Chapter 364
On May [-], Xu An led the main force of the Yellow Turban Army to the west of Daijun.

Daijun left only a small amount of security force in the west. They were the security cavalry of Banshi City. This little cavalry was quickly swept out by the cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army.

On the evening of May [-]rd.

Xu An led [-] Yellow Turban Army main forces out of the customs and arrived at the outskirts of Banshi City, which is the city closest to Bingzhou in Dai County.

There are [-] county soldiers gathered in Banshi City, more than [-] local braves, and nearly [-] garrison forces. The city is solid, with sufficient weapons, and occupies a dangerous terrain.

This city is the frontier fortress that Daijun guarded against the Yellow Turban Army.

Theoretically speaking, Ban's City is unbreakable. If the Yellow Turban Army wants to capture this strong city, it will undoubtedly consume a lot of manpower and material resources, and may even be dragged down under Ban's City by the continuous reinforcements supporting Ban's City.

But the strong city is indeed difficult to break from the outside, but if it is from the inside...

You must know that Youzhou is the most affected area of ​​Taiping Road, even the border states and counties like Dai County.

On the eve of the cockcrow on the [-]th, when everything is silent.

The Taipingdao believers in Ban's City set fire to the city, causing commotion, and gathered hundreds of people to storm the city gate.

Taking fire as a sign, when the fire in the city ignited, the Yellow Turban Army outside the city responded immediately.

Xu An personally supervised the battle, and sent the most elite troops under his command - the Yellow Angels to fight against the trapped camp.

The two heavy armored troops are in front, followed by the well-armed Yellow Turban soldiers. The three armies will move forward together. Gao Shun, Zhou Cang, Song Xian, Wei Xu, Guo Daxian and others will compete to climb the wall first.

Responding from the inside to the outside, and attacking from both inside and outside, they broke through the strong Ban's City in one fell swoop.

The destruction of Ban's City also indicates that there is no place in Dai County that can effectively stop the khaki torrent.

May [-]th.

Xu An led a battalion of [-] Xiao cavalry, and Bingzhou Yicong [-]. A total of [-] cavalry rushed for hundreds of miles and defeated the Han army in the southern part of Daijun who was fighting with Liu Shijun.

On the same day, Pingshu City in the south was occupied by the Yellow Turban Southern Army led by Zhang Yan and the subsequent infantry. The southern Han army was mainly on guard against the Taihang Mountain bandits near Dai County.

Pingshu is in the hinterland, and has no defense against the Yellow Turban Army at all, only hundreds of county soldiers and thousands of village braves.

At the same time, it was also on May [-]th.

The infantry of the southern army led by Zhang Yan also arrived at the city of Yushi (Yi sound Quan, Shi Yin Jing).

By May [-]th, in just two days, the flag of the Yellow Turban Army was flying over Pingshu City, and all resisting forces had been wiped out by the Yellow Turban Army.

Even the main force of the Yellow Turban Army was not used, only a few soldiers escorted the recruited Xiongnu infantry, and they easily defeated Pingshu City.

However, there were still some small episodes when the city was broken. Although the Yellow Turban Army repeated orders and repeatedly emphasized not to plunder the city or invade the houses during the expedition, there were still a small number of Huns who broke the city. listen in.

Then they became the targets of the military judges in the Yellow Turban Army. At the gate of Pingshu City, more than [-] Xiongnu infantry who violated the military regulations were beheaded by the military judge, and their heads were hung on the gate of Yushi City. Show it to the public.

May twenty-eighth.

Xu An took over the command of Liu Shijun and led the army northward to attack Dangcheng.

Hao Meng led the order of General Xu An, led a battalion of [-] Xiaoqi, and commanded [-] troops from Bingzhouyi to the north, and rushed to Macheng, one of the two cities along the Great Wall of Daijun.

On the same day, Beiping Town in the north was also defeated by Xu Huang.

Beipingyuan, which is sandwiched between Gaoliu City and Banshi City, does not have much defensive force. Originally, there were some county soldiers leading the township warriors to fight, but because of the harassment of the Wuhuan people in the north, they were all dispatched by Wang Ze. Went to the northern Great Wall to assist in the defense.

Xu Huang easily took down Beiping Township and made it a stronghold for advancing into Gaoliu.

May [-]th.

Zhang Yan did not delay after breaking through the Yushi City. He left a part of the soldiers according to the original plan, and took over a thousand Xiongnu infantry to take over the defense of the Yushi City.

Then the troops were divided into two groups, one led by Zhang Yan himself, and they rushed towards Dong'an Yangcheng in the northeast without stopping.

