The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 339 Clues

Chapter 339 Clues
Jian Shuo, who was supposed to arrive three days later, has already brought people to Gaoyi City.

Shen Yu's complexion changed drastically, why did he enter the city at this time.

Now that Wang Fen commits suicide by taking poison, most of the clues have been cut off. There are only two uncertain clues. One is that Xu You, Wang Fen's aide, may be involved.

The other is that today Wang Fen pretended to be a military officer and went to a hidden house, a sneaky coachman.

But the coachman seemed to be in good order, and he sent someone to follow him, it was just a precautionary move, and most likely he couldn't find anything.

It can be said that Gaoyi's embroidered clothes envoys have completely neglected their duties in the matter of Wang Fen so far.

Shen Yu's face is as heavy as water. He has offended many people for the position of the Embroidered Clothes Envoy Captain.

If he is dismissed, I'm afraid... it will be difficult to end well.


As soon as Jian Shuo entered Gaoyi, he led a group of guards straight to Gaoyi's government office without stopping.

Hundreds of riders galloped together, billowing smoke and dust, all the pedestrians along the road ran away in panic, no one dared to stand in front of the road.

Jian Shuo rode fast all the way, and soon saw a group of soldiers outside the Yamen of Gaoyi Mansion.

Jian Shuo just glanced at it, and found that something was obviously wrong with the atmosphere outside the government office.

There should not be so many soldiers guarding the government office. It is obviously very unreasonable for so many soldiers to be outside the government office.

Jian Shuo raised his fist and reined in the horse.

All the knights following Jian Shuo also reined in and stopped.

The horse neighed suddenly, and the sound of hooves disappeared.

Jian Shuo looked at the two sides vigilantly. Originally, Jian Shuo thought that Wang Fen knew that he was coming and wanted to take him down immediately, but there were no soldiers ambushing on both sides.

And the soldiers outside the government office didn't intend to step forward.

"I am Jian Shuo, Captain of the Military Academy. Why are there so many soldiers guarding the government office?"

Jian Shuo observed for a while, no longer hesitated, he rode forward and showed his token, and asked in a deep voice.

"Admiral Lieutenant!"

Cold sweat instantly flowed down from the body of the Han Junjun who was guarding the door.

Jian Shuo's name, although he is only a junior military officer, is no stranger to him.

There are also rumors among the market that the Forbidden Army went north to aid Youzhou.

The latest leader of the imperial army was Jian Shuo, the captain of the military academy, and Jian Shuo was in charge of the Embroidered Clothes Envoy, how could they not know about the evil reputation of the Embroidered Cloth Envoy.

"Reporting to Captain, there was a murder case in the mansion, Wang Zhoumu committed suicide by taking poison, that's why I lead the army to guard the mansion."


Jian Shuo's pupils suddenly dilated a little.

He never expected that Wang Fen committed suicide by taking poison.

Jian Shuo's face became gloomy. Previously, the Gaoyi Embroidered Clothes Emissary did not dare to startle the snake, so he did not investigate further. Now that Wang Fen committed suicide by taking poison, the clues were broken.

Jian Shuo asked coldly, "Where is Shen Yu?"

The Marquis of the Han Army quickly replied: "Captain Shen is currently in the government office."

"Get on the horse."

Jian Shuo beckoned lightly, and someone brought a war horse, and ordered.

"Take me there."


The Marquis of the Han Army did not dare to refuse, so he mounted his horse and led Jian Shuo to the government office.

And the knights brought by Jian Shuo also took over the military power of the soldiers outside the Fuyamen at this time.

Soon, Jian Shuo saw Shen Yu standing in the courtyard, wearing the embroidered captain's clothes.

Shen Yu is the captain Jian Shuo single-handedly picked him up, so Jian Shuo naturally recognized him.

"Shen Yu, meet the Commander."

When Shen Yu and others saw Jian Shuo coming, they all bowed and saluted.

For the establishment of the Embroidered Clothes Envoy, Liu Hong also borrowed some details from the Eagle Wolf Guard in the Yellow Turban Army.

Jian Shuo is in charge of the Embroidered Clothes Envoy, and his position is to command the envoy.

From top to bottom, in order, the Commander, the Governor, the Captain, the Gold Seal, the Silver Seal, the Bronze Seal, and the Iron Seal.

The captain is in charge of a state, the gold seal envoy is in charge of a county, the silver seal envoy is in charge of a county, and the iron seal envoy is the most basic officer.

Under the iron seal envoys, they are collectively referred to as assistants. Strictly speaking, these people are not embroidered envoys, but minions recruited locally by the embroidered envoys to assist the embroidered envoys in their actions.

Most of the assistants are rangers or desperadoes.

Jian Shuo didn't get off his horse, he had already seen Wang Fen's dead body in the house.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Jian Shuo's face was frosty, looking down at Shen Yu from above.

He didn't know exactly what happened in Gao Yi, why Wang Fen was so afraid of committing suicide.

The death of Yizhou Zhoumu, no matter what, is a big event.

Although the Embroidered Clothes Emissary has some evidence against Wang Fen, he can still accuse Wang Fen of the crime.

But no matter how reasonable it is, it will undoubtedly cause backlash from those aristocratic families in the court, which is also a troublesome matter.

"After verification, Wang Fen did commit suicide out of fear of crime and died by taking poison."

Shen Yu bowed her body, not daring to straighten her back.

"But we have caught two important clues, and now we have ordered people to arrest the criminal."

Jian Shuo led the restless horse, walked a few steps, and asked under his breath.

"Let me ask you why Wang Fen was so afraid of committing suicide. What did your embroidered emissary in Gaoyi do? A slender man suddenly appeared on Shen Yu's forehead. He was pulled up by Jian Shuo. Naturally, he also knew Jian Shuo's methods.

"I was assigned a command mission, but only slightly strengthened the manpower to monitor the people around Wang Fen, and did not use any extreme methods, nor did I have any conflicts with them."

Jian Shuo snorted coldly, he was not satisfied with this answer.

"Then why is Wang Fen so afraid of committing suicide?"

"The subordinate thinks..."

Shen Yu was sweating profusely in anxiety, racking his brains thinking that Jian Shuo put too much pressure on him, and he really couldn't bear the risk of losing his position as captain.

He had to give Jian Shuo a satisfactory answer, otherwise, even if Jian Shuo didn't pursue his responsibility and just dismissed him, but he had already provoked so many enemies, he would definitely not be able to survive.

Just when Jian Shuo was about to get impatient, Shen Yu finally remembered an incident reported to him by an iron envoy not long ago.

Shen Yu hurriedly said: "This subordinate thinks that Wang Fen's suicide should have something to do with what happened today."


Jian Shuo cherished words like gold, he looked at Shen Yu indifferently, waiting for Shen Yu's explanation.

"At today's hour, Wang Fen pretended to be a military officer in the government office and left the government office. He went to a remote house. Not long after, a driver who delivered food went to his house. It took about two quarters of an hour before he came out."

"It's very possible that Wang Fen was terrified and committed suicide by taking poison because of the stimulation he received in that remote house today."

"The Embroidered Clothes Envoy who was in charge of monitoring has already caught up with the coachman. We already know his location. I have also sent some more people to assist in the monitoring. If there is any change, we can take it down immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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