Chapter 180
Zhongping three years, October [-]th.

The streets of the eldest son city are not different from those in the past, and there is no obvious change in the city. The latest news is that a mansion facing the street in the north of the city has been requisitioned by the Yellow Turban Army.

Dozens of soldiers with yellow scarves in full armor stood outside the gate of this house, and two stone statues stood on both sides of the gate.

A stone statue on the right is carved with a goshawk standing on a rock. The goshawk bows slightly and spreads its wings slightly, as if it is inspecting the prey under its feet.

On the left is a stone statue carved with a giant wolf. The wolf's head is slightly lowered and its face is ferocious.

On the plaque on the gate, the background color is khaki, and the three characters "Eagle Wolf Guard" are written in black ink.

On the gateposts on both sides of the gate are a pair of couplets written on the right side: Supervising the world, and on the left: Touring China.

The gate of the Eagle Wolf Guard Office was wide open, and people came in and out from time to time, and the horse posts beside the house were also tied with reins. If you stood by the office, you would hear a rush of hooves from time to time.

On the streets outside the Shuya, the people in the city were slightly puzzled by this. Not only did they not know what the purpose of this Yamen called "Eagle Wolf Guard" was, they were also curious about the stone statue outside the Yamen.

Because generally speaking, stone statues pay attention to symmetry, but the front office of the "Eagle Wolf Guard" has an eagle and a wolf. The two are quite different and not symmetrical at all, which is particularly abrupt.

However, in the past few days, the people in the eldest son city began to subconsciously stay away from this newly established government office.

Because many people who were arrested in shackles were dragged into the office of the Eagle Wolf Guard by those soldiers with fierce faces.

Even in the dead of night, the people living around Yinglangwei could vaguely hear the sound of wailing.

But that's all, it didn't make the people too frightened and panicked, because Beicheng seemed to be under the jurisdiction of the Eagle Wolf Guard.

In the marketplace, apart from the ordinary soldiers, there were also some eagle wolf guards with swords on their waists, which made even petty thefts almost extinct in Beicheng.

These eagle-wolf guards, who were dressed in black robes and had knives around their waists, had sharp eyes and quick hands, and they were obviously stronger than ordinary soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army.

"Military emergency report!"

The sound of hurried hooves sounded in the street, and shouts suddenly came from not far away.

The people in the eldest son city were used to the yellow turban army messengers and scouts coming and going, almost no one stayed in the middle of the road, and they all consciously gave way to a road.

"Military emergency report."

The envoy of the Yellow Turban Army who carried the order flag jumped off his horse, walked quickly to the gate of the Eagle Wolf Guard Office, and showed the seal in his hand to the soldiers guarding the gate.

"Submit the military information to Yingwei, and the governor of Yingwei Town is in the north courtyard."

After the inspection was correct, the soldier guarding the gate took off the ring-sword on the messenger's waist, confirmed that he was not carrying a weapon, and then moved out of the way behind him.

"Thank you two comrades."

The messenger of the Yellow Turban Army clasped his fists and thanked him, then hurried into the office of the Eagle Wolf Guard.


"Guo Tai..."

Xu An looked at the seal in his hand, chanted Guo Tai's name, and said to himself with a little doubt: "Isn't it not until the fifth year of Zhongping that the incident will start in Baibo Valley?"

Liu Pi knelt on the straw mat on Xu An's right, waiting respectfully for Xu An's order.

Originally, the urgent military report could be sent directly to Xu An's mansion, but when the messenger entered the city, Xu An was not in the mansion of the eldest son city, but in the military barracks in the south of the city, reviewing the army, so the messenger general The situation was handed over to the newly established Eagle Wolf Guard.

When Liu Pi received the urgent military report from Xu Huang, he immediately brought his personal guards to the south of the city camp to report to Xu An.

"That's right, Baibo Valley is within the range of Wangwu Mountain."

Xu An put down the letter in his hand.

"After Guo Tai raised his army in Baibo Valley, he has amassed more than [-] soldiers, but he probably doesn't have so many soldiers under his command now."

When he watched Romance of the Three Kingdoms before, he also knew about Guo Tai and his Baibo army.

The Baibo Army under Guo Tai's command is superior to Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Army in terms of combat effectiveness, record and influence.

It's just that when the Baibo army was in full swing, Guo Tai suddenly disappeared strangely.

But when Guo Tai disappeared and Baibo's army plummeted, Yang Feng led his army to surrender to the Han Dynasty, but Li Le, Han Xian, Hu Cai and others still insisted on fighting and did not surrender.

It wasn't until the second year of Xingping (195) that the three talents led the army to join Yang Feng's command.

"This Guo Tai is a handsome talent, and he must have gathered a lot of soldiers. If he can be brought under his command, his chances of winning will increase by [-]%."

"Since the yellow scarves from Wangwu are coming to the eldest son city, then make some preparations to welcome our comrades."

Xu An pondered for a moment, then turned his head to look south.

"How is the establishment of Eagle Wolf Guard?"

Hearing Xu An's question about the Eagle Wolf Guard, Liu Pi already had a draft in mind, and immediately replied: "Currently, the Eagle Wolf Guard has recruited 110 yellow angels and selected 375 Taiping Dao believers. 470 people, Yang Wei, the governor of Yingwei Town, and Wei Lu, the governor of Wolf Guard Town, both came from the Yellow Angel family."

"Develop 421 eyes and ears. Among the thirteen cities in Shangdang County, there are at least 21 eyes and ears in Gaodu City."

Liu Pi remembered these data very reliably.

"I heard that the Eagle Wolf Guard arrested thirteen civil servants who sabotaged their work and secretly provided intelligence to the Han army in the past eight days."

Xu An smiled, he was very satisfied with the Eagle Wolf Guard that Liu Pi prepared to build.

As a general of one side, Liu Pi can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, but when he is placed in the position of commander of the Eagle Wolf Guard, he is unexpectedly capable.

"However, the information submitted by the detective must be carefully reviewed, and try not to cause unjust, false or wrongly decided cases."

The Yinglangwei founded by Xu An actually had similar functions to the Jinyiwei in the Ming Dynasty.

And Jin Yiwei of the later generations, sometimes in order to invite credit and rewards, fabricate charges, use all means to expand the scope of involvement, and create a lot of unjust, false and wrong cases.

"We have a shallow foundation in Shangdang County, and there are not many Taiping Dao believers in Bingzhou, but fortunately, the power of the gentry is not as strong as those few wealthy states and counties."

Xu An paused, and said seriously to Liu Pi.

"At present, the wolf guards are doing well, but you have to remember one thing, this is not enough, not only in the thirteen cities of Shangdang County, but also in the villages and settlements. The purpose of setting up the wolf guards is to patrol the various places under the rule, to monitor those who want to overthrow our rule, want to cooperate with the Han army, and the moths inside us."

"The main responsibility of the Eagle Guard is to monitor the outside world. The current situation is full of difficulties, but we must also start to develop the Eagle Guard, so that we will not be surrounded by the Han army in Shangdang County and become blind and deaf. Ying Guard will ride you You can choose from the scout team in the army, and I will give you a quota of [-] people."

Xu An rubbed his temples, and ordered: "Reply to Xu Huang, don't meet Wangwu Yellow Turban soldiers for now, let the Wangwu Yellow Turbans come to the eldest son city."


Liu Pi agreed, and then slowly withdrew from the big tent.

(End of this chapter)

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