Chapter 197
The situation in Hedong County seems to be developing according to Wang Yi's wishes.

Zhongping four years, February [-]rd.

The Yellow Turban Army led by Xu An finally arrived at the Nandu Ferry in Fenshui, only about [-] miles away from Anyi City in a straight line.

But the scouts of the Han army also brought exciting news to the Han army in Hedong County.

The Han army in Meiyang is crossing the river, and it is estimated that the army will reach the vicinity of Anyi by early March at the latest.

At the ferry on the north bank of Fenshui, the Yellow Turban Army led by Xu An gathered here.

At this moment, the pier is full of boats, big and small, as if they are preparing to cross the river.

At this time, the camp of the Yellow Turban Army was full of excitement, people came and went, whistles sounded everywhere in the camp, countless soldiers were mobilized, and the atmosphere was tense.

On the surface of Fenshui, the navy of the Han army is swimming, and on the south bank is the camp of the Han army in the east of the river.

At this time, Wang Yi was full of ambition. With the help of Fenshui and the existence of the Navy, unless the Yellow Turban Army on the other side had wings, it would be impossible to reach the city of Anyi.

He had already received the scout's report that the Yellow Turban Army left about a thousand people in each city. Now the main force of the Yellow Turban Army led by Xu An only has [-] people, but the defense is definitely more than enough.

It's a pity that the navy in Fenshui has not fought for many years, so there are not many ships that can fight. Otherwise, the navy alone can completely block the Yellow Turban Army from crossing the river.


In the camp of the Yellow Turban Army, the tents of the Chinese Army were full of yellow angels carrying banners, and the generals and schools of the Yellow Turban Army had already gathered in the tents.

With his hands behind his back, Xu An stood beside the sand table, and around the sand table, Yan Zhong, Xu Huang, Zhou Cang and other generals were still standing.

The environment around the camp of the Yellow Turban Army was shaped on the sand table. The cavalry of the Eagle Wolf Guards cooperated with the scouts in the army, and combined with the map, it only took more than a day to use the sand table to map the surrounding environment of the Yellow Turban Army camp. , shaped clearly.

Xu An looked at the small red flag on the sand table, and said helplessly, "Sure enough, the Han army has left a defensive force here."

"Of course." Yan Zhong said with a smile, "Our army came all the way, Linfen City was broken, and our army went south, the Han army will naturally be prepared."

Xu An carefully looked at the surrounding terrain, and suggested: "Although this ferry is located on an important road, it is a pity that the terrain is quite steep. If there is a city here, the Han army will definitely set up defenses here, but we can stay. The soldiers of the next section will build a city here to prevent the Han army from going north."

Yan Zhong pondered for a moment and replied: "That's fine, but for the part left behind, we need to choose a general, otherwise the main force of the Han army will come and lose our strength in vain."

Xu An waved his hand and said, "Let's not talk about these future things for now. Enzhi, please tell us about the current situation of our army."


Yan Zhong clasped his hands in agreement, and then described the situation of the Yellow Turban Army in recent days.

"In the past few days, Zhang Yan has successively conquered two small towns in Yong'an and Yang County, and arrived in the north of Pingyang City. However, the Han army in the northeastern part of the river is now gathered in Pingyang City, so Pingyang has not yet been conquered, and is still in the middle of a fierce battle."

"The reinforcements from Taiyuan County haven't arrived yet. Zhang Baiqi and Ping Han seem to be effective."

Xu An nodded. Pingyang City is considered the most well-defended city in the eastern part of Hebei. The Han army gathered in Pingyang to defend against Zhang Yan's attack. Xu An was not surprised.

Moreover, the Han army in Pingyang plus the powerful private soldiers are nothing. Now the end of Pingyang City is doomed, but it is just a stubborn resistance.

Taiyuan County in the north is now being harassed by Taihang bandits and threatened by Shangdang County, and is unable to support Hedong County.

The main force of the Yellow Turban Army has occupied the north bank of Fenshui River, and now the Pingyang area has been completely isolated. It is only a matter of time before the city of Pingyang, which is isolated and helpless, will be destroyed.

