooden whistle suddenly sounded from behind the third line of defense of the Yellow Turbans.


At the same time, Sun Jian also discovered the change in the formation of the Yellow Turban Army. He looked serious, stood in front of the formation with a horizontal knife, and shouted orders.

The rushing pace and drum sound suddenly stagnated, and then slowed down, and the soldiers of the Han army who were charging ahead all stopped when they heard the order.

Wearing leather armor and holding a halberd, the elite soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army receded like the tide.

In front of the Han army is the formation of the tower shield army slowly approaching. Countless halberds protrude from the tower shield. Behind the tower shield is a sergeant of the yellow scarf army with a helmet and full armor.

A familiar khaki general flag appeared in front of Sun Jian's eyes.

Sun Jian's eyes were red, and a monstrous killing intent gushed out of his chest.

He recognized the owner of the military flag, who was the cavalry general of the Yellow Turban Army yesterday.


Sun Jian roared.

Behind them, the soldiers of the Han army lined up and marched forward in unison. The sergeants of both sides fought to a regiment again, and the battle situation gradually reached a stalemate.

"Da Rong, Yi Gong will follow me to break the formation!"

Sun Jian raised the ancient ingot saber, and the armored guard behind him stepped forward upon hearing the order. The sharp Han soldier in front of him suddenly stepped out of the way, and the armored guard suddenly threw out the short soldier he was holding.

A small gap was instantly opened in the formation of the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army.

But just as the rest of the Yellow Turban soldiers were about to fill the vacancy, Sun Jian had already rushed over.

With a swing of the ancient ingot knife in Sun Jian's hand, four or five soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army in front of him suddenly fell to the ground. Zu Mao held two swords and followed Sun Jian into the army formation. Han Dang jumped into the formation not to be outdone. middle.

Although the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were protected by iron armor and shields and halberds, they were killed and retreated steadily under the onslaught of the three powerful generals Sun Jian, Zu Mao, and Han Dang.

Sun Jian's [-] soldiers rushed away, and the elite soldiers of the Han army were not to be outdone.

One of the Yellow Turban warriors, a village chief, stood up bravely, discarded the tower shield in his hand, and swung his halberd to attack Sun Jian.

Sun Jian did not back down, and also waved his sword to meet him.

When the swords and halberds collided, the commander of the military pawn only felt a huge force coming, and the tiger's mouth stabbed with pain.

The ancient ingot knife had already come along the halberd pole, and the eyes of the military commander were all white, and then a fountain of blood shot up into the sky, and a large head fell to the ground.

Before Sun Jian could catch his breath, three more long halberds stabbed at him from the front. Sun Jian swung his sword, caught the incoming long halberds with his arms, and stepped forward, all three soldiers fell to the ground.

The surrounding soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army retreated involuntarily.

"Lord be careful!"

At this moment, Zu Mao's warning sound came from Sun Jian's ear. Sun Jian frowned and took a step back. The guards behind him quickly guarded Sun Jian, and Sun Jian raised his eyes to look around.

I saw a road branching out from the formation of the Yellow Turban soldiers, and a general of the Yellow Turban Army wearing a plain shirt came walking quickly with a long-handled battle ax in his hand.

Sun Jian's face sank like water, and an unprecedented murderous look shot out from his eyes.

"General, this person is Sun Jian!"

A team leader in the military pawn formation pointed to Sun Jian who was wearing a red headband and shouted loudly.

Xu Huang's eyes froze, and he also found Sun Jian's trace.

While the figures were shaking, two soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army who blocked the way fell down under Sun Jian's ancient ingot knife.

Accompanied by a roar of the tiger, the ancient ingot knife in Sun Jian's hand was already slashing towards Xu Huang.

Xu Huang snorted, and swung his long ax diagonally to receive Sun Jian's angry blow.

Zu Mao and Han Dang were about to step forward to help Sun Jian, but two generals of the Yellow Turban Army jumped out from behind, these two generals were He Man and Zhou Cang.

A large number of soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were filled into the battlefield, and the offensive of the Han army's front line gradually sank into mud.

The more Sun Jian fought, the more frightened he became. The white-robed general in front of him was not inferior to him in terms of martial arts.

He fought He Man for more than [-] rounds, and he personally led the soldiers to break through the formation. He had already consumed [-]% of his strength, and now wrestling with Xu Huang, he was already somewhat powerless.

The Yellow Turban Army has a large number of soldiers, and a steady stream of new troops are joining, which also caused the Han army in the front line to fall into a hard fight.

Zhu Jun, who was in the middle of the Han army, also noticed the changes in the front line. More than two thousand soldiers had already moved forward under his orders.

On the several-kilometer-long front, the crowds of red and yellow had been completely entangled together, and the cavalry on both wings had also engaged in battle.

The deafening shouts of killing echoed in the wilderness of Kuicheng. Although the Han army was small in strength, it was well-trained and well-armored.

Under Zhu Jun's mobilization, the Han army's formation was orderly, not chaotic at all, and even advancing slowly.

Although the number of the left and right armies of the Yellow Turban Army was twice that of the Han army, they could only maintain a defensive position under the onslaught of the Han army.

Yu Du even led the troops himself and planted the general flag at the forefront to boost the morale of the soldiers, which barely withstood the attack of the Han army.

Xu An stood on the high platform with a dignified expression, looking at the fiery red general flag of the Han army that had finally come to a standstill.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The passionate battle drum sounded again from the position of the Yellow Turban Army's middle army, and the khaki tiger-striped battle flag was slowly moving forward.

 My eyes are injured, and I can't look at the computer screen for a long time. The update may be slightly less in these two days.

(End of this chapter)

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