The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 185 The Road to Peace

Chapter 185 The Road to Peace

In the Yamen of the eldest son's city, all the generals of the Yellow Turban Army gathered.

Today is a very important day for Taipingdao.

Xu An was wearing a khaki war robe and sat on top of the chief. Gong Du, Liu Pi, Zhang Yan, Xu Huang, Yan Zhong, Zhou Cang, Bai Rao and other Yellow Turban Army generals lined up on both sides.

The sound of chanting sutras from Taiping Dao Fuzhu lingered in the hall of the government office.

Yan Zhonglang said in a loud voice: "Xuan, Guo Tai, commander of the Taiping Road, and all the generals under his command have entered the hall."

The yellow angel in the hall repeated Yan Zhong's words and spread them outside the hall.

Guo Tai tidied up his armor, and walked slowly into the hall with Han Xian, Li Le, and Hu Cai.

"Give Guo Tai the title of General Baibo, lead the Baibo army, and guard Wangwu and Taiyue."

"Han Xian, Li Le, and Hu Cai are appointed as Captain Baibo, and they belong to Guo Tai's control."

Yan Zhong's deep voice came into Guo Tai's ears clearly.

"Guo Tai, take orders!"

"Han Siam (Li Le, Hu Cai) takes orders!"

Guo Tai and the others knelt on the ground and responded respectfully.

Xu An stood up, walked down the first seat slowly, and took the seal from Guo Tai's hand. This seal is the proof that Guo Tai is the commander of the Taiping Road.

Then he put a tiger talisman made of white iron on Guo Tai's palm.

The sound of chanting gradually became high, Guo Tai took the tiger talisman with both hands, and echoed in unison with Han Xian and others behind him: "The heart of Taoism will not rest until death!"

Zhongping three years, November [-]rd.

Under the leadership of Guo Tai, more than [-] Wangwu Yellow Turban Army formally joined Xu An's command.

On November [-]th, Ji An and Xu Wu, who were surrounded by the Yellow Turban Army in Taiyue Mountain, and the two bandit armies led by them were also defeated by Zhang Yan in one fell swoop.

Zhang Yan defeated the enemy army and beheaded thousands of ranks. The bandit chiefs Xu Wu and Ji An died in battle. He had to surrender more than [-] soldiers and gathered more than [-] bandit followers from Taiyue Mountain.

After Xu An received the news of the meeting between Guo Tai and Gong Du, he also learned of the battle situation in the northwest of Wangwu Mountain, so he ordered Zhang Yan to go south to help the Wangwu Yellow Turban Army.

Wangwu's bandit army was immediately flanked by the Yellow Turban Army. Seeing that there was no hope of victory and the foreign aid was cut off, those bandits in Wangwu Mountain who were still fighting in the corner finally lost their will to resist.

They were completely defeated by the Yellow Turban army led by Han Siam in Wangwu. The bandit force in Wangwu Mountain was finally completely wiped out, and the Yellow Turbans in Wangwu also captured more than [-] bandits.

This is the end.

The two mountains of Taiyue and Wangwu were also planted with Huang Tian's battle flag and belonged to Huang Tian's rule.

The Yellow Turban Army completely controlled the periphery of Shangdang County, cutting off the connection between Shangdang County and the rest of the Han Empire.

Xu An didn't completely dismantle the Yellow Turban of Wangwu. Even if Guo Tai was attached, he still had to consider Guo Tai's emotions.

So Xu An just divided the Wangwu Yellow Turban Army into more than [-] people and incorporated them into the army directly under him, because most of the parts under his command are now in a state of absence.

The remaining [-] people were divided into seven groups by Xu An to form the Baibo Army, which was under the control of Guo Tai, and all the defense affairs of Taiyue Mountain and Wangwu Mountain were handed over to Guo Tai.

Now in the county of Shangdang County, there are more than [-] soldiers directly under Xu An's command.

The external threat has been lifted for the time being, but internal problems have also emerged. Xu An now has more than [-] soldiers including the soldiers stationed at various passes.

And the people in the entire Shangdang County, counting the residents of Taiyue Mountain, Wangwu Mountain, Taihang Mountain, and Sanshan, are only [-] people. That is to say, every two people need to support a sergeant. Extremely unreasonable.

Fortunately, Xu An seized a large number of gentry tyrants, as well as the money and food stored by the Han court in Shangdang County, and Guo Tai also stored some money and food, so it is naturally possible to maintain the expenses of the army.

But this is all just sitting and eating, not a long-term solution. The Black Mountain Army and the Baibo Army in history basically relied on looting to supplement themselves by obtaining money and food.