"Gong Du brought some soldiers to support Guo Tai before, and now Guo Tai has led the Baibo Army to control most of the mountainous areas of Luliang Mountain, but the reinforcements of the Han army from Xihe County in the north have arrived, and the two most critical cities have not yet arrived. capture."

"Now there are more than [-] Han troops gathered near Puzi City. Counting the powerful private defense forces in the Northeast of Hebei Province, there should be more than [-] people. Guo Tai is under a lot of pressure now and can barely hold the pass."

"Puzi City?"

Xu An glanced at the sand table, and sure enough, around Puzi City, there were four small flags of the Han army, and the yellow flags of the Yellow Turban Army were distributed in three passes.

Yan Zhong pondered for a moment, and continued to speak: "The Han army is still increasing its troops, and has begun to attack the pass. The Baibo army's combat power is much worse than that of Minggong's soldiers. If you don't send troops to the north, It is possible that the Han army will regain control of the northern region."

Holding his silk fan, Yan Zhong pointed to another city in the southwest of Puzi City, and said, "Beiqu City's defenses are weak, but there are more than a thousand defense troops, but most of them should be recruited temporarily. The tyrants seem to be huddled in their respective docks, not gathered in the city."

"It's not difficult to capture Beiqu City. If it weren't for the strengthening of the Han army in the north, Beiqu should have been captured by our army long ago."

Xu An folded his hands on his chest, and after thinking for a moment, he asked, "Have the reinforcements from Shangjun arrived?"

Yan Zhong patted the silk fan and said with a smile: "Fortunately, we made it in time. The Han army in Shangjun is now collecting mulberry and crossing the river. The scouts are scouting. Now more than a thousand Han troops have crossed the river, and there are more than a thousand people on the way. cross the river."


The north wind was hunting, and the fierce north wind whizzed in, rolling up the yellow scarves on the heads of countless yellow scarf soldiers in the mountains.

Wang Yi thought that both Yan Zhong and Xu An had fallen into his schemes, but on the contrary, Wang Yi's move played into Xu An's hands.

Xu An had discussed many matters with Yan Zhong as early as the strategy of invading Hedong County was made.

Xu An is not a saint, a genius, nor a military god. His only advantage is that he clearly knows the major events that will happen in the future and the changes in the world situation.

But Xu An also knows that his actions will also cause a butterfly effect, changing the occurrence of some events in future generations, and these advantages will be gone by then.

But fortunately, I have traveled all the way from Guangzong, to Taihang Mountain, and to Shangdang County.

Xu An has learned a lot, the most important of which is caution. Every time Xu An goes out, he tries his best to anticipate all the possibilities and come up with a solution.

The strategy of attacking Hedong County was the result of his long-term contemplation. After he informed everyone, he discussed with Yan Zhong for a long time and formulated a clearer plan, taking into account the return of the Han army, the defense of the city, and the water supply of the Han army. teachers and other issues.

He even considered the situation where Lian Wangyi thought of exchanging space for time, waiting for the main force of the Han army, and then recovering the lost ground.

So at this time, the main force of the Yellow Turban Army led by Xu An was not at the ferry on the north bank of Fenshui, preparing to cross the river, but had arrived in the southwest of Luliang Mountain in Hedong County.

That is to say, the mountain area in the west of Caisangjin, ten miles away.

As for the Yellow Turban Army Dazhai on the north bank of Fenshui, only He Man and more than [-] soldiers remained.

Xu An asked He Man to lead the army, build an empty stronghold, and collect ships everywhere, creating the illusion that he was about to go south in a big way, so as to confuse the Han army on the south bank.

The Han army on the south bank was on the defensive. Although they sent out scouts, there were not many of them. It was only based on the camps and what they saw along the way that the approximate number of the Yellow Turban Army was estimated.

 At ten o'clock in the evening, there will be an update. By the way, for the sake of keeping a close eye, a particularly famous character in the novel will appear in the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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