The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 183 Taiyue Bandits

Chapter 183 Taiyue Bandits
In the northwest of Wangwu Mountain, on the mountainside of Lujiao Mountain, Guo Tai's camp is stationed here, and the khaki military flags stand all around the Lujiao Mountain.

More than [-] soldiers of Wangwu Yellow Turbans, almost all the soldiers that Guo Taineng had summoned, gathered around Lujiao Mountain to set up camps, and the camp of Wangwu Yellow Turbans stretched for tens of miles.

In the mountainous area six miles in front of Lujiao Mountain, there is the last bandit coalition army remaining in Wangwu Mountain, but their numbers are obviously at a disadvantage, and now there are only more than [-] people.

However, relying on the camp and the steep terrain, they barely resisted the impact of the Huangwu Yellow Turban Army, but they were unable to launch a counterattack at all, so they could only sit and wait to die in the dullness, waiting for the Yellow Turban Army to enter their hinterland all the way .

At this moment, the atmosphere in the bandit camp was gloomy and terrifying.

In the very center of the camp, there was a relatively clean green tent, and there were obviously more bandits around it.

A bandit leader with a full face sat cross-legged on the ground, slammed the wine glass in his hand on the ground, and said viciously.

"It's been almost a fucking month. Didn't those dogs in Taiyue Mountain come to support us as promised! I haven't even seen half a bird's feather!"

Several other bandit leaders in the big tent were also battered, and the Yellow Turban Army's offensive became more and more fierce. The bandits under them were killed or injured, and the outer camps had all been captured.

In another five or six days, the contact with Taiyue Mountain would be cut off. Even if the reinforcements from Taiyue Mountain's brigade arrived at that time, they would be helpless.

A yellow-faced man with a wolf's fur wrapped around his neck said in a deep voice: "Mr. Xu is not the kind of person who doesn't keep his promises. I think something happened to Taiyue Mountain."

"Ji Laosi and Xu Laosan are not stupid. They know that Guo Tai is a scumbag and cleaned us up. They will be the next one. Something must have happened in Taiyue Mountain."

In the big tent, the leaders of the bandits also kept their mouths shut, as the yellow-faced man said, as long as the bandits in Mount Taiyue are not stupid, they will naturally know that after Guo Tai unifies the royal house, he will definitely go north to occupy Taiyue.

They didn't guess wrong either. Taiyue Mountain was indeed in an accident. Not long ago, Zhang Yan led more than [-] Yellow Turban troops into Taiyue Mountain from the east.

There is no bandit force in Taiyue Mountain at all, which can resist nearly [-] well-trained soldiers and sharp soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army wearing armor and holding sharp knives, not to mention, there are more than [-] archers in Zhang Yan's army. exist.

When Xu An led troops south to attack the bandits in Taihang Mountain, Zhang Yan was among them, and he was very familiar with how to fight in the mountains.

How could those thieves who were making trouble in the mountains be his opponents? After Zhang Yan broke through a few thieves' camps at the beginning.

After the thieves in the mountain learned that he was a general under Xu An's command, they almost surrendered. Zhang Yan marched into the hinterland of Taiyue Mountain with all his strength.

Zhang Yan came all the way, and even gathered more than [-] thieves and bandits as his followers.

And I have to say that Zhang Yan's luck is really good. The two largest bandits in Taiyue Mountain, Ji An and Xu Wu, have received news from Wangwushan bandits, and they are preparing to go south with a large group of bandits under their command. Support the bandits in Wangwushan.

Therefore, the number of soldiers left behind at various passes has decreased a lot, and those leaders who are more skilled in combat have basically been brought under their command, which has increased the efficiency of Zhang Yan's attack.

Zhang Yanjun was in a hurry all the way, and he also got a message from the captive bandit.

In Taiyue Mountain, the two most powerful gangster forces, Ji An and Xu Wu, are leading a brigade of bandits under them, wanting to go south to support the bandits in Wangwushan.

At the same time, Zhang Yan also learned of the existence of a Yellow Turban Army in Wangwushan.

At this time, the Yellow Turban Army in Wangwushan was in a confrontation with the bandits in Wangwushan in the northwest of Wangwushan.

Zhang Yan immediately sent someone to send a message to Xu An in Shangdang County, and at this time he also knew the approximate location of Ji An and Xu Wu's two bandit armies.

So he took the main force of the Yellow Turban Army and cut off the passage between Taiyue Mountain and Wangwu Mountain before Ji An and Xu Wu's two bandit armies.

Instead, the Yellow Turban Army led by Zhang Yan took advantage of the terrain, while Ji An and Xu Wu's bandit armies were cut off by Zhang Yan's army and surrounded in the southern area of ​​Taiyue Mountain.

After encircling Ji An and Xu Wu, the two largest bandit forces in Taiyue Mountain, more bandits chose to join Zhang Yan. Now Zhang Yan's entourage has reached more than [-] people.

Although the fighting strength of these bandits varies, but under the leadership of the Yellow Turban Army, it is easy to guard some passes and delay time.

Therefore, Ji An and Xu Wu's two bandit armies were almost trapped to death in the southern part of Taiyue Mountain.


"A great virtuous teacher?"

Guo Tai, who was confronting Wangwushan bandits, also received news from Hu Cai.

"Conquering Shangdang County, unifying the Taihang Mountains, beheading Zhu Jun, and repelling Lu Zhi are worthy of this title..."

Guo Tai threw the letter in his hand on the table, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I still remember that at the end of August, he had just received the news that Zhu Jun was beheaded by the Taihang Yellow Turban Army in the Kuicheng formation in Wangwu Mountain.

Zhang Mancheng, Bo Cai, Zhao Hong, Han Zhong, these people were all old friends of Guo Tai, and they all died in the hands of Zhu Jun. Zhu Jun also slaughtered more than [-] yellow scarves in Wancheng. .

A few days ago, Xu An's troops fought against the Han army in Kuicheng, beheading Zhu Jun, which can be said to have relieved Guo Tai's heart.

"Even Liu Pi and Gong agree..." Guo Tai raised the bamboo piece on the desk again.

Faint shouts of killing came from outside the tent again, Guo Tai raised his head and looked to the northwest, now the Yellow Turban Army under his command has pulled out all the strongholds around Wangwu Thief Fat, no accident, Wangwushan will be completely destroyed in a few days. Belonging to Huang Tian's rule.

Guo Tai stood up slowly, the eyes of all the generals of the Yellow Turban Army in the tent were all focused on him.

"Prepare the horse."

Guo Tailong walked like a tiger, quickly walked down from the first seat, went straight out of the big tent, and gave instructions to the guards outside the tent.

Han Xian, Li Le and other Yellow Turban Army generals in the tent saw Guo Tai leave the tent, and quickly followed Guo Tai out of the tent.

"Han Xian, all the soldiers here are entrusted to you to command, and you must wipe out the bandits in this mountain for me."

Han Xian was a little puzzled by Guo Tai's sudden appointment. He hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "The bandits in Wang's house will be wiped out soon. Why did Commander Qu ask me to take command?"

Guo Tai laughed loudly: "Because I have more important things to do."

Han Xian was even more puzzled. He stood beside Guo Tai's war horse and asked, "Is there anything more important than unifying the royal house?"

"Yes." Guo Tai looked up to the northeast, "I'm going to meet someone."

"See who?"

Guo Tai's face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "See me, a great and virtuous teacher of Taiping Dao!"

(End of this chapter)

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