The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 301 Enlightenment

Chapter 301 Enlightenment
Zhongping four years, November.

Under the waves of immigration and disarmament with great fanfare by the Yellow Turban Army.

The Meng School, the County School, and the Guo School in Jinyang City have all been built.

County studies and Chinese studies are basically useless, and no one is enrolled.

At the beginning of Mengxue's establishment, there were not many students enrolled, but soon Xu An issued a decree.

Students who enter Mengxue do not need to pay any tuition fees, provide free meals, and even reduce half of the tax at home.

As soon as the decree came out, there was almost a crowd of people outside Mengxue, full of parents who wanted to send their children to Mengxue.

But correspondingly, Xu An also raised the admission standards for some novice students, choosing the best ones.

An elementary school can only accommodate more than a hundred boys.

Now under the rule of the Yellow Turban Army, there are a total of [-] cities, of which nine cities in Hedong County have the most dense population, so each city in Xu'an has added three Mengxue, and the towns with large populations in Taiyuan and Shangdang counties have also set up some Mengxue. .

Therefore, under the rule of the Yellow Turban Army, there were a total of [-] Mongolian Schools.

In November, nearly [-] children attended the school.

[-] children are enrolled at the same time. Such a large-scale and concentrated enrollment of children can be said to be unprecedented.

In the past, there were only bamboo slips, which could only be handwritten. If a document had to be copied [-] times, the amount of work would simply be terrifying.

But with woodblock printing, and cheap, durable yellow sky paper, all this is no longer a problem.

The paper-making workshop has expanded day and night, and the engraving and printing workshop has also expanded several times, almost non-stop.

But on such a scale and at such a speed, it is also a difficult test to print [-] copies of the "Three Character Classic" and "Thousand Character Classic".

The children who entered the school this time, the Yellow Turban Army basically selected older ones.

Although he is older, he eats more and more, and the financial pressure is quite high.

However, there is a lack of civil servants in the Yellow Turban Army, and there is a lack of documents in the army. The selection of older children by elementary school is to fill the vacancies in these places quickly after being taught by elementary school.

Taoist halls in various places have finally reached seventy.

The school system of Daotang comes once a year, and there are more than [-] students in the first period, who are filled in the offices of Hedong County and Yinglangwei, which barely allows the Yellow Turban Army to survive.

As for the students in the second period, it is estimated that there will be nearly [-] students by next year.

As long as the second batch of students graduate, then Xu An's situation will be much better.

There is no need to set up additional Taoist halls. When those students return to the army, they can directly start literacy classes in the army.

When the army is not training, those students can teach ordinary soldiers to read and write.

Although the results have been remarkable, the two educational institutions, Daotang and Xuetang, have further consumed the finances of the Yellow Turban Army.

The expansion of the workshop and the food and clothing expenses of the students all require financial support.

If he hadn't got half of the money from the wealthy and powerful in Hedong County, Xu An would not have made up his mind to promote Enlightenment.

According to the current consumption, the money accumulated by the Yellow Turban Army can last until June of next year at most.

Military training, Taoist halls, schools, as well as the construction of water conservancy, cattle administration, and horse administration, all consume the bulk of money and food.

But these can't be stopped at one place, and one can't be saved.

To break the situation, the Yellow Turban Army must maintain these sustainable developments.

"Ming Gong, [-] children are going to school, isn't that too much?"

Although Yan Zhong knew that the Yellow Turban Army lacked scholars and useful officials, [-] people enrolled.

This is also...too crazy.

"No, not much."

Xu An raised his hand to stop Yan Zhong's words, his expression was a little excited.

"Enlightenment education is the most important thing, [-] children are enrolled in school, military division, do you know what this means?!"

Yan Zhong smiled wryly and said, "It means that money and food flow out of the treasury like the water of the Yellow River."

Xu An stopped and said with a smile: "There are nearly [-] reserve soldiers in the military station, and these [-] people will go to farm. One will ebb and flow, and the other will support [-] out-of-production children. The financial pressure is actually beyond imagination. CUHK."

"The matter of money and food is small, but the merits of this matter are in the present age, and the benefits will be in the future!"

"Is Minggong's statement a bit exaggerated?"

In Yan Zhong's view, although there are more than [-] children enrolled in school, it is indeed a precedent, but it is a bit exaggerated to say that the merits are in the present and the benefits are in the future.

"Not an exaggeration."

Xu An sat cross-legged in front of Yan Zhong's copybook, and said solemnly.

"Since ancient times, the ruling class has been ignorant and weak people. Those who dare to rebel and rebel will be slaughtered to deter the world."

"Guangzong, Xiaquyang, and Huangfusong built the Beijing Temple to deter other potential rebels."

"The military adviser should be very clear that our Yellow Turban Army, Taiping Dao, and most of the powerful families are on the opposite side. Our foundation is not in the powerful or powerful families, but in the vast number of ordinary people. Am I right?"

Yan Zhong nodded, Xu An's words were indeed correct.

Seeing Yan Zhong's approval, Xu An continued, "A ruler is a boat; a commoner is water. Water can carry a boat, and it can also capsize it."

"I asked the military division, who is now controlling the public opinion in this world, who is controlling the mouthpiece of this big man?"

Yan Zhong pondered for a moment, put down the silk fan, and said: "Emperor Guangwu relied on the powerful family to obtain the world. Although the world is controlled by the big man in name, in fact the powerful family has a wide influence. The public opinion of the world depends on the powerful family."

"What the military adviser said is exactly that the mouthpiece of public opinion in the world is controlled by the powerful family."

Xu An stretched out his hands, opened his fingers and said to Yan Zhong.

"If the population of the world is replaced by ten fingers of my hand, then the proportion of powerful families is only one finger, but the people of the world have nine fingers. Why is one finger better than nine fingers?"

"It's all because of reading and literacy, and the knowledge you have mastered. The powerful family monopolizes knowledge, and there are countless books in the mansion. However, ordinary people have no chance to learn half of the knowledge in that book."

"Many books only have solitary copies. The military commander is very knowledgeable, so there must be some books that he wants to read, but they are hidden in his house, so they must not be peeped at?"

Xu An stood up and retracted his ten fingers.

"The art of war and the book of war lie in the general's family, and the classics and meanings lie in the great Confucian's family. The peasants and pawns in the countryside are illiterate. distort right and wrong."

Yan Zhong looked at Xu An steadfastly, he didn't expect that Xu An was not from a famous family, but he could see this matter so clearly.

"I'll post a notice announcing the decree in the countryside, the market, and the rice fields. If the people are literate, how can they be easily distorted by powerful families or some people with good intentions?"

It is actually useless to rely on the force of the Yellow Turban Army to break through.

Even if all the aristocratic families are killed, there will still be new aristocratic families.

What is useful is to make more people literate, able to understand edicts and regulations, and not be deceived by them.

It will not let the original good governance turn into bad governance.

Only when the people are no longer illiterate, only when the people are no longer ignorant, and only when new ideas are injected into them, can the Yellow Turban Army have hope.

"The world is dark. For thousands of years, the common people have been submissive and have suffered a lot, but they are used to it. They occasionally resist, but they are violently killed."

"The [-] children will receive new education and enlightenment education, and they will become the light that illuminates this dark world."

Xu An looked solemn and said solemnly.

"Moreover, it's not just these children. The next step is to complete the army, and I will also promote enlightenment education in the army."

"I want them to know who they are fighting for and why!"

(End of this chapter)

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