Chapter 206
Zhongping four years, March [-]st.

On the official road to the north of Anyi City, the ranks of the Han army meandered, and the marching soldiers walked slowly, raising a lot of dust on the ground.

Yuan Pang led the brigade of cavalry to march along the side of the official road, and looked away at the soldiers who were marching under his command, and turned to the north.

There was still a day's journey away from Wenxi City, and soon he was about to face the famous and virtuous teacher who beheaded Zhu Jun and repelled Lu Zhi.

Yuan Pang stared at the north solemnly, with the emperor's edict still in his arms.

The Son of Heaven entrusted the army to his command, and entrusted the life and death of the entire Hedong County to his hands. The strength of the troops in his hands was several times stronger than that of the Yellow Turban Army. However, facing Xu An, who had once defeated Zhu Jun, was still a bit of a challenge. perturbed.


Zhongping four years, March [-]th.

On Zhongmou City, countless red flags fluttered in the wind, like blood.

He Miao was dressed in black armor, standing on the top of the city tower, overlooking the scene below the city.

The inside and outside of Zhongmou City was in a mess at this time, there were traces of blood everywhere, stumped limbs and broken arms everywhere, the sound of shouting and killing, and heart-piercing wailing everywhere.

The Han army had already broken through the city of Zhongmou, and the officers and soldiers like wolves and tigers rushed into the city with their shining weapons.

The entire city of Zhongmou had been annihilated by the crowds of the Han army at this time. They found out those Xingyang mobs who had hid in their houses, cut off their heads as a military exploit, and tied the families of those Xingyang mobs with ropes like livestock. with.

He Miao watched all this with cold eyes, he did not restrain his soldiers too much.

The fact that the mob dared to rebel proved that they were ready to bear the wrath of the thunder. In the eyes of He Miao, they were even more contemptible than ants. What He Miao was thinking about at this time was not what happened in Zhongmou City.

But when he returned to Luoyang City, what position could he be promoted to with this military merit.

The lives of these grassroots people have always been regarded as trivial in the eyes of senior officials like He Miao.


In Hedong County, on the evening of March [-]th, the navy of the Han army had already occupied the ferry on the north bank.

He Man watched the Han army boats coming and going in Fenshui from the high slope with a sad face. He knew that the Han army's pontoon bridge would not be long before it was built.

The Han army on the south bank has obviously increased a lot, and the reports from Yingwei Tiqi are getting more and more urgent day by day.

Although nearly [-] soldiers had gathered in the camp of the Yellow Turban Army on the north bank, Xu An hadn't arrived for a long time, which made He Man anxious.

At this moment, a scout with a feather on his back rushed over and reported loudly to He Man, "Report, the great virtuous teacher has entered the West Village!"

He Man was also shocked when he heard the words, and laughed loudly: "Okay! The lord has finally arrived!"

In the past few days, he saw the more than [-] Han troops on the south bank, and he could hardly sleep at night, and he was worried every day.

Now that Xu An came, all the worries in his heart disappeared completely, although there are more than [-] Han troops on the South Bank, and they are the elites who came from Meiyang.

But in the eyes of He Man and others, as long as Xu An is in the Yellow Turban Army, no matter how many enemies the opponent has, they are nothing more than chickens and dogs, and it will be their great teacher Xu An who will win in the end!

It is not only He Man who has this idea in the Yellow Turban Army, it is also the idea of ​​most of the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army under Xu An's command.

After defeating the Han army led by Zhu Jun, not only Xu An's reputation skyrocketed and spread all over the world, Xu An's soldiers also greatly increased their confidence in Huang Tian's ability to win.

In fact, when Xu An had just wiped out the bandits in the Taihang Mountains, although his soldiers all obeyed Xu An's command and agreed with the Taiping Dao.

But not long after the destruction of the Million Yellow Turbans, the three generals Tiangong, Digong, and Rengong were killed in battle, and most of the thirty-six Fang Qu commanders were also killed. They were still very disturbed.

It wasn't until the Han army was defeated in the battle of Kuicheng that Xu An's army killed Zhu Jun, and the morale of the generals reached its peak, and then the troops under Xu An's command were full of confidence when they captured Shangdang like a broken bamboo.

As soon as Xu An stepped into the barracks with his cavalry, he received a warm welcome from all the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army.

"The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand, the age is in Jiazi, and the world will be prosperous!"

"Great teacher, long live!!!"

In the camp, all the soldiers with yellow scarves on their heads raised their arms and shouted loudly to their great virtuous teacher.

The deafening shouts hit like a mountain roar and a tsunami, and they soared straight to the sky.

Lu Bu, Cheng Lian and others followed Xu An not far behind, and they naturally had a panoramic view of the scene in front of them.

Lu Bu turned his head to look at Cheng Lian, Wei Yue and the others. What he saw in their eyes was incomparable longing.

Shouting in front and embracing in back, the stars are holding the moon, all eyes are on, and everyone responds with one call.

The man should be so!

On the south bank of Fenshui, the camp of the Han army stretches for more than ten miles.

Countless soldiers came and went in the camp, a large number of banners waved in the army, and a large group of cavalry roared past the outside of the camp, bringing up billowing smoke and dust, which almost covered the scorching sun in the sky.

Yuan Pang was dressed in black armour, covered with a crimson battle robe, embroidered with wild beasts in the mountains and forests with gold thread, standing on a high platform built by the bank, observing the situation of the Yellow Turban Army on the north bank.

All the generals of the Han army lowered their heads slightly, and standing behind Yuan Pang, hundreds of soldiers in heavy armor and holding long halberds surrounded Yuan Pang's high platform, which was almost impenetrable.

Wang Yi raised his head slightly to look at Yuan Pang in front of him. Although he was already a county guard, he was still a little afraid when he first saw Yuan Pang.

Yuan Pang, as the ruler of the Jin Dynasty, won the trust of Liu Hong, his character is stable and strict, and his every gesture reveals a sense of sternness and arrogance.

Especially on that face with the short beard, there was very little smile.

The cheers of the Yellow Turban Army also reached Yuan Pang's ears, and the Yellow Turban Army camp on the north bank was already in a state of chaos because of Xu An's arrival.

Yuan Pang's face became more and more serious. The morale of the Yellow Turban Army was so high that it might be difficult for them to win easily.

He turned his head slightly to look at the generals around him, as well as the soldiers around the high platform.

Sure enough, whether it was more or less generals and soldiers in the army, hesitation or fear appeared on their faces. Yuan Peng frowned slightly. Less than a year had passed since the Battle of Sunflower City. The pressure on the Han army still exists.

Although the Han army in Meiyang did not face the Taihang Yellow Turban Army directly, the news of the defeat of the Han army in the field battle and the beheading of Zhu Jun in the battle of Xu Ankui City has spread all over the world.

Coupled with the support of some caring people from the public, Xu An was even a little deified.

When these soldiers of the Han army are about to fight against the army led by this famous and illustrious teacher, they will naturally feel a little sad.

On the Fenshui River, the navy of the Han Army was busy coming and going on the river, building pontoon bridges to transport the army across the river.

Yuan Pang took a few steps forward, put his hands on the railing of the high platform, inspected the busy soldiers on the river, and asked the general beside him, "How long will it take to build the pontoon bridge?"

The general saluted respectfully, and replied: "Return to the general, all the pontoon bridges are expected to be built within two days."

Next to Yuan Pang, two soldiers walked over holding a detailed map.

The Fenshui line on the map and the route of the pontoon bridge are all depicted by red lines.

Yuan Pang nodded slightly, and turned his gaze back to the camp of the Yellow Turban Army on the north bank. The strong wind blew up the battle robes of the people on the high platform, and also blew the flags of the Han army full of camps.

(End of this chapter)

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