On the other side, led by Sun Qing, [-] military soldiers and [-] Xiongnu infantry headed southeast to Pingshu City.

In order to ensure the speed of advancement, complete the offensive mission set by Xu An before the war.

Neither Xu Huang nor Zhang Yan took care of the Taoist city in the middle of Gaoliu and Yu's city. After all, the regular army and Xiangyong in the Taoist city were no more than a thousand people.

After Xu Huang divided a [-]-strong Bingzhou Yi Cong You Ge between the two cities, he didn't pay any attention to the Han army in Taoist City.

Just relying on the less than a thousand defenders in Taoist City, it is impossible to pose any danger to the Yellow Turban Army, and they dare not go out of the city to fight the Yellow Turban Army. Immediately he will be completely wiped out.

The northern army advanced rapidly, and had already arrived at the foot of Gaoliu City on the twenty-ninth night.

Gong Du and Zhang Liao led the remaining [-] cavalry to march towards Macheng.

As of May [-]th, less than five days had passed.

But Dai County has fallen into a state of complete loss of control. Wang Ze, who is located in Gaoliu City, has no way to contact the Han army in other cities in Shangdai County.

Eleven cities in Daijun, Banshi, Beipingyi, Yushi, and Daixian four cities have been occupied by the Yellow Turban Army.

The three cities of Pingshu, Dong'anyang, and Dangcheng, as well as Gaoliu, the prefecture of Daijun, are all under siege by the Yellow Turban Army.

Pingshu, Dong'anyang, and Dangcheng are located in the hinterland, and there are few major generals. If there is no reinforcements, it will take only a few days for the three cities to be captured.

Gaoliu City has tall walls and complete ordnance, so they can last longer.

However, it just insists that the city will not be broken, and the Han army in Gaoliu City is simply unable to govern the front line of the Great Wall.

Those Han troops guarding the Great Wall, all they could do was resign themselves to their fate. They would never be able to resist the Yellow Turban army and the Wuhuan people outside the Great Wall who attacked at the same time.

For the time being, only Daoren, Sangqian, and Macheng in Daijun were not besieged. However, Daoren and Sanggan were inland and could not support the other besieged cities at all.

And Macheng will soon encounter a long-distance attack by [-] Yellow Turban cavalry led by Hao Meng.

The [-] Yellow Turban cavalry under Hao Meng will occupy the Macheng and Ningxian areas, and guard the key passage in the north of the two counties.

Six thousand Bingzhou righteous generals led by Gong Du and Zhang Liao came from the west and surrounded Macheng with Hao Meng's troops.

Although the cavalry cannot attack the city, the Yellow Turban Army does not need to attack the city, but only needs to trap the defenders of Macheng.

Then cooperate with the Wuhuan tribe inside and outside, open a gap at the northern pass of Jiangma City, and let the Wuhuan people enter the south of the Great Wall.

On June [-], this was the eighth day of the Yellow Turban Army's offensive.

Both Pingshu City and Dang City were destroyed, and the Yingwei who had lurked into the city led the Taiping Taoist believers in the city to set off a rebellion, and cooperated with the Yellow Turban Army outside the city to successfully seize control of the two cities.

The only pity is that the guards of Dong'an City were quite vigilant and suppressed the commotion in the city in time, Zhang Yan still did not break into Dong'an City.

Banshi, Beipingyi, Yushi, Daixian, Pingshucheng, Dangcheng, and Liucheng fell.

Gong Du and Zhang Liao also led their troops to break through the Great Wall pass north of Macheng.

The Great Wall was breached, and Nanlou led tens of thousands of Wuhuan cavalry from the pass into Daijun.

No one can stop the Yellow Turban Army's offensive on the plain anymore.


Zhuo County, Zhuo County.

On May [-]th, Liu Yu began to receive messages from Dai County one after another. Until June [-]nd, the news became more serious day by day.

Ban's City fell, Dai County fell, southern captain Shi Ming died, and Dai County Sheriff Wang Ze was besieged in Gaoliu City by the Yellow Turban army. One pile of bad news spread to Zhuo County.

Liu Yu looked expressionlessly at the latest military report from Daijun in his hand.

This is exactly when the Great Wall's defense line was breached, and Shanggu Wuhuan was heading south in a big way.

Liu Yu was not angry, but threw it aside casually.

On May [-], Liu Yu sent a letter to the sheriff of Guangyang County, ordering him to immediately send [-] soldiers from the county to support Juyongguan.

In order to guard against the nomads in the north, Shanggu County and Dai County generally have strong and tall cities.