"A husband's things begin with vitality"

"Essence Qi is natural, condensed into one, it is called heaven; it is divided to give birth to yin, and it is called two; because the heaven and earth, yin and yang combine to give birth to people, it is called three."

"If a person has qi, he will have spirit, if there is spirit, he will have qi, if the spirit goes away, the qi will die, and if the qi dies, the spirit will go. Therefore, if there is no spirit, he will die, and if he has no qi, he will die."

Next to a market in Tunliu City, a Taiping Dao Fu Zhu in a Taoist robe is explaining the scriptures of Taiping Dao on a high platform.

The surroundings of the high platform were surrounded by people, almost impenetrable.

The Fu Zhu of the Taiping Dao explained the originally obscure scriptures to everyone in simple words.

Around the high platform, some sick people came to ask for talisman water, hoping to be rescued.

The Taiping Dao talisman in Tunliu City is not limited to the one who preached the scriptures. There are more than a hundred talismans who are studying in the Taoist hall, and the enrollment is still expanding.

The talisman who preached the scriptures first draws a few spells, dissolves them in water, separates out the talisman water for those sick people to drink, and then sends soldiers to send these sick people to the newly established hospital outside the Taiping Taoist Hall.

However, this talisman water is only for psychological comfort rather than actual effect, and the real treatment still depends on the hospital outside the Taoist hall.

The hospital near the Taoist hall is a newly established facility under Xu An's order, and those who play the role of doctors in the hospital are naturally those Taiping Dao talismans who are studying in the Taoist hall.


The situation in Shangdang County was gradually stabilized under the maintenance of the Yellow Turban Army, and the number of believers in Taiping Road gradually increased.

Wearing Taoist robes, Fu Zhu wandered the villages and villages, wandered the streets and markets, preached the scriptures of the Taiping Dao, treated the sick and injured patients, and spread the morals of the Taiping Dao to all directions.

It's just that there is still a long way to go before they can fight for Huang Tian.

Because taking an oath to enter the Tao is tantamount to a death sentence for yourself and your family.

After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the Han Empire no longer tolerated the Taoists of Taiping Dao. The hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans who died in Guangzong, Xiaquyang, and Wancheng are iron proof.

Although the powerful nobles in Shangdang County have succumbed, and the people in the county have begun to get used to the rule of the Yellow Turban Army, most people are actually not optimistic about the Yellow Turban Army's victory.

During the hundreds of years since the founding of the Han Empire, there have been countless internal turbulences, and there have been countless powerful enemies staring at the side, but these powerful enemies, without exception, all fell under the sword of the Han army.

The rule of the Han Dynasty has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the foundation of the Taiping Road in Bingzhou is still shallow, and it has just suffered a heavy blow in the seventh year of Guanghe.

The Yellow Turban army that set off wars in the eight states in the past has all been wiped out. Although the Taihang Yellow Turban is famous for a while, everyone thinks that the demise of the Taihang Yellow Turban is only a matter of time.

After the Han Empire defeated the Xiliang Army that caused chaos in Liangzhou, they would be able to easily regain Shangdang County with their hands free.

Therefore, most of the people in Shangdang County, although many people began to believe in Taiping Dao, they did not dare to join Taiping Dao.

But Zhang Wen was destined to disappoint the whole Han Empire.

In Zhang Wen's military strategy and prestige, he couldn't compare with Huang Fusong. The Han army suffered consecutive defeats and their morale was low.

They are no longer the high-morale, heroic Han army under Huangfusong's command.

The current Han army is powerless to stop the rise of the Xiliang army, and Zhang Wen's stationing troops in Meiyang has no effect on the chaos in Liangzhou, but only wastes the Han Empire's food and limited troops.

And soon Zhang Wen will lose his official position as Taiwei because of his disadvantage in countering the rebellion.

In April of the fourth year of Zhongping, the Han army will suffer the biggest defeat. Liangzhou governor Geng Bi led the six counties to attack Han Sui, but was defeated by the Xiliang army led by Han Sui in Didao, and Geng Bi himself was defeated. Han Sui beheaded.

The Han Empire will completely lose Liangzhou, and the west side of Bingzhou will also be exposed to the front of the Xiliang Army. At that time, Bingzhou will be in a dangerous situation surrounded by enemies on three sides.

And from that time on, the main force of the Han army no longer had time to take care of the Yellow Turban Army in Shangdang County. They had to beware of Liangzhou's possible invasion of Sili Xiaowei's department.

The majesty of the Han Dynasty is disappearing bit by bit, and the prelude to the troubled times has slowly opened.

(End of this chapter)

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