The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 140 Sui Gu

Chapter 140 Sui Gu
The right army of the entire Yellow Turban Army has become a mess at this time.

Huang Gai led the sharp soldiers of the Han army like a broken bamboo, invincible, and was heading for the location of Yu Dujiang's flag.

"General, Huang San has already brought Rui Shi to press up."

A messenger of the Yellow Turban Army hurried to Yu Du's horse and reported back.

Just beside the poisonous general, the last [-] sharp soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army also pressed forward, but they still seemed unable to stop the advance of the Han army.

Bai Rao rushed to Yu Du's position from the right side with his bodyguards, and also brought more bad news to Yu Du: "Brother, the front formation can no longer hold up, and the army formations on the two wings have collapsed. The cavalry in the capital are also entangled by the Han army!"

As soon as Yu Du's expression changed, the collapse of the two wings meant that the defeat of the front line was irreversible.

Bai Rao drove his horse to Yu Du's side and said anxiously: "Brother, the Chinese army must have seen the current situation. Reinforcements are on the way. Let's retreat to the center first."

Yu Du frowned tightly and couldn't help sighing, but he still accepted Bai Rao's proposal.

"Why are you alone, where is Suigu?"

Yu Du looked around, but he saw neither Sui Gu's figure nor Sui Gu's banner, so he hurriedly asked Bai Rao.

"Second brother Sui led the troops to support the front line, but too many soldiers were defeated along the way, so he asked me to protect the eldest brother and retreat to the center line."

The shouts of the Han army in front became louder and louder, Bai Rao grabbed Yu Du's rein and said eagerly.

"If you don't leave, it will be too late, big brother!"

Yu Du raised his head, still wanting to look for Suigu's banner, but at this time the two armies were fighting hand in hand, the surroundings were in chaos, countless flags were shaking, where could he find Suigu's banner.


Yu Du gritted his teeth and turned the horse's head.

Seeing this, Bai Rao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly directed the sergeant to protect Yu Du beside Yu Du, and the group retreated towards the center of the formation.

Soon the Han army discovered that Yu Du's general flag was moving backwards, countless Han troops shouted mighty, and the Yellow Turban army was retreating!

Correspondingly, many soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army who were still stubbornly resisting in the front line lost their courage to continue fighting when they saw Yu Du's flag retreating.

The central formation of the Yellow Turban Army was not too affected by the collapse of the troops. Although the collapse of the front formation did make them feel panicked, the training camp was not without results.

Although the general sergeants of the Yellow Turban Army only trained for eight days in January, they only had a rough grasp of the military formation.

But Xu An strictly ordered that everyone must memorize the military regulations, and there are some preaching things.

For example, there is a rule: If you flee before the battle, there is no army in the formation. How can you escape if the enemy has pursuers?

The yellow scarf alchemist and Fu Zhu acted as military judges walked between the gaps in the military formation. The military law stipulates that if you face the enemy before the battle, you may be beheaded for public display if you turn around in the military formation.

The Han army drove the broken soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army to take advantage of the victory and pursue to defeat the entire right wing of the Yellow Turban Army in one fell swoop, but Yu Du retreated to the center of the Yellow Turban Army in time and had already taken over the command of the center.

The yellow turban army who were driven away and dared to attack the yellow turban army's central formation fell in front of the yellow turban army formation without exception.

Either they were killed on the spot by the spears protruding from the army formation, or they were shot to death on the grass in front of the army formation by the archers in the Yellow Turban army formation.

After the soldiers of the Han army tentatively launched two waves of charges, they gave up this idea.

Under the order of the officers, the Han army rearranged a dense army formation to guard against possible counterattacks.

However, the small cavalry of the Han army were still hunting and killing the fleeing Yellow Turbans, driving the routs and trying to attack the Yellow Turbans' formation.

And more Han troops gathered together to strangle the remnants of the Yellow Turban Army who were still in the formation.


Numerous red flags waved, and a Sima of the Han army stood in front of the Han army holding a halberd.

In front of him, Huang San, who was wearing an iron armor, was holding his chest and half kneeling on the grass with a pair of axes.

Dozens of elite soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army surrounded him, fighting with all their strength against the surrounding soldiers of the Han Army.

Although the number of Han troops surrounding this Yellow Turban army is far greater than that of the Yellow Turbans.

But at this moment, the Han army is fighting for military merit, and these Yellow Turban troops are fighting for life at this moment. The Han army was even repelled by a certain distance for a while.

But the Han army was re-arranging again, and the general of the Han army with feathers on his helmet yelled at his sergeants, preparing for the next round of attack.

Huang San wanted to stand up, but he was hit in the chest by the iron halberd of the Sima of the Han army. Although the iron halberd did not pierce his breastplate, at this moment his mouth and nose were filled with an unpleasant smell of blood. I can't even stand up.

A soldier of the Yellow Turban Army tremblingly reported to Huang San: "Army Sima, General Yu's flag has retreated..."

"I know... hiss..."

Huang San grinned slightly, but the wound on his chest was pulled, and he couldn't help crying out in pain.

"I don't want to die..."

Beside Huang San, a soldier of the Yellow Turban Army fell to the ground trembling with fright, and couldn't help sobbing.

Sorrow and panic slowly spread among the surrounding soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army.

"To shut up!"

Huang San gritted his teeth and cursed loudly, strenuously propping up his body, beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, he gasped heavily, every time he took a breath, his whole lungs ached.

"Who isn't afraid of death! I'm so fucking afraid! But you ask, will these Han soldiers give you a way out?"

Huang San glared at the sobbing Yellow Turban soldier, and angrily said.

"Taxes, corvee... In the seventh year of Guanghe, there was a severe drought. Those officials took away the little food left in my family. My wife, children, and children all starved to death in the disaster year."

Huang San grabbed the Yellow Turban soldier who was slumped on the ground.

"I knelt on the ground and begged, but in exchange for a severe beating, you knelt on the ground and begged the Han army to spare your life, and they will only cut off your heads to receive the reward!"

"Stand up for me, even if you die, let the court know that we are not just animals that can be slaughtered casually!"


The Han army has been reorganized, and countless Han troops held their long halberds and charged towards the formation of yellow scarf soldiers again.

After a while, the solitary khaki flag was overwhelmed by countless red flags.

In the Han army formation, the same thing happened everywhere. No matter whether the Yellow Turban army knelt down and begged for mercy, or fought desperately, they could not escape the fate of perdition after all.

Huang Gai clenched the iron whip in his hand, shook his shoulders, and stared at the yellow scarf general in front of him with a pair of tiger eyes.

The general of the Yellow Turban Army stopped him from attacking the sharp soldiers of the Han Army many times, but from then on he no longer needed to worry about this person coming to stop him again.

Sui Gu stood staggeringly in a pool of blood with his two knives in his hands, surrounded by the corpses of soldiers of the Han army.

His helm was gone, and blood dripped from his wounds, dripping down his armor.


Huang Gai ruthlessly raised his iron whip, and the surrounding Han soldiers stepped forward one after another.

Sui Gu let out a low roar of a beast from his throat, brandishing his two knives and roaring towards the front to kill.


There was a sound of the sword piercing into the flesh, and Sui Gu's double knives also fell to the ground.

Sui Gu firmly held the two halberds inserted into his abdomen, blood gushed out from his mouth continuously, and the noisy killing sound was getting farther and farther away from Sui Gu
(End of this chapter)

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