Because Dai County is dangerous to defend, the defense of the cities in the interior is relatively weak, but Shanggu County is not as good as Dai County, and the defense of the inner cities of Shanggu County is not as good as that of Chengyi on the border.
This scene happened to be seen by Zhao Rong, the assistant school lieutenant who had just walked in.

Zhao Rong looked a little worried, he naturally also received bad news from Daijun.

Xu An, who occupies Bingzhou, always seems to attack at such a critical time, often making the Han army difficult to care about, and has no time to separate himself.

This was true in the battle of Hedong County, and it was also true in the battle of Bingzhou.

In the Battle of Hedong County, not long after Xu An led the Yellow Turban Army to attack from Shangdang County, the Liangzhou rebels defeated the counter-rebellion army led by Geng Bi in one fell swoop.

The anti-rebel army in the entire six counties was defeated by the enemy, and the whole of Liangzhou fell.

Yuan Pang, who was transferred to Hedong County, had no choice but to return to Youfufeng area with his soldiers.

At that time, it was impossible for Xu An to negotiate with the Liangzhou Army in advance. You must know that it would take thousands of miles and countless hardships to go from Shangdang County to Liangzhou, so how could it be done easily.

As for the Battle of Bingzhou, it was a coincidence that the Southern Huns rebelled, and Xu An seized the opportunity to capture Bingzhou, which had been reduced to an isolated island, in one fell swoop.

This time, the time when Xu An attacked the two counties happened to be when the Han army in Youzhou was at its weakest.

Whether it is the overall situation or the grasp of the timing, this person is just right.

"Mr. Bo'an."

Zhao Rong walked into the room, he was not curious about the specific content of Liu Yu's lost letter.

"The fleet has already left. According to Lord Bo'an's order, apart from food and grass, he also sent a thousand pieces of iron armor, two thousand strong bows, and a few arrows to Liaoxi."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Liu Yu nodded.

The main force of the Han army in Youzhou had already been defeated by Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun, and they retreated all the way to Guangyang County. With the help of Jiancheng, they barely had the ability to defend.

However, although the main force of the Han army in Youzhou was defeated, as a big family with a pivotal position in Youzhou—the Gongsun family, their foundation is in Liaodong, Liaoxi and other places, so naturally they are not willing to be with those who are robbers and only know how to plunder. Zhang Ju peace talks.

Moreover, Zhang Ju was unwilling to negotiate peace with the Gongsun family. He and Zhang Chun had the same opinion, both wanting to uproot the Gongsun family and use the money of the Gongsun family to support their own army.

Gongsun Zan's troops were less than one-tenth of theirs, so how could they stop their iron cavalry?

It's just that as a big family that has lasted for hundreds of years, the capabilities of the Gongsun family are beyond the imagination of Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun, two powerful people.

Gongsun Zan assembled the cavalry under his command, as well as the soldiers of Gongsun's family, and the Wuhuan people attached to him, and defeated the Wuhuan cavalry marching towards the west of Liaoning one after another.

Even if Zhang Chun and Qiu Liju came in person, joined forces, and fought several battles with Gongsun Zan in the west of Liaoxi, it was just that the two sides won and lost, and the fights were evenly matched, which was quite anxious.

Contrary to Liu Yu's previous predictions, Gongsun Zan could last at most until Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun sent the main force eastward, and then they would usher in a big defeat.

Because of Gongsun Zan's victory, this time Liu Yu brought a batch of military equipment from the treasury, which was not rich in the first place, to fight Gongsun Zan with Zhang Jujun in western Liaoning.

However, Liu Yu was also not optimistic about Gongsun Zan's results. The main force of the Han army in Youzhou was defeated, and Gongsun Zan's partial division would make a difference.

In Liu Yu's view, Gongsun Zan's defeat was only a matter of time. He sent the military equipment, not because he hoped that Gongsun Zan would be able to defeat Zhang Ju.

Instead, I hope that Gongsun Zan can hold on for a while longer, until the soldiers he recruited in Zhuo County and Guangyang County not long ago have combat effectiveness.

Compared with Gongsun Zan, Liu Yu trusted himself and the soldiers he trained more.

It's just... time waits for no one...

"Have the Yellow Turban Army from Bingzhou arrived in Shanggu County?"

Zhao Rong saw that Liu Yu's complexion was slightly gloomy, and he was also a little nervous about the situation of Dai and Shanggu counties, so he asked.

Liu Yu shook his head and said.

"The current situation is still unclear. The military information I have received is all a few days ago. This time the Yellow Turban Army is well prepared, and the speed of marching is extremely rare. I am afraid that the Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army has entered Shanggu County today."

Zhao Rong's complexion changed slightly. The Yellow Turban Army entered Shanggu County. Doesn't that mean that Shanggu County is in danger? !

"It's okay, I have already asked the governor of Guangyang County to lead troops to support Duxing, and went to Juyongguan."

Liu Yu noticed Zhao Rong's expression and said in relief.

"Although the Yellow Turban Army in Bingzhou is gaining momentum under the leadership of the thief chieftain Xu An, the Yellow Turban Army is exhausted after repeated battles. The actual population of Bingzhou is only one million. How can it support him to use troops like this? Our army only needs to occupy With the military capital of Xing, we can rely on the military capital of Xing and the soldiers in Shanggu County to fight against the Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army."

"Drag into a fierce battle and consume the strength of the Yellow Turban Army, it would be better."

Seeing Liu Yu's confident look, Zhao Rong felt a little relieved.

Liu Yu nodded and continued: "The yellow scarves in Bingzhou are coming very fiercely this time. I am a little worried that Xu An will unite with Zhang Ju, so I also asked Captain Zhao to take the troops of the headquarters to Guangyang County to take over the defense of Guangyang County." , I will assign you two thousand newly trained county soldiers to enrich your defense, Zhang is powerful, you must remember to be careful, don't act rashly, the main thing is to be on guard."

"A military strategist should avoid fighting on two fronts at the same time, running back and forth, turning elite soldiers into tired ones."

"The top priority now is to deal with the Yellow Turbans of Bingzhou who want to attack the two counties. After you hand over the aid to western Liaoning to someone you can trust, immediately raise your troops and go north. I'm worried that Zhang Ju will have some other thoughts this time."

"Mr. Bo'an's entrustment, Rongding will keep it in mind."

Zhao Rong looked solemn, bowed his hands to accept the order, turned around and exited the house respectfully.

Zhao Rong is a person who knows how to advance and retreat, and he also knows how he came to the position of assistant lieutenant. He doesn't know much about military affairs, so Liu Yu's entrustment to him has always been carried out without any discount.

Liu Yu glanced at Zhao Rong's leaving back, and sighed imperceptibly.

Although he seemed to be well-rounded and seemed to have wisdom in his hands, in fact Liu Yu did not show that confidence in front of Zhao Rong.

Liu Yu was ordered to come to Youzhou to quell the rebellion this time. Naturally, he did some homework on the forces around Youzhou along the way.

Liu Yu was no stranger to Xu An's name.

From the half-walled Taihang to the current state of Hujuan, carefully reviewing Xu An's family history, Xu An has always made decisions before acting, and is definitely a cautious person.

After the destruction of the main force of the Yellow Turban Army, he led hundreds of people to fight for several years, and was able to defeat the Han army repeatedly, and even defeated Zhu Jun with an upright battle, and then established the Dingding and merged the state. Such a person is definitely not a mediocrity.

As we all know, Xing, the capital of the army, is easy to defend and difficult to attack, among which the section of Juyongguan is the most dangerous.

The Juyongguan section is dangerous, connecting Lulong and Jieshi in the east, Taihang Mountain and Changshan Mountain in the west, which is a real danger in the world.

It has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. It has two passes, the north and the south. The south is called "Nankou" and the north is called "Juyongguan".

On both sides of Juyongguan, there are majestic mountains and a [-]-mile-long valley in the middle, commonly known as "Guangou".

Now occupying the capital of the army is the Han army, and the city of Shanggu County is solid. Even if the Yellow Turban army advances rapidly, there is absolutely no way to break through it quickly, and it is bound to be dragged into a cruel tug of war.

The tug-of-war is all about manpower and material resources. Compared with the barren Bingzhou and the populous Youzhou with the financial assistance of the entire Han Dynasty, it is extremely unfavorable for the Yellow Turban Army to fall into the tug-of-war.

Liu Yu didn't believe that Xu An couldn't even see such a superficial situation.

Therefore, there is only one possibility. Since Xu An led the Yellow Turban Army to invade Dai County and Shanggu County this time, he must have something to rely on before he dared to invade the two counties.

But Liu Yu is still at a loss as to why Xu An dared to invade the two counties.

Liu Yu shook his head and cleared his mind. The successive bad news finally affected his judgment.

"Wei You."

Liu Yu said to Wei You, the chief minister beside him.

"I'm ordering [-] well-trained county soldiers to set off tomorrow at [-] o'clock and go to Xing, the capital of the army. I always feel that something is wrong."

"Send a letter to Feng Fang, the right captain of the assistant army, and set off with me to Xing, the capital of the army."

 There is another chapter, it may be late, I will send you a chapter first

(End of this chapter)

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