The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 199 Lu Bu

Chapter 199 Lu Bu
Sharp whistles came and went in the forest, and a large number of ambushes of the Yellow Turban Army jumped out of the dense forest.

In a short time, the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were only thirty steps away from the formation formed by the Han Army!

"call out----"

The whistle sounded, and those yellow angels wearing vicious visors all stopped.

"Raise the crossbow!"

In the shouts of their respective superiors, they raised the crossbow in their hands.


The dense crossbow arrows shot towards the hastily formed army formation of the Han army on the official road.

The crossbow bolt stared at Qu Yuanshield, and made a muffled sound of "Du" and "Du".

But the curved edge shield is not a tower shield after all. It can cover the whole body and form a shield formation. The protection against arrows is only a small part. Crossbow arrows can still be shot into the formation through the gaps in the curved edge shield in the Han army formation.

In the formation of the Han army, under the direct control of the Yellow Turban Army in a round of arrow rain, more than a dozen people inevitably fell, and several gaps appeared in the tight formation.


The crossbow arrows only fired a salvo, and the yellow angels abandoned the crossbow machine in their hands and rushed straight towards the Han army's formation.

The distance of thirty steps came in an instant.

The yellow angel in heavy armor was like a rock rolling down from the top of a mountain, with unparalleled impact, it suddenly crashed into the Han army's formation.

In just a moment, the Han army's formation was already in pieces.

How can flesh and blood be against sharp weapons, and even the halberds in their hands can hardly pierce the armor of the Yellow Angels.

A large number of yellow angels rushed into the Han army's formation, and every swing of the sharp ring-shou knife would bring a shower of blood.

These Han troops were all on the march, and only ordinary sergeants wore light leather armor and carried long halberds.

As for those officers who wore iron armor on the battle formation, Ruishi did not wear armor on the marching road, but wore a ring sword or a Han sword around his waist. Those heavy armors and weapons were all It is carried by peasants and livestock.

Otherwise, if they were just marching, those heavy armors would consume their physical strength rapidly, and when they arrived at the destination, they would be exhausted and unable to fight at all.

Combat with cold weapons requires sufficient physical strength. During the march, they need to save as much physical strength as possible during the march to ensure sufficient physical strength in hand-to-hand combat.

In general marching, the armor is carried by livestock or peasants, and even some elite heavy infantry have horses for transportation, which are commonly known as mounted infantry, that is, after riding on horseback to the designated position, they dismount and wear armor to fight in formation.

Although Xu An led the main force of the Yellow Turban Army northward, he did not reach Caisangjin so quickly.

Therefore, his current ambush of the Han army consists of only [-] Yellow Turban cavalry, [-] Yellow Angels, and his [-] personal guards, plus Xu Huang and others' personal guards. The number of people is almost over two thousand.

Among them, more than [-] yellow angels rode the horses that Xu An gathered in Shangdang County, galloping all the way here.

And when Xu An and others were marching, most of the heavier things were also carried by pack horses.

One side has strong armor and sharp blades, while the other side has incomplete armor.

And those Han soldiers are outstanding in martial arts, and the well-trained soldiers and officers even hold only a ring-shou knife in their hands.

How can the ring head knife cut through the thick armor?

Without the armor and the cover of the tower shield, the Han army's formation collapsed almost instantly under the impact of the yellow angels.

The other formation of the Han army was even worse. The cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army threw only one round, and it caused a rain of blood and wailing in the Han army's formation.

At this time, the gap in the Han army's formation was also exposed. Xu Huang pulled the reins, and the Hualiu horse under his seat neighed, kicked its hind feet on the ground, and jumped out of the Han army's formation.

There was no time for the Han army in the formation to react, the Hualiu horse fell heavily, and one of the Han army was unable to dodge, and was trampled under the hooves of Hualiu.

The huge impact directly shattered his chest cavity, blood gushed out from his chest cavity, mouth and nose, and the look in his eyes was rapidly dissipating.

Xu Huang's long ax swept across, and several Han soldiers in the fourth formation fell to the ground one after another.

"call out----"

There was a screech.

Lu Bu looked at where Xu Huang was. The hundred-man Han army formation on the official road had been pierced by the Yellow Turban cavalry led by Xu Huang.

At this time, the entire official road had become a mess, crying, shouting, and screaming gathered together, and the red and yellow soldiers were entangled together.

Frightened, Hao Meng pulled Lu Bu's horse's reins and said, "Feng Xian, there is no ambush in the southwest, so let's escape before the 'moth thieves' encircle us!"

Lu Bula took the reins and refused straight away: "No, Gao Shun and the others are in the formation, how can we go first in this situation!"

"Get my halberd!"

Lu Bu turned to look at Cheng Lian and shouted loudly.

"Fengxian!" Hao Meng wanted to persuade her again.

Lu Bu's complexion changed, and he shouted angrily, "I say! Take my halberd!"

Cheng Lian hurriedly took Lv Bu's iron halberd from the saddle of the pack horse, and handed it to Lv Bu.

This iron halberd was different from the long halberds held by ordinary soldiers. It was a foot or three feet long, and even the halberd shaft was made of iron.

Seeing that Lu Bu was angry, Hao Meng didn't dare to persuade him anymore.

As soon as Lu Bu lifted the reins, he dismounted from the horse and let out a long neigh. He raised his front feet and kicked his rear feet on the ground.


Lu Bu yelled, and kicked the horse's belly with his legs. The horse under his crotch neighed, shook the horse's head, and jumped out with all four hooves.

Cheng Lian and Wei Xu looked at each other, they also rode their horses, and followed Lu Bu closely.

Hao Meng stood at the same spot, clenched the steel point gun in her hand, and stared at the backs of Lu Bu and others with flickering eyes.


Hao Meng gritted his teeth, swung his whip, and slammed it towards the buttocks of the horse. The horse under his crotch neighed a long time, but he followed after all.


At this moment, a bone-piercing icy sensation swept over from Xu Huang's right side.

Xu Huang's heart beat wildly, as if being stared at by a tiger in the forest, he turned his head suddenly.

A few tens of steps away, four Han cavalry were galloping towards him from the right.

Although it was dozens of steps away, Xu Huang could still feel the extremely strong murderous aura on the general.

Xu Huang led the Hualiu horse under his seat, with his legs clamped around the horse's belly, Hualiu galloped out, screaming loudly behind him, and hundreds of yellow scarf cavalry followed closely.

The sound of the horse's hooves sounded like thunder, and everyone's eardrums were rumbling. When the horses were driving, the headwind hit them head-on, and the sharp north wind blew on the face, freezing people like sharp knives.

The cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army charged at the four of Lv Bu with overwhelming momentum, but all this did not change Lv Bu's expression in the slightest.

"Xu Huang!" Lu Bu roared with wide eyes.

A shout rang in Xu Huang's ear.

"Come on!"

The distance of dozens of steps is reached in an instant.

In a short time, but hearing the wind blowing, the iron halberd made of black iron was rapidly growing in size in Xu Huang's pupils.

 At ten o'clock in the evening, the second update, the manuscripts are being saved, and the manuscripts are being saved!
(End of this chapter)

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