The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 347 Jinyang Conference

Chapter 347 Jinyang Conference

Bingzhou, Taiyuan County, and Jinyang City Government Office.

On May [-]st, there were only three months to go before the decided date of the uprising.

All the decorations of the government offices and offices in Jinyang City have been removed.

The majestic government office that once looked magnificent has long been changed beyond recognition because of the Yellow Turban Army's move-in.

Those ornamental plants, rockeries, and pools were all removed and buried.

Now all the affairs of the Yellow Turban Army and Taiping Road must be handed over to Jinyang City.

The political and military center of the Yellow Turban Army here, as well as the staff working in the government office, are far higher than the size of the Han army in Jinyang City before.

Therefore, those things that were originally used for viewing and had no practical use were removed. As for the places where the dignitaries and nobles rested, they were also removed one by one.

There is no such thing as privilege in the Yellow Turban Army. Most of the generals and officials of the Yellow Turban Army, including Xu An, have basically the same food, clothing, housing and transportation as ordinary soldiers and civil servants.

The places where all the generals and officials of the Yellow Turban Army live are not magnificent places.

Although he defeated the Xiongnu, he obtained part of the money, food such as cattle and sheep, and free manpower.

But now the financial crisis of the Yellow Turban Army has not been resolved, and the seized money from powerful families, as well as the taxes collected, only barely allow the Yellow Turban Army to survive.

Like Han Ting, the food cost of one meal per person of the aristocrats of the aristocratic family would even consume a few days for a full hundred people.

Dahan has thirteen prefectures with tens of millions of people. The current Yellow Turban Army only occupies one part of Bingzhou with a population of one million.

Now is not the time to enjoy, nor should it be.

Your salary, your salary, the people's anointing and the people's fat.

Extravagance and waste were strictly prohibited by Xu An in the Yellow Turban Army.

Sugar-coated cannonballs, luxurious places are the easiest to corrode people's will.

The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the late Qing Dynasty is a good example.

In the early days of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, they made great strides all the way, winning consecutive battles.

After defeating the Qing army and occupying Nanjing, the rulers of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom became increasingly corrupt, greedy for pleasure, indulging in a luxurious life, and completely divorced from the people.

According to the "Modern History of China": after the Taiping Army entered Nanjing, they immediately built large-scale construction projects, expanded the Yamen of Liangjiang Governor into Tianwang Mansion, demolished a large number of private houses, and employed tens of thousands of male and female laborers.

"It will take half a year to complete, and it will be extremely magnificent", and it was destroyed by fire.

In 1854, the palace and garden of more than ten miles around were rebuilt on the original site, and the materials used were extremely luxurious. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as magnificent and extravagant. .

And the construction of the East Prince's Mansion was also extremely ingenious, pleasing to the eye, and consumed a lot of money. .

Even the clothes in crown shoes, ceremonial guards and horses are extremely luxurious and extravagant.

In addition, the heavenly king Hong Xiuquan continued to choose beautiful women from the people to enter the palace. Until later, there were as many as thousands of beautiful women in the palace.

The corrupt life corrupted the generals of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, corrupted Hong Xiuquan, and corrupted the army of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

In this way, the final victory was easily delivered to the hands of the Qing court.

With the lessons learned from the past, Xu An is naturally more careful and vigilant.

It is not only easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but also easier to indulge.

This was the case with many rogues in the late Ming Dynasty. Many of them really couldn't survive at the beginning and rose up.

But when some of them tasted plunder, tasted pleasure.

They quickly corrupted, broke away from the masses, and turned into despicable bandits.

With Xu An's strict orders and his personal example, most of the generals of the Yellow Turban Army were not corrupted by the extravagant and corrupt life.

However, in the Yellow Turban Army, it was inevitable that some corrupted people would appear. Fortunately, the Eagle Wolf Guards did not disappoint Xu An, and they completed their mission very well.


On the first day of May, the residents of Jinyang City felt a little different.

At the city gates on all sides, more and more generals of the Yellow Turban Army in military uniforms, or literati in Confucian uniforms appeared.

Moreover, the goal of these people is to go to the middle of the government office in Jinyang City.

The weather in early May was not very hot, and being in the house, on the contrary, it made people feel a little cool.

In the Jinyang city government office, a renovated lobby is already full of people.

In the lobby, all the officers above the rank of Sima in the Yellow Turban Army were sitting, as well as important officials from various ministries.

There was a little hustle and bustle in the hall, and people who knew each other were discussing in low voices.

Not long ago, a transfer order summoned almost all the top leaders of the Yellow Turban Army to the government office in Jinyang City.

Everyone knows that this meeting is far more important than before, and everyone is discussing and guessing what will happen next.

The previous meetings of the Yellow Turban Army were held in a small area, and the participants were basically generals or school lieutenants such as Liu Pi, Gong Du, and Zhang Yan. Civil officials from all cities were summoned.

After a while, Xu An's figure appeared in front of everyone, Yan Zhong and Liu Pi followed behind slowly.

All the hustle and bustle in the lobby subsided instantly, and everyone's eyes were focused on Xu An almost at the same time.

"Meet the great virtuous teacher!"

All the generals and officials in the hall stood up and bowed respectfully to Xu An.

"Everyone, please take a seat."

Xu An returned a salute, made a gesture of please sit down, and then went straight to the first seat.

With a serious face, Yan Zhong returned a salute, then followed Xu An to the front seat, and sat not far from Xu An's right hand.

Liu Pi remained silent, followed behind Xu An, and sat not far from Xu An's left hand
After receiving Xu An's response, everyone sat back down again.

Yan Zhong inspected the hall, a group of generals and officials of the Yellow Turban Army who were sitting upright.

When he came in, the eagle wolf Wei Tiqi who was guarding outside the hall had already told him that all the people who had been summoned had arrived.

Yan Zhong raised his hand and calmly removed the paperweight on Huang Tianzhi, and then picked up the documents on the desk.

"The purpose of summoning all of you to the Jinyang City Government Office today is to discuss the system of our Taiping Dao and formulate the next strategy."

"Li Lou Zhiming, the coincidence of the public loser, if you don't follow the rules, you can't make a square."

"Nowadays, the power of our army is increasing day by day, the number of villagers under our rule is increasing day by day, and the land we live in is very vast. No matter the agricultural administration, civil administration, or military administration are in urgent need of rectification."

"Only by agreeing on a system and a clear division of labor can we solve the problems that are currently backlogged in our Yellow Turban Army."

"The first thing discussed today is to clarify responsibilities, divide areas, and reunite on Taiping Road."

"The second point is to agree on a strategy."

"Although our army has defeated the Xiongnu, there are still other hidden dangers around, and it is not time to rest."

"So our army needs to formulate a new strategy and seek development."

(End of this chapter)

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