The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 187 4 Out of Tiqi

Chapter 187
"As of today, there are only 1750 new Taoists, and most of these people have no family members."

Liu Pi looked at the bamboo slips in his hand, and reported to Xu An what happened in each city in Shangdang County.

Xu An had expected this situation a long time ago, the Han army was only temporarily repelled by the Yellow Turban army, and the people's hearts of Shangdang County were not in his hands.

Xu An lay back and leaned on the chair.

This chair was drawn by Xu An himself and made by his artisans. He was really not used to sitting on the floor for a long time.

Supporting his body with his left hand, Xu An asked, "How are the Eagle Wolf Guards preparing?"

Liu Pi responded respectfully: "Wolf Guard has 260 newly appointed Tiqi, and the current number is 600; Eagle Guard has newly appointed 110 Tiqi, and the current number is 240. Information on cities, villages, and settlements has been sorted out by the Intelligence Department. , the eagle wolf guards are fully prepared, just waiting for the lord's military order."

Xu An thought for a while, and then instructed: "You must be cautious in recruiting eyes and ears. During this period of time, you must be careful to hide, and don't startle the snake."

"The year is coming to an end again." Xu An's eyes flickered, and the fierce murderous intent exuded from his body circulated in the small house, "Since the year is approaching, let us present a big gift to the people of Shangdang County, those jumping clowns It’s time for the show to end.”


Shangdang County, eldest son city, Yinglangwei Office.

The government office was full of Yinglang Wei Tiqi wearing black clothes, leather armour, and ring-swords around their waists.

The clothing of these Eagle Wolf Guards was designed by Xu An himself, and the style and shape of the clothes are somewhat similar to the flying fish clothing of the later Ming Dynasty.

However, the workmanship of the flying fish suit is complicated, and it only existed as a gift during the Ming Dynasty.

Now the craftsmen and resources in Shangdang County are quite scarce, so it is not as complicated as the flying fish suit.

But it is an ordinary sticker shape, without any patterns, and black is used as the background color.

So now all the eagle wolf guards are different from ordinary yellow scarf soldiers. They are all dressed in black, with black scarves or black helmets on their heads.

These Eagle Wolf Wei Tiqi, all dressed in black, stood in the office, making people feel a little cold.

And even though there were so many Tiqi gathered, the Yamen of the Eagle Wolf Guards Office was surprisingly quiet, the only thing that could be heard was a slight panting, which seemed a little scary.

When everyone was silent, a burst of footsteps suddenly sounded from the experience department.

The eyes of the Eagle Wolf Wei Tiqi were all attracted to the experience department.

The experience department is located in the middle of the Fusi of Yingwei Town and the Fusi of Langwei Town.

However, in addition to this, the Department of Experience is also the place where Liu Pi, the commander of the Eagle Wolf Guard, works. On weekdays, Liu Pi handles various affairs of the Eagle Wolf Guard.

The gate of the experience department was pushed away by two eagle wolf guards.

With a gloomy face, Liu Pi walked out of the experience department slowly. He was also wearing the same black clothes as the other Eagle Wolf Wei Tiqi, except that a goshawk and a gray wolf were embroidered with silk thread on the jacket.

Behind Liu Pi, there were thirteen Yinglang Wei Tiqi who were dressed in similar black clothes.

It's just that the black clothes on the thirteen people's bodies were not embroidered with eagles and wolves at the same time, ten of them were embroidered with gray wolves, and three of them were embroidered with goshawks.

Liu Pi raised his eyes and looked around at the crowd of riders in the government office, and said coldly: "The list of arrests has been distributed to all the officials of hundreds of households, and the driver's stickers say that no one who is famous will be allowed to escape."

"Take people by name, confiscate property, arrest relatives, and those who resist will be killed on the spot!"


All the Eagle Wolf Guard Tiqi all agreed with a loud bang.

The Yinglangwei Office, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly became lively, and then the people on the street outside the office all consciously stood on both sides of the street.

Because countless Yinglangwei Tiqi, dressed in black, with swords across their waists, have swarmed out of Yinglangwei's office.

At this time, Yinglangwei's office office was in full swing, and Yinglangwei Tiqi of the brigade galloped out of the eldest son city, and galloped towards all parts of Shangdang County.

Although they didn't know what the Tiqi of the Eagle Wolf Guard were going to do, everyone knew that the last month of the third year of Zhongping was destined to be an extraordinary month.


In the city of Tunliu, many eagle wolf guards in black suddenly appeared, which naturally aroused the attention and vigilance of the people in the city.

Guo Sheng was sitting by the window of the attic, carefully watching the eagle wolf Wei Tiqi walking slowly on the street outside the window, he couldn't help but tremble with fear.

He still remembers that the last time he went outside Tunliu City, there were many more scouts from the Yellow Turban Army in the same way.

Then, in the eldest son city, Xu An sentenced the three powerful families with deep roots in Shangdang County to death.

The more Guo Sheng thought about it, the more frightened he became, and the more he thought about it, the more restless he became. He stood up and told the family soldiers to call his clan brother.

"Guo Chang, come here..."

Guo Chang saw the frightened look on his elder brother Guo Sheng's face.

Guo Chang quickly stepped forward to support Guo Sheng, he felt that Guo Sheng's body was trembling, and asked: "Brother, what's wrong?"

Guo Sheng settled down, and said bitterly: "There are a lot of eagle wolf guards in Tunliu City, I'm afraid they are coming for us..."

As a powerful family in Shangdang County, the Guo family naturally had sources of information, and he naturally knew something about the duties of the Eagle Wolf Guard.

"The inheritance of the Guo family for hundreds of years cannot be broken in the hands of my Guo Sheng. If there is no successor, how can I, Guo Sheng, go to Jiuquan to meet the ancestors of my Guo family..."

"Tonight, you take Ding'er and the others to sneak out through the tunnel in the courtyard, which leads to a private house in the north of the city. Wait until dawn, and then sneak out of the city. The guards I have chosen are all nephews from the clan, so don't worry. "

Guo Chang was startled and hurriedly said: "Brother, hasn't Guo Hua already led the troops under Xu An's command? The eagle wolf guard's cavalry should not touch our Guo family, right?"

Guo Sheng shook his head and said, "You can't place all your hopes on Guo Hua."

"Brother, take care..."

Guo Chang looked at Guo Sheng in embarrassment, sighed, turned around and walked down the attic slowly.

He has walked down the stairs countless times, but it has never been as difficult as it is today.

Guo Chang also knew that even if there was only a [-]% probability, the Guo family couldn't afford to gamble, because there was only one fate for the loser, and that was—death!
In Shangdang County, the activities of Yinglang Wei Tiqi affected the hearts of all the gentry in the county.

No one knew what the Tiqi of these eagle wolf guards were going to do and who they were targeting.

The haze of fear shrouded the entire Shangdang County, and it also shrouded the hearts of all the nobles.

Time passed quietly, and with the lights of Wanjia, the Han Empire took another trembling step forward, officially entering the fourth year of Zhongping (187) amidst the sound of firecrackers.

(End of this chapter)

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