Chapter 144
As soon as Xu Huang walked into the wall with his personal guards, he noticed Cheng Pu's banner not far away.

I also saw them fighting with the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army.

Xu Huang didn't hesitate at the moment, his legs clamped the horse's belly suddenly, and the Hualiu horse neighed, and galloped towards Cheng Pu.

Seeing that Xu Huang was coming with the cavalry, Cheng Pu swung the snake spear away from the attacking halberd again, and immediately retreated behind a group of Han soldiers.

Fortunately, the war horse is not far away, and Xu Huang is still some distance away.

Cheng Pu led a group of Han cavalry back on their horses, and the Han infantry also took the opportunity to retreat.
The head of the colony leading the Han army yelled at the sergeants, wanting them to form an army again.

The yellow turban army's pawn phalanx suddenly suffered a lot of casualties, and they had no ability to fight back at all for a while, so they could only sit back and watch the Han army retreat safely.

Wang Qi quickly ordered the sergeants to step aside, and dozens of cavalry from the Yellow Turban Army galloped out under the leadership of Xu Huang.

Cheng Pu raised his remaining prestige, and charged forward with the knights of the Han army.

The knights on both sides fought hand-to-hand, and blood flowers bloomed in the cavalry in an instant. The wailing of the horses, the miserable cries of the knights, and the collision of swords and swords intertwined into one piece.

Xu Huang beheaded a knight of the Han army in front of him with one axe, and then saw Cheng Pu who was wearing black armor and feathers on his helmet.

While Cheng Pu's snake spear was dancing, several Yellow Turban knights all turned over and fell off their horses. Xu Huang pulled the reins, drove the horse off his seat, and took the long ax in his hand straight to Cheng Pu.

Seeing Xu Huang coming, Cheng Pu patted his horse to meet him, swung his snake spear and tried his best to parry Xu Huang's long axe.

The spear and the ax collided, and the arm strength of the two was evenly matched at this moment, neither of them could do anything to the other.

The infantry of both sides moved forward together, and the situation became anxious again. The Yellow Turban army poured out from the wall of the village continuously, while the Han army, led by their respective generals and schools, poured out from the camp one after another.

The waves of red and yellow kept surging back and forth in the dilapidated camp.


Zhu Jun looked at the soldiers who were fighting under the city with an ugly expression.

If the Han army hadn't relied on strong bows and crossbows and the defensive facilities of the camp, it might have collapsed at this time.

Although Zhu Jun didn't want to admit it, the scale of victory was tilting towards the Yellow Turban Army, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"After the next wave of 'Moth Thief' attack, all of them should withdraw to the city..."

Zhu Jun reluctantly gave the order that he must abandon the battered camp outside the city.

Several Han generals beside him also showed embarrassment on their faces.

This also means that Kuicheng has officially become an isolated city. The city of Kuicheng is not very large. The Yellow Turban Army with its superior force can completely cut off the connection between Kuicheng and Hanoi County Zhucheng.

This is a battle that is several times more difficult than the battle of Changshe, because Zhu Jun doesn't know if reinforcements will come, and now the main force of the Han Empire is fighting Qiang cavalry in the northwest.

The combat power of the Taihang Yellow Turbans is much stronger than that of the Yellow Turbans during the Yellow Turban Rebellion. If there are too few troops to help, it may not help.

On the contrary, it may be defeated by the Taihang Yellow Turban, causing the situation to deteriorate further.

"Let the yellow angels press down on me and defeat the Han army in the North Village in one fell swoop!" Xu An led the bay red horse to walk in front of the army and shouted, "Before dark, capture the Han army camp!"

In the formation of the Yellow Turban Army, the flags of He Man and Zhou Cang also began to press forward towards the North Village.

Xu An handed over the responsibility of attacking the Han army in Xizhai to Yan Zhong.

The military order of the big banner was passed down level by level, and the yellow angels in heavy armor followed the sergeants of the Yellow Turban Army and poured into the camp.

The horse under Sun Jian's seat was hovering around the city gate. The battle ahead became more and more fierce, and more and more yellow flags poured into the village.

"Order the flag!"

A red banner on the wall of Kuicheng suddenly waved, and a guard beside Sun Jian quickly pointed at the red flag.

At two o'clock in the unitary hour, the last reserve team of the Beizhai Han army was thrown into the battle by Zhu Jun.

The sky was getting dark and the sun was gradually sinking to the west.

In the field outside Kuicheng, the sound of the trumpets and drums became more and more urgent.

"The attack of the 'Moth Thief' became more and more fierce, and the other Sima Zhang Chao was beheaded by the enemy general!"

A scout from the Han army hurriedly boarded the tower, and Beizhai was completely in chaos.

Xu An didn't give the Han army a chance to retreat to the city at all, he directly fixed the big banner on a small mound fifty steps away from the Han army's camp.

As long as the sergeants of the Yellow Turban Army inside and outside the camp looked back, they could see the flaming red horse under Xu An's seat under the big khaki banner.

The entire front line of the Yellow Turban Army has fallen into a frenzy because of Xu An's presence in the battle.

The yellow flags fluttered, and countless soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army gathered into a tidal wave, which suddenly slammed into the Han army's formation.

The call to retreat had sounded for a quarter of an hour, but the brigade of Han troops in Beizhai couldn't get out of the battle at this time, and the Yellow Turbans entangled them tightly.

Cheng Pu had also dismounted to fight on foot at this time, he led a dozen personal guards, and about a quarter of the Han army was fighting a phalanx of yellow scarf soldiers in front of him.

When the fierce battle was in full swing, a soldier and horse suddenly rushed out from the side, and scattered the two phalanxes of soldiers in front of them.

Cheng Pu took a closer look, but it was Sun Jian who arrived with his troops.

"Demou, you command the soldiers in Beizhai to retreat to the city, and I'll stop the rear!"

"My lord..."

Cheng Pu looked a little hesitant, and the candidate after the breakup could not

"Go!" Sun Jian shouted sharply.

Not far away, another Han army that was retreating into the city was blocked by a Yellow Turban army.

Without waiting for Cheng Pu to reply, Sun Jian hurried towards the direction of the Han army with the knights behind him.

Cheng Pu looked at Sun Jian's back, heaved a long sigh, and commanded the soldiers to retreat to Kuicheng.


The situation of the Han army in Xizhai was not optimistic, although the Yellow Turban army who attacked Xizhai did not have many elites.

However, Yan Zhong deployed troops and dispatched troops in an orderly manner, with wave after wave of offensives.

Moreover, there were not many Han troops to reinforce Xizhai.

Under the command of Yan Zhong, the Yellow Turban Army is gradually occupying the camp of the Han Army.

Under the continuous offensive of the Yellow Turban Army, Kuicheng was like duckweed in the wind and rain.

Eight quarters of the unitary hour (19:[-]).

The crossbowmen on the wall of Kuicheng poured rain of arrows down the city non-stop, almost losing their strength.

The Han troops in Beizhai and Xizhai finally retreated safely to Kuicheng City before the sun went down.

The setting sun is like blood, and the sunset glow in the sky is blood red.

And above the sunflower city is also a bright red banner, and the dilapidated camp below the sunflower city is also full of blood.

The dark red blood pooled on the grass, the dead soldiers fell together, and the broken weapons were scattered all over the ground.

As the sky darkened, torches were lit in the wilderness outside Kuicheng, gathering into seas of flames.

Outside the city, the Yellow Turban Army is cutting wood again to build a camp.

They want to build a new camp in the south of Kuicheng to block the way for the Han army in Kuicheng to escape to Yongcheng.

The pitch-black curtain slowly fell. Amidst the cheers, Xu An raised his right hand, and the Yellow Turban Army's central army also heard the sound of withdrawing troops.

(End of this chapter)

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