The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 147 Sadness

Chapter 147 Sadness
The strong wind howled, blowing countless banners in the Yellow Turban barracks.

At this time, Sun Jian's eyes were beating with fire, and his ears were full of shouts and wailing.

When the large area of ​​flames appeared in the northeast, Sun Jian understood that they had completely fallen into Xu An's trap, and Zhu Jun's side was probably in danger.

"Master, be careful!"

Under the night, there was a loud sound of bowstrings, and a personal guard blocked Sun Jian's side with a shield.

Sun Jian's heart was full of sadness. The soldiers around him were all young fellows from Xiapi County who were working as errands at the time, and there were recruits from Huai and Si in the same year at home.

It's all because of Sun Jian's reputation that he chose to follow him, making contributions and honoring his ancestors.

But today he was almost completely lost in the battle of Kuicheng, what face did Sun Jian have when he went back to see his elders in his hometown?
The shouts of killing gradually approached, and the shouts of the guards became more and more urgent.

Sun Jian shook his head, trying his best to dispel the sadness in his heart, the random thoughts in his mind could not be tolerated on the battlefield.


Sun Jian brandished the ancient ingot knife, steered the horse, and rushed forward frantically. There were seventeen personal guards beside him, but now only thirteen are left after fighting.

The Han army in the camp was already in disarray. The sergeants of the Yellow Turban Army were striding forward, and the sergeants of the Han army fell to the ground one after another.

Fortunately, the encirclement was not formed, and a group of personal guards protected Sun Jian to break out of the encirclement.

But Sun Jian and the others had just walked a few dozen steps, and suddenly another soldier and horse flashed by the front of the military tent, and a battle flag with black characters on a yellow background appeared in front of Sun Jian's eyes.

On the banner was embroidered with a big word "Yu", but it was Yu Du who saw that the place He Man was guarding was ablaze to the sky.

Knowing that it was the Han army attacking the camp, they rushed to support them, and ran into Sun Jian who was fleeing.

"Dog thief, pay for my brother's life!"

Bai Rao's eyes were about to burst, Gong Du talked about Sun Jian and his four generals in the army during this battle.

Why didn't he know that Huang Gai who killed Sui Gu was under Sun Jian's tent, and when he saw a Han general wearing a red headband, he probably knew it was Sun Jian.

Bai Rao, who was burning with anger, didn't wait for Yu Du who was beside him to give orders, and rushed towards Sun Jian with a long knife and his personal guards.

"call out----"

The sharp wooden whistle sounded immediately, and with one stroke of the poisonous whip, all the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army behind rushed towards Sun Jian.

Sun Jian's face changed drastically. The Yellow Turban Army in front of him had at least a thousand soldiers. How could they be defeated?
At this moment, a personal guard shouted loudly: "Master, the wall here is low, you can leave the village from here!"


Sun Jian made a decisive decision, and his personal guards led the horses and galloped quickly towards the wall.

"Sun Jian, where to escape!"

Bai Rao blushed furiously, and galloped towards him, brandishing his long knife.

"My lord, go first!"

The two personal guards gritted their teeth and left the team when they saw Bai Rao wielding his sword.

There was another shout of killing from all directions, Sun Jian gritted his teeth, and without looking back, he led his guards and drove his horse down the low wall of the village.

Seeing the two Han riders rushing forward, Bai Raohu roared and swung his long knife. The two sides fought into a group, and the two Han riders fell off the horse one after another.

Although these two Han cavalry have been battle-tested for a long time, how can they defeat Bai Rao who is in a rage?
It's just that after gaining a lot of time, when Bai detoured to the wall of the village, Sun Jian and the others only left a shadow of their backs.


Bai Rao yelled frantically, took out the Han bow from his waist, and tried his best to shoot several bows at the place where Sun Jian left, but all of this was of no avail.

His brother Sui Gu died in the wilderness outside Kuicheng, and even his body was never recovered.

Those fellow villagers who went into the mountain with them did not know how many people died or were injured in the wilderness outside Sunflower City.

The backs of Sun Jian and the other riders finally disappeared in the dark night.

Bai Rao knelt on the ground and yelled loudly, his face was ashen, his eyes were red and his face was red, his hands were clasped tightly on the hardwood of the wall, and blood was even drawn out.

With a big hand on his shoulder, Bai Rao slowly turned his head, and Yu Du's face appeared in front of him.

He couldn't hold it back anymore, tears welled up from his eyes like a tide.

"Second brother is gone, our brothers are gone, all the brothers who followed from Chaoge are almost dead..."

Bai Rao lay on the ground, crying bitterly.

Yu Du looked up at the dark night outside the wall of the village, Bai Rao's crying lingered in his ears.

He knew that Sui Gu, who was so brave with two swords in his arms, would never come back.

The second younger brother who was able to not be underestimated by others in the Yellow Turban Army because of his poison, and who charged forward in the Battle of Chishiling and fought desperately, has returned to Huang Tian.

Along the way, Chaoge followed him with hundreds of rangers, but after repeated battles, there are only about twenty left.

The sea of ​​fire surged in the northeast, and Yu Du knew in his heart that Xu An's ambush was a success.

The battle of Kuicheng is about to end.


Upstairs in Kuicheng City, Wang En looked at the changes outside the city, and wanted to lead the troops out of the city several times, but his reason still gave him the order to stick to it.

All the cavalry in the city withdrew with Zhu Jun, and now there are only more than [-] infantry, so what if they are taken out of the city.

The flames in the east shook, and countless soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army cheered loudly, and the sky-shattering shouts spread into Kuicheng.

The sergeant of the Han army who was awakened from sleep was also heard by Wang En.

Panic spread throughout the barracks. Fortunately, the patrol team of the Han army suppressed the panic in time so that the camp would not scream.

Wang En returned to the tower after finishing his tour of the barracks wearing a suit of armor left by Zhu Jun.

Some Han troops who fled back appeared outside the city. They shouted at the guards to open the gate quickly, but with Wang En's military order, the guards did not open the city gate wide for them.

The terrified soldiers yelled loudly at the guards on the city wall, until a rain of arrows poured down, and they fled around the city to other places.

The Yellow Turban Army Rangers with torches galloped across the wilderness, and a defeated Han army was driven away into the distance.

They desperately ran towards the dark place, they couldn't see the way ahead, they stumbled and ran forward, just wanting to stay away from the fire behind them.

But all of these were obviously in vain, and the disintegrated Han army fell one after another under the blades of the Yellow Turban army chasing the knights.

Just like after the great victory in Xiaquyang, the broken soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were chased to the sky and had nowhere to go, but at this moment they became the Han Army.

"The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand, the age is in Jiazi, and the world will be prosperous!"

Wang En gripped the railing on the city tower with both hands, and his face turned livid when he heard the shouts of the Yellow Turban Army outside the city.

The Han army was completely defeated in the battle of Kuicheng. Wang En looked outside the city, and there were thousands of lights outside the city, and the shouts were as loud as thunder.

What was originally a single spark has now turned into a prairie fire.

There were more and more flames, and Wang En's hands and feet were cold. In a daze, he saw that the whole wilderness had been ignited by it. The flames were soaring into the sky, and a mansion full of holes was slowly collapsing in the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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