The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 176 Eagle and Wolf Guard

Chapter 176 Eagle and Wolf Guard

After Zhao Le promised, he quickly walked out of the door.

After only a moment of effort, the wooden door was opened again by the soldier, and Liu Pi, who was holding the top helmet and wearing black iron armor, had already stepped in.

"Meet the lord."

Liu Pi put the helmet by his feet, knelt down on the ground, bowed to Xu An, and asked.

"My lord called me to the eldest son city so eagerly, what's the matter?"

Xu An pointed to the straw mat beside him and said, "Sit down first."

Liu Pi respectfully sang a promise, and sat down on the straw mat next to Xu An.

Xu An held the bamboo slip in his hand, looking a little helpless.

"Literature officials who can read and write are still scarce in the army. Before, when there were only eight hundred miles of Taihang Mountain, they could barely cope with it. But now we are sitting in a county, and you have also seen the display in my room. These bamboo slips."

Liu Pi said with a bit of embarrassment: "If it's military affairs, I can help share some of them, but in terms of people's livelihood, when I see those trivial matters of money and food, I feel like a big headache."

"I summoned you this time not to ask you to help with affairs. Now the military affairs and government affairs in the county have gradually piled up. If they are not dealt with in time, I am worried that some turmoil may arise."

"After all, it takes a while for the Taoist hall to train personnel. Far water cannot save near fire, so I want to recruit some of the original officials in the county."

Xu An raised his hand to stop Liu Pi's words, and continued.

"But you also know that most of these officials still have the Han family in their hearts. I am afraid that most of them will not do their best, or even steal information. If this information is passed on to the Han army, our army knows the truth and the truth. The Han army is well aware of our development. Extremely unfavorable."

Liu Pi nodded. What Xu An said was indeed the truth. The biggest problem restricting the Yellow Turban Army now is the shortage of internal affairs personnel.

"And it's not just about this problem. I have sent Fu Zhu to various places in the county to preach and give lectures, to save patients and treat people, and to recruit Taoists for my Taiping Dao. These newly recruited Taoists must be mixed. There are spies of the Han army or people who have a heart for the Han family."

Xu An narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"During the Battle of Gaodu, I sent scouts to infiltrate Gaodu City to spread news, which was very helpful for the siege of the city. Now I am inquiring about information in various cities in Shangdang County, as well as delivering information. It is feasible for a short-term scout to do it, but in the long run, it is not the main duty of a scout in the army."

"Could it be that the lord wants to recruit a part that is responsible for these affairs?"

Although Liu Pi was puzzled when he heard it, he grasped the key points in Xu An's words, so he asked.


Xu An put the bamboo slips in his hands on the desk, turned around, put his hands on his knees, and looked at Liu Pi.

"I'm going to select a group of Taoists from the Taiping Dao and hand them over to you to be in charge of monitoring the newly recruited officials, as well as intelligence from various places to spy on the military situation."

Liu Pi suddenly raised his head, his eyes narrowed suddenly, although his face was calm, but his heart had already set off all kinds of waves.

Xu An stared at Liu Pi, stepped forward slightly, pressed Liu Pi's shoulder and said solemnly.

"When the former master was still there, you were the leader of the Yellow Angel under his command. You and Gong Du, the three of us escaped together from Guangzong, from Xia Quyang, and from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. Into the Taihang Mountains."

"It was also the three of us who fought together for three years. Countless robes were lost along the road, and our comrades all fell on the road. That's why we took down the [-]-mile boundary of Taihang Mountain and took down Shangdang County."

Xu An's words reminded Liu Pi of his ups and downs in the past few years.

"Huang Tian's prestige has now resounded throughout the mountains, but the vow I made has not yet been fulfilled. I said that one day, I will break the capital city of Luoyang, and pull down the high and mighty Son of Heaven from the throne."

Xu An stood up slowly, looking down at Liu Pi condescendingly, with determination in his eyes.

"The road we are going to take is far more difficult than ordinary roads. The road is full of mud and thorns."

Xu An paused for a moment, sat down again, leaned forward slightly, stared at Liu Pi in front of him with sharp eyes, stared at the man who was once under the altar and swore to dedicate everything to Huang Tian of the Yellow Angel.

"You are willing to clear the thorns and step through the mud for my peace path!"

Liu Pi's body trembled slightly, his eyes were full of fanaticism, Xu An had seen the look on his face on the faces of many yellow angels, it was fanaticism, and it was something only a devout believer would have look!
"Liu Pi! I am willing to die for the great virtuous teacher, and I am willing to clear the thorns and step through the mud for my path of peace!"

"Decided to sweep away all the treacherous evils in the world for my Taiping Dao, and wipe out the Xiaoxiao in this world!
Liu Pi bowed down, his head pressed tightly against the straw mat.

"Until you die!"

His voice was even trembling because of the excitement.

Xu An lifted Liu Pi who was in front of him, and took two seals made of brass from his arms.

Liu Pi looked intently, and among the two seals, one of the seals looked like a tiger talisman used by soldiers and generals, but it was slightly smaller than the tiger talisman but more like a gray wolf. , showing sharp fangs, which is daunting and sympathetic.

The other seal is completely different. It is a goshawk standing on a rock. The goshawk bows slightly, its wings are slightly spread, and its eyes seem to scan everything under the rock, as if everything in the world is under it. In the eyes of the body.

"Wolf guards are mainly responsible for internal affairs, monitoring the generals in the army, county officials, Taoists of Taiping Road, and rural settlements, collecting all information under the rule, and holding the power of arrest and interrogation."

"Eagle Guards are mainly responsible for external affairs, spying on the military, establishing intelligence, destroying local facilities, spreading lies, sabotage, reconnaissance, and assassination."

"Eagle Guard, Wolf Guard, each with a commander, and the two guards are collectively called the Eagle and Wolf Guard."

Xu An solemnly delivered the two seals in his hands to Liu Pi's hands. Liu Pi felt the cold seals in his hands, lifted them high, and bowed down again. ,

Xu An looked at Liu Pi who was kneeling on the ground, and shouted in a deep voice, "Liu Pi listens!"

"The end is here!"

Liu Pi responded loudly.

"I order you to be the first commander of the Eagle Wolf Guard, to be in charge of the second guard of the Eagle Wolf Guard, to monitor the world for our Taiping Dao, and to inspect the Divine State!"


Liu Pi leaned his head deeply against the straw mat and replied loudly.

Liu Pi tightly held the seal that Xu An handed over to him with both hands, and the cold seal seemed to warm up in his hands, making his chest extremely hot.

(End of this chapter)

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