The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 355 Mo Nan Medal

Chapter 355 Mo Nan Medal
"The bloody battle in Shuofang, the northern settlement of Monan, the Hu people dare not go south to herd horses, and the soldiers dare not bend their bows to complain."

Standing in front of sixty soldiers, Xu An said with emotion.

Tian Zhang straightened his back again, and stared ahead.

"A man should die in the wilderness, wrap his body in horse leather and bury his ears. The dead are gone, and the living must move on."

"All we can do is to live with our dead robes, dead comrades, their ambitions, and their wishes, and fight for them!"

Tian Zhang's eye sockets were a little moist. Along the way, familiar people left without knowing how many times.

In the bloody battle in Shuofang, the crazy and ferocious face of the Huns seemed to appear before his eyes again, the bloody battlefield, the soldiers fighting hard...

"You are the most outstanding fighters in the military camp."

"It is precisely because of your hard work that we can defeat the Huns, and it is precisely because of your sacrifice that we can conquer Monan."

"On behalf of Tai Ping Dao, I would like to pay you the highest respect."

Xu An put his right hand on the heart of his left chest, and said solemnly.

The yellow angel held the brocade box in both hands and handed it to Xu An.

Xu An solemnly took out a round medal from the brocade box.

On the periphery of the medal is a circle of panchi patterns, and in the center is a shield painted with animal patterns.

Wang Qi stood at the first place in the first column.

At this moment, he looked at Xu An, holding the medal in his hand, and walked over slowly.

Wang Qi only felt dry mouth for a while, and his body was extremely stiff. He couldn't do other movements, but he just kept standing upright as much as possible.

"Your name is Wang Qi, right?"

Xu An walked in front of Wang Qi, and at the same time, the voice of inquiry rang in Wang Qi's ear.

Wang Qi looked at Xu An who had a serious expression in front of him, and for some reason, the tension in his heart began to slowly disappear.

"Leaded by the military pawn battalion, there were fifty-three people in Shuofang's team before the battle. Twenty-three people were killed and eleven were injured in the bloody battle in Shuofang,"

Wang Qi didn't speak, not because he didn't want to, but because of the sadness in his heart that made it hard for him to speak.

Thirty-four people were buried in Shuofang, and he remembered the names of each of them. They were his subordinates, his comrades in arms, and the robes he could entrust his life to.

"When the Xiongnu infantry attacked, you didn't retreat. Instead, you held the flag high and led the remaining soldiers to fight. You were wounded five times and shot three arrows until the reinforcements arrived."

"The whole team has achieved one hundred and one ranks in battle, beheading two hundred chiefs of the Xiongnu."

The combat exploits of the Yellow Turban Army on the battlefield are calculated based on the enemy's left ear, and one left ear is the first level.

Xu An read out the achievements of Wang Qi's team. He spent the whole night memorizing the names and combat achievements of the sixty officers and soldiers who were selected for the honor.

These soldiers followed him thousands of miles, going through life and death, if possible, Xu An wanted to remember everyone's names.

Not only the living, but also the dead.

Xu An had long thought of building the Martyr's Shrine to commemorate the soldiers who died in battle.

It's a pity that there is a shortage of clerks in the army, there is no way to record everyone's names, there are not so many bamboo slips, and there is not so much manpower.

There is also no safe place for Xu An to build the Martyr's Shrine.

Although the successive victories encouraged the generals of the Yellow Turban Army and the followers of Taiping Dao.

But Xu An was not dazzled by the victory. He knew the hidden power of the Han Empire, and he knew what kind of storm would be caused by the chaotic world at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

However, now Xu An has made up his mind.

Xu An plans to build a high platform and a square in Jinyang's North City.

The souls of those who died in battle returned to Huang Tian, ​​which should also be engraved in the hearts of future generations.

"On behalf of Taipingdao, I award you the Shuofang Medal to prove that you participated in the battle of Shuofang."

Xu An solemnly hung the medal in Wang Qi's chest.

Fog floated in front of Wang Qi's eyes.

"On behalf of Taipingdao, I award you the Monan Medal in recognition of your bravery in the bloody battle in Shuofang."

Xu An hung a medal on Wang Qi's chest again.

Then Xu An stretched out his right hand and held Wang Qi's right hand.

Xu An tightly held Wang Qi's right hand, and said solemnly: "I will always remember the feats you made, and Taipingdao will always remember the feats you made, I will never forget, Yellow Turban Army No, Taiping Road will not, and the people standing behind us will definitely not."

"I will build a brand-new square in the northern city of Jinyang, and I will ask craftsmen to carve a monument to stand in the center of the square, to fight for Huang Tian, ​​engrave all the names of the soldiers who died on it, and enshrine it with incense for generations , let the world remember forever."

"On the day when we establish the World of the Yellow Sky, everyone will be able to see those pioneers who fought for the World of the Yellow Sky in front of the Stele of Loyalty."


Wang Qi responded loudly.

He wiped away the tears in front of his eyes, and his eyes became firm again.

Xu An patted Wang Qi on the shoulder and walked to the right.

A Monan Medal and a Shuofang Medal were awarded to Chen Wu by Xu An.

Then there are Yang Mu and Tian Zhang.

Tian Zhang looked ahead, and from the corner of his eye, he saw that Xu An had put the medal on Yang Mu's body.

Xu An read out their military exploits and names clearly, without any mistakes or omissions.

Even the details that Yang Mu was a soldier who surrendered after the Battle of Chishiling were recorded.

Xu An took another step and walked in front of Tian Zhang,
Tian Zhang suppressed his excitement and looked straight ahead. He was a little panicked. He stared at Xu An's chin, not daring to look up at Xu An.

To Tian Zhang's surprise, Xu An did not honor him first, nor did he speak to him.

Instead, he stretched out his hands and straightened his crumpled clothes.

"Tian Zhang, the battle of Shuofang has achieved thirteen levels of achievement, rescued teammates, and beheaded one of the Xiongnu's hundred chiefs."

"On behalf of Taipingdao, I award you the Monan Medal in recognition of your bravery in the bloody battle in Shuofang."

After tidying up Tian Zhang's crumpled clothes, Xu An solemnly put the Monan Medal on Tian Zhang's chest.

Tian Zhang's nose was slightly sour, and his eye sockets became red.

"On behalf of Taipingdao, I award you the Shuofang Medal to prove your participation in the battle of Shuofang."

Xu An put the second medal on Tian Zhang's chest.

A medal after another was worn by Xu An on the chests of sixty soldiers.

Ti Qi, who injured the Eagle Wolf Guard on the school field, held the wooden box and delivered the iron-cast medals to the leaders of each team.

The "Shuofang Medal" is in full bloom in the wooden box.

The Shuofang Medal is proof of their participation in the Battle of Shuofang.

"Wan Sheng!!!"

There was a tsunami-like sound, and the award ceremony was over.

Yan Zhong looked at an excited soldier under the stage, and at the excited soldiers on the stage.

He had never understood why Xu An ordered craftsmen to rush to make these so-called "medals".

Now Yan Zhong understood that he had greatly underestimated the power and role of those medals.

 The old problem of insomnia suddenly happened again last night, there may only be one update today, and it must be made up in the next two days
(End of this chapter)

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