The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 163 The Time Is Right

Chapter 163 The Time Is Right
On August [-]th, at the foot of Bachi Mountain, the fierce battle between the Han army and the Yellow Turban army continued.

Under the fiery red banner, Lu Zhi had already received a report from the eldest son's messenger yesterday, knowing about the defeat of Changping, and a group of generals of the Han army stood behind Lu Zhi silently.

"Not enough successes, more failures." Lu Zhi gritted his teeth and cursed, "Chang Ping, Chang Ping! Another Zhao Kuo who can only talk on paper!"

Lu Zhi frowned and looked at the Han army who was still fighting with the Yellow Turban army not far away on the mountain road.

The "moth thieves" on Bachi Mountain have blocked the progress of the Han army for too long.

Originally, Lu Zhi thought that the soldiers in Shangdang County could persist for a while, and wanted to preserve some strength as much as possible, and did not want the soldiers to suffer too much damage.

According to Lu Zhi's experience during the Yellow Turban Rebellion in the seventh year of Guanghe, the Yellow Turban Army's siege was quite weak and was often blocked by strong cities.

Including when Zhang Niujiao and Zhang Yan gathered together to besiege Yingtao City, Yingtao's defenders were only more than [-] people, but they still defended the city in the face of more than [-] Yellow Turbans.

Although according to Zhang Yi and Huangfusong's description, Lu Zhi had already overestimated the combat power of Xu An's Yellow Turban Army a lot.

But Lu Zhi really didn't expect that Gaodu City would be broken by the Yellow Turban Army after only holding on for five days.

And Wang Gong, the governor of Shangdang County, directly buried the last soldier of Shangdang County in Changping.

As long as Wang Gong has some brains, he should either summon the bravery of the village and unite the powerful to defend the city, or he should have set up defenses in Changping early.

It's really not enough to succeed, but more than to fail. Lu Zhi didn't expect the changes in Shangdang County at all, which also disrupted his plan.

After all, what Lu Zhi learned was that Xu An fought against the Han army led by Zhu Jun in the wilderness of Kuicheng, and won with a majestic formation.

Zhu Jun's level of command and strategic vision, Lu Zhi is naturally clear, and there are Sun Jian and other generals to help in the battle, so he suffered such a disastrous defeat.

It was precisely because of this that Lu Zhi naturally had scruples about Xu Anxin. He now has only more than [-] people under his command. After fighting for more than ten days, more than [-] people have died at the foot of Bachi Mountain.

"It can't be delayed any longer."

Lu Zhi got up suddenly, and the Yellow Turban Army defeated the Han Army in Changping. As long as Xu An is not a fool, he will definitely rush all the way to capture Xiangyuan, a strong city in the north of Shangdang, and then go north to support Liu Pi.

At that time, the entire Shangdang County will be in his hands, and Xu An will also take over the main throat from the northern part of Shangdang County to the Jinzhong area.

The entire Taiyuan County was exposed to the soldiers of the Taihang Yellow Turbans. Although the cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army was weaker than that of the Bingzhou Army, there was no need to worry about the Han army in Shangdang County threatening Taiyuan County.

But the Han army will also lose control of Shangdang County for a long time, and the Han army no longer has enough troops to support the recovery of Shangdang County.

Although Zhang Wen temporarily repelled the main force of the Qiang cavalry in the Northwest Qiang Rebellion, there is no sign of calming down now, but it is getting worse.

The main force of the Han army is now delayed in the northwest, and the main force of the Hanoi Han army led by Zhu Jun was also defeated by Xu An in Kuicheng.

In addition to the imperial guards in Luoyang City, the defense force of the entire Sili was only the more than [-] soldiers temporarily summoned from various places under the command of Huangfusong.

In February of this year, Zhao Ci led Jiang Xia's soldiers to rebel and killed Nanyang prefect Qin Jie to stand on his own, which was a disaster.

It was not until June that Wang Min, the governor of Jingzhou, led his troops to conquer successfully. Zhao Ci was defeated and killed, but the rest of the people did not dissipate.

Moreover, Xu An's reputation has slowly spread at this time, and even the remnants of the Yellow Turban Army have begun to make trouble everywhere.

Avenging the heroic general Zhang Liang and defeating the world-famous Han general Zhu Jun has already brought Xu An's reputation to a peak.

Rebellions in various places, the Qiang people in the northwest, the Xiongnu in the north, and the Wuhuan who are about to move, are all involving the national power of the Han Empire.

Shangdang County is surrounded by mountains on three sides, Taihang Mountain, Wangwu Mountain and Taiyue Mountain.

Taihang Mountain has long been occupied by the Yellow Turban Army led by Xu An. There are also a large number of bandits in Wangwu Mountain and Taiyue Mountain. The complex terrain in the mountain is impossible for the Han army to pass through.

Shangdang County is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If the main road leading to the northern part of Bingzhou from Shangdang County is also taken down by the Taihang Yellow Turban, the Han army will be completely passive.

Xu An set up a battlefield wherever he wanted, but the Han army could only be exhausted, and Xu An led him by the nose.

And the most important thing is that the Han Empire is now affected by various factors and has been infinitely weakened.
Shangdang County is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and in the middle is a basin suitable for farming. If Taihang's Yellow Turban Shangdang County can be developed as a foundation...

Lu Zhi shook his head. If the million yellow scarves were raised by then, with the unshakable banner of Xu An in Shangdang County, the foundation of the big man would be shaken.

It is necessary to take down Bachi Mountain and take the initiative. The best thing is to enter Xiangyuan City before the Taihang Yellow Turban goes north and hold the northern part of Shangdang County. Only in this way can the Taihang Yellow Turban, which is rapidly expanding in strength, be contained.

"Pass me the general order, send Rui Shi out!"

Lu Zhi suddenly got up and ordered.

A series of military orders were passed down from the Chinese army, and the generals of the Han army beside Lu Zhi left one after another.

Countless flags were waving under the fiery red flag, and the sharp soldiers of the Han army in heavy armor stepped out of the army formation slowly to the sound of high-spirited war drums.

More siege vehicles were pushed out by the Han army, as well as some shield vehicles.

The style of this shield chariot is the same as the shield chariot used by Xu An to attack Jinyang City at the beginning. The shield surface is made of two layers of wood, and the Han army thickened it a few points, adding some defensive means.

Liu Pi looked at the sergeants of the Han army pushing the shield carts down the mountain, and his expression became serious.

The shield chariot was mentioned by Zhang Yi in a letter to the emperor Liu Hongzhong, and Lu Zhi also ordered some to be built in imitation of what Zhang Yi said.

On the watchtower on Bachi Mountain, Liu Pi looked at the Han army at the foot of the mountain who were preparing to go, but his expression was no longer as serious as before, but a lot more relaxed.

At this moment, standing in front of Liu Pi was a scribe holding a silk fan, and beside him stood two generals.

These three people were Yan Zhong, Xu Huang, and Gong Du who came all the way in a hurry, and they also brought more than a hundred knights.

After destroying the Han army in Changping, Yan Zhong took the initiative to ask Ying to go north to help Liu Pi.

At this moment, Liu Pi is fighting fiercely with Lu Zhi. Liu Pi was only the leader of the Yellow Angels before. Yan Zhong was afraid that he would lose if he defended for a long time, so he wanted to go north immediately to take command.

Xu An thought for a while, even if he agreed to Yan Zhong's request, after all, the outcome of Bachi Mountain was very important.

So Xu Huang and Gong Du led more than a hundred elite riders to protect Yan Zhong and galloped all the way northward, one with two horses, and finally arrived at Bachi Mountain on the [-]th.

Just when the Han army was ready to go down the mountain, Yan Zhong had already arrived at the Yellow Turban Barracks on Bachi Mountain, and took over the command of the Yellow Turban on Bachi Mountain from Liu Pi.

(End of this chapter)

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