The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 292 The people go north, the army goes south

Chapter 292 The people go north, the army goes south

The turmoil in Hedong gradually calmed down.

Although the Huns of the Huns were still harassing Linfen and Jiangyi, they just stopped there.

Under Xu An's instruction, Xu Huang moved the residents of Linfen and Jiangyi to the north. After all, the southern border of Hedong County is not stable.

The official roads in Linfen and Jiangyi were bustling with villagers in ragged clothes heading north.

A little wealthier family still has a car to store their belongings at home, but ordinary villagers can only carry their own belongings, although in fact they don't have anything, just a little grain storage, and some Daily necessities.

Hustle and bustle with children and children, miserable single husband and only wife.

Carrying baskets and carrying burdens, supporting the old and the young, everyone's face is either numb or sad.

Teams of Yellow Turban knights riding war horses galloped past the side of the official road.

The infantry of the Yellow Turban Army, carrying banners and flags, marched in neat steps, carrying spears and walking slowly southward along the side of the official road.

The people go north, and the army goes south.

"Move forward slowly, don't be crowded!"

The cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army maintaining law and order ran back and forth, shouting loudly.

"Don't be afraid, the Xiongnu Huqi is far away in the south. Our Yellow Turban Army has established a defense line in the south, and there are soldiers escorting along the way. The Xiongnu Huqi will never come over."

Wearing wild goose feather swords on their waists and wearing black wolf uniforms, Lang Weiti rode in groups of three or four. They walked among the crowds moving north, staring at the villagers' ranks.

"The murderer dies, the wounding and theft are punished!"

With the supervision of Wolf Guard Tiqi, the people moving north also became much more orderly.

The end of the day (13:00-14:59) is approaching the hottest time of the day.

The sun in August is very venomous, there is not a cloud in the sky, there is no wind, the sun is hot above the head, and the air seems to be hot and dry.

Xu An led dozens of knights and stood on a mound next to the official road, watching the flow of people on the official road.

Xu An didn't wear any armor, just a battle robe, but after being exposed to the scorching sun for a short time, he was already sweating.

Hao Zhao and Zhang Liao also followed behind Xu An with the crowd, sweat dripped from their foreheads, but they started to practice martial arts when they were young, so these discomforts were not considered by the two of them. something.

The homeland is hard to move, the hometown complex...

Xu An sighed slightly.

In the large-scale immigration in ancient China, countless people often died on the road.

In a feudal society with underdeveloped transportation, immigration often turned into a road of death intertwined with blood and tears. Due to various reasons, many people would die on the road of migration.

Although it only moved northward from Linfen and Jiangyi.

But Xu An still mobilized a batch of military rations to ensure that the relocated people had enough food, and went to inspect the people's northward relocation in person.

Immigration must be done with great care.

Xu An didn't want to reduce the Yellow Turban Army's evaluation in the hearts of the people in Hedong County because of immigration.

The foundation of the Yellow Turban Army does not lie in tyranny, not in aristocratic families, but in the common people of the world.

The army and the people should be one family, and the army and the people should be fish and water.

The establishment of the army is originally to protect our compatriots, the people in the country, and defend our country.

But in the sad and chaotic times, in the feudal society, the army has become a tool for the rulers to maintain their rule and suppress the people.

Even sometimes the people fear soldiers more than bandits, and the people fear officials more than bandits.

There is a saying in "History of Ming Dynasty Hong Zhong Biography", "There are rumors from time to time: 'Thieves are like combs, soldiers are like grates, and soldiers are like shaving."

Thieves come like a comb, soldiers like a grate, and officials like a shave.

The army, which was supposed to protect them, plundered the people and oppressed the people even more than bandits and bandits.


The Han Dynasty ruled the world with filial piety and deposed a hundred schools of thought that only respected Confucianism.

Respecting the old and loving the young is also advocated by Confucianism.

"Mencius · King Hui of Liang" has a saying: "The old is my old, and the old of people; the young is my young, and the young of people. The world can be transported in the palm of your hand."

It means: When supporting and honoring your elders, you should not forget other old people who are not related to you.

When raising and educating your own children, you should not forget other children who are not related to you by blood.

But in fact, whenever there is a famine, a large number of farmers often go bankrupt, and they have to sell their children and daughters as a last resort.

"Guo Jubuier", one of the twenty-four filial piety, comes from the Han Dynasty.

Traveling through this troubled world, the experience along the way allowed Xu An to witness with his own eyes the plight and hardships of ordinary people in Shengdou.

Pedestrians and pawns, farmers and soldiers, each has its own suffering.

Sometimes living is just a luxury.

Xu An himself experienced that kind of suffering. The people who followed him before and those who followed him were all from poor families.

He has no way to be like those nobles and aristocratic families in the Han Dynasty who have been superior since their birth. They regard these people as dogs, grass, ants, and data on the light paper.

Now that we have come to this troubled world, if we are still like those warlords in history, and ordinary people fighting for hegemony, they just want to domineering and have fun.

Then Xu An was ashamed of the hardships he had experienced along the way, those who had always followed behind him, and those soldiers who died fighting to establish the world of Huang Tian.

So Xu An wants to change.

I want to change this world.

As for now, start by changing the relationship between the army and the people.

This is why Xu An has restrained the army since the Taihang Mountains, strictly prohibited looting, harassing the people, even trampling people's fields, damaging property, and paying compensation to the people.

Moreover, after entering Shangdang County, Xu An also encouraged the soldiers in the army to help ordinary people in their spare time.

There are also regulations in the army, and those who help the people can receive certain rewards and be rewarded in the army.

The blessings of each part and song are also mixed with the spread of the concept of the general and the people's family when preaching.

This move also greatly changed the impression of the people in Shangdang County on the Yellow Turban Army at that time, and the distorted propaganda of the Han court could not gain a firm foothold.

The public trial and execution of rural bullies by the Eagle Wolf Guards, as well as the rising public security under the army's rule, strengthened the people's trust in the Yellow Turban Army.

It is precisely because of these actions that the Yellow Turban Army has gained the trust of a large number of people in Shangdang County.

After Xu An entered the Bingzhou, the number of people who converted to Taiping Dao in Shangdang County suddenly increased.

The people go north, and the army goes south.

Although the migration journey was short, Xu An decided to make a fuss about this migration.

Xu An wants to let the people under the rule of the Yellow Turban Army understand that the Yellow Turban Army is not another force to replace the Han court to oppress them.

Instead, they will protect their army in times of crisis, and they will come to help their army when they need help.

But this immigration is not just for this reason, there is another point.

Because these people moved away from their homeland, and the tyrants of Hedong County escaped and fled into Wubao, Xu An also obtained a large amount of land.

This matter is also a good opportunity for the implementation of the Mintun pilot project.

 There will be another update at 10:[-] p.m.

(End of this chapter)

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