The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 159 Climbing the city!

Chapter 159 Climbing the city!

In the third year of Zhongping, summer, August [-]th, it was already the fifth day of the siege.


Under the city of Gaodu, there was another burst of shouting and killing, and countless sergeants of the Yellow Turban Army with their heads wrapped roared and marched slowly.

Looking as far as the eye can see, the khaki-colored flags are as magnificent as the tide.

The Yellow Turban Army's fierce attack on Gaodu from three sides has lasted for two hours, and another new force has joined the battlefield.

Qin Xi, Sima of the Han Army, trembled a little with his knife holding the knife. He only felt that his hand holding the knife was as heavy as if it had been filled with lead.

After fighting for five days, the Yellow Turban Army's offensive was extremely ferocious. If it weren't for the slaves sent by the powerful families in the city, and the soldiers recruited, the city would have been destroyed.

But although the military strength of the Han army has been supplemented, most of them are only newcomers who have not passed the battle formation. After a brief drill of the army formation, they are issued spears and brought them to the city wall.

Therefore, in recent days, as the Yellow Turban Army's offensive has become more violent, the casualties have also increased sharply.

Qin Xi clenched his fist and slammed the blood-stained bricks in front of him. He looked at the north and shouted in a low voice in despair: "It's been a month since the siege, why is it so late for reinforcements to arrive!"

The guards around Qin Xi all lowered their heads, and the visors of their helmets covered their eyes.

Isolation and helplessness bring them deep despair.

For a month, they have not received any news of a support army coming to help.

"call out----"

The shrieking sound like a ghost resounded under the city again.

Some of the Han soldiers guarding the city trembled involuntarily when they heard the sound.

They were afraid, they were terrified of the whistle, a shriek that brought nothing but death.

There are even rumors in the city that these are the ghosts summoned by the Taiping Dao talisman, possessing the bodies of the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army outside the city, and the screams are the voices of those ghosts.

The souls of those killed by the Yellow Turban Army will be captured by those ghosts and enslaved by the Yellow Turban Army.

Qin Xi didn't know where these rumors in the city came from, but these rumors were serious and intensified in the city.

By the time the Han army in the city reacted and started arresting the criminals, it was already too late.

Not to mention the strong men who assisted in the defense, the soldiers and slaves sent by the powerful families, even the Han army in Gaodu felt timid.


Accompanied by the deafening shouts of killing, the new force of the Yellow Turban Army rushed up the tall ladder.

"Stabilize the army!"

The generals of the Han army yelled loudly at the surrounding sergeants, and a forest-like array of guns spread out on the city wall.

The ferocious Yellow Turban soldiers rushed straight down from the ladder.

The two sides fought hand-to-hand on the city wall, and the archers on Jinglan aimed at the generals of the Han army and started shooting.

After a few days of fighting, they have become familiar with the tactics of the Han army. As long as they shoot the leader of the Han army to death, those army formations composed of strong men will be vulnerable to a single blow.

Standing under the khaki banner, Xu An observed the Yellow Turban Army's attack on Gaodu.

Xu Huang stepped forward from behind, first saluted Xu An, and then reported: "Information has come from our army's secret operations in Gaodu, and the rumors in the city have taken effect, and people are panicking at this time."

Xu An nodded. People in this era believe in ghosts and gods. As early as when Gaodu was besieged, he dispatched some eloquent talismans and scouts to sneak into Gaodu first.

After the siege, those spies who sneaked into the city began to release all kinds of sensational rumors, pretending to be helpers by ghosts and gods.

Moreover, Xu An asked the cavalry to hold the banners of the Han army captured in the Battle of Kuicheng, which greatly frightened the Han army in the city.

"Wan Sheng!!!"

In the direction of Gaodu, there was a burst of cheers resounding through the sky.

Xu An raised his eyes and saw a khaki flag flying on the city wall of Gaodu, which proved that the Yellow Turban Army had occupied that section of the city wall!

The style of the khaki-colored flag is exactly the flag of the Sima in the Yellow Turban Army.


On the city wall of Gaodu, the banner of Sima of the Yellow Turban Army fluttered on it, and the surrounding army formation composed of strong men had already been killed and dispersed.

More and more Yellow Turban soldiers are swarming up the ladder hooked on the city wall, and more Yellow Turban soldiers are also rushing from the Gaodu City.

Wang Ren was covered in blood, and thick blood was flowing down the blade of the long knife in his hand.

There were several knife marks on the iron armor on his body, which were the injuries caused to him by the Han army's counterattack.

Fortunately, Wang Ren was wearing iron armor, otherwise he might have become a corpse in the Battle of Gaodu like many Yellow Turban soldiers.


The whistle sounded one after another, and Wang Ren looked afraid and did not dare to go forward and laughed loudly.

Just laughing also affected his chest injury, which was caused to Wang Ren by a Han army leader who has now returned to Jiuquan.

The pain caused Wang Ren to grin his teeth for a while, and a guard beside him hurried forward to support Wang Ren.

Wang Ren looked around with a grin and said with a smile: "The achievement of ascending first was finally taken down by Wang Ren!"

"call out----"

The whistle sounded again under the city, followed by cheers from the Yellow Turban Army formation on the city wall.

A sergeant shouted loudly: "It's the soldier camp!"

When everyone in the army formation heard the sergeant's shout, they were all cheered up. As long as the soldiers battalion stepped on the city wall, it almost heralded victory.


Qin Xi's eyes were about to burst, and he strode forward holding a long halberd.

He had already noticed the yellow turban soldiers moving rapidly under the city.

Qin Xi knew that if the elite troops were allowed to climb the city wall, everything would be lost.

A large number of Han troops followed Qin Xi and killed the Yellow Turbans who were marching towards the city wall.

Everyone also knew that the situation was not good at this time. If they wanted to defend the city, they had to fight to the death. The Han army on the city wall was also close to madness at this time.


A chief of the Yellow Turban Army didn't react at all, Qin Xi's halberd had already pierced his abdomen.


Qin Xi let out an angry roar, and strode forward with a long halberd.

The long halberd of the Yellow Turban Army was clutching the halberd inserted into his abdomen in pain, and was pushed backward by Qin Xi.

The two soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were caught off guard and were directly knocked to the ground. As soon as Qin Xi entered the formation, the two soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army on the left and right were already stabbing with their spears.

These Yellow Turban soldiers have all gone through the Kuicheng War, and their battle experience is several times better than that of ordinary soldiers.

But Qin Xi is a military commander, how could these ordinary yellow scarf soldiers be able to match his martial arts skills.

Qin Xi's horizontal halberd separated the two spears, and with a swing of the halberd, the sharp blade of the halberd had cut through the chests of two yellow scarf soldiers.

But at this moment, a spear suddenly pierced out from the Yellow Turban Army's formation, and hit the chest of the iron armor that was afraid of Qin Xi. , but slipped aside.

With a roar, Qin Xihu suddenly caught the spear, and the spear continued to move forward. A soldier of the Yellow Turban Army behind the army was staggered forward by inertia.

The light of the knife flashed, and the sharp ring head knife had already cut the neck of the yellow scarf soldier.


Qin Xi's bravery inspired the Han army behind him.

The Han army on the city wall roared and rushed towards the Yellow Turban army, and the Han army on both sides attacked at the same time.

The soldiers of the Han army fought forward under the leadership of Qin Xi. The Yellow Turban Army who had just occupied the top of the city was caught off guard, and several places in the army formation were broken.

(End of this chapter)